The Witness

Volume 41, Issue 12

March 22, 2023

Travis is out of the office this week, as it is "Reading Week" at Duke. So we're taking this opportunity to highlight a new ministry available through VBC.

Coming in April:

Vinton Baptist Church Hope Center

When I look at the Mission statement of our church, I take it very personally. To “love God and love people,” to “go and make disciples of all nations,” and to build God’s Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven” are directives I have felt most of my life.

I am an LPC, a Licensed Professional Counselor. I have been practicing in the Roanoke Valley for almost 15 years. Prior to private practice I was a school counselor and school teacher. My counseling focus is on marriage and families, co-parenting through divorce and separation, adults and children having gone through childhood trauma, and general life stressors for ages 13 and up. For more than a year God has been calling me to do more in and for our congregation. Good mental health is important for all of us; and, unfortunately, at certain times in our lives it is hard to come by.

That is where Hope Center comes in. It provides a free, private and confidential counseling opportunity for our Vinton Baptist Church family. Appointments can be made for Tuesdays 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM (last appointment @ 2:00 PM). Sessions will be at the church and can be made by calling Patsy at the church office at 540-343-7685.

-     Cathy Abraham, LPC

This Sunday, March 26th

This Sunday Travis' message is entitled, "God's Word Is Enough"; the scripture is Ezekiel 37:1-14. If you cannot join us in person, tune in through our website or Facebook group page.

Reminder: there will be a Called Business Meeting this Sunday at the conclusion of the early service and at the beginning of the 11:00 AM service to vote on the proposed members of the Children's Minister Search Committee. The HR Committee presented these nominees at the Ministry Matters meeting. They are Ken Williamson (HR representative), Heather Jones (Children's Committee representative), Travis Russell (staff representative), Christina Epperly (Deacons' representative), and Holly Graham and Ann Cranwell (members-at-large).

Youth Volleyball practice will be 1:30 PM Sunday, and there will be a Deacon Training for Hospital Visitation at 4:00 PM. Otherwise, there will be no usual Sunday evening events or activities due to Roanoke County Schools' Spring Break.

Orders for Edible Easter Eggs are due this Sunday! The Preteens are selling these homemade delicacies as a camp fundraiser. They come in 3 flavors - Reese's, Butter Cream, & Oreo - and must be pre-ordered. Eggs are $4 each, or two for $7 if you order from a Preteen. You can also order online at; online orders are $4/egg. All proceeds benefit the Preteens. Eggs will be available for pick-up in the kitchen on Palm Sunday, April 2nd, 10:00 - 10:45 AM and 12:00 - 12:30 PM.

Wednesdays @ VBC

Tonight we have all of our usual activities, including dinner for those who signed up. Billy Meador will lead Adult Bible Study with an Introduction to Psalms of Praise.

Next Wednesday, March 29th there will be NO dinner or other activities because of Spring Break. However, the Chancel Choir will have its dress rehearsal at 7:30 PM for the Palm Sunday Musical.

Our next Wednesday dinner is planned for April 5th. Menu TBA.

Supper Club: This Saturday!

Our Supper Club/Life Group begins this Saturday, March 25th, 5:30 - 7:30 PM in the gym; we plan to meet once every month or two. This month's theme is GAME NIGHT. Please bring a dish to share, potluck style. Paper products and cutlery will be provided. Each person should bring their own beverage(s) in a cup with a lid. If you have a favorite game (& rules/instructions), bring it to share, too! We will have game tables set up and hope to rotate to play 2-3 different games during the evening as we fellowship. This will be FUN for ALL AGES!

Thrive Student Ministry

Youth Volleyball is underway! We will practice at 1:30 PM this Sunday.

Sign up for our Youth Mission Trip to Nashville June 18th - 23rd. Cost is $175/person. Please click here for all the details. Deposits are due Friday, March 31st.

The Youth will be sponsoring a BBQ Fundraiser in April. Tickets will be available soon. BBQ will be offered as individual sandwiches, combo meals, and per pound on April 23rd, and will be prepared by pre-order only. Special thanks to Brad Radford, who will be preparing the BBQ and smoking it overnight!

JOY Seniors

If you signed up for tomorrow's trip to Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, we plan to depart VBC at 9:00 AM and expect to return around 2:45 PM.

Pack your own lunch for our next JOY Luncheon Tuesday, March 28th at noon in the gym. Dessert will be provided. Entertainment by musician Bryan Ratliff. Please sign up at the JOY Senior table so that we can prepare for you.

A private, guided tour of The Greenbrier is planned for Thursday, April 20th. The cost is $60, plus lunch on your own at Cook's Country Kitchen.

Our first overnight trip of 2023 will be to Lancaster, PA May 9 - 11 to see the Sight & Sound production of "Moses." We will also enjoy a ride on the Strasburg Railroad, visit Landis Valley Farm & Museum, enjoy a dinner/show, and shop at the Farmer's Market. Details at the JOY Senior table, and a payment plan can be set up (see Mary Kendrick).

Join us October 17 - 20 for a trip to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. This trip will also include a riverboat dinner cruise on the Ohio River. Find more details, including pricing, at the JOY Senior table. Payment plans are available (see Mary Kendrick).

Passport Kids' Camp

This year's Kids' Camp will be June 14th - 17th at Eagle Eyrie. It is for all 3rd - 5th graders. The total cost is $175, $75 of which is due as a deposit by March 31st. Please click here for a packet with ALL the details!

The Lovelace Scholarship

Applications are now being accepted for the Lovelace Scholarship, which is awarded each year to a graduating senior who is a member of Vinton Baptist and who will be attending a four-year college or university. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded for the student's first year of school. Applications are available in the church office and should be returned no later than Friday, April 7, 2023.

Looking Forward to Holy Week

On Sunday, April 2nd the Chancel Choir & Orchestra will present our Palm Sunday Musical, A Living Hope, at both morning worship services.

On Wednesday, April 5th we will have all usual Wednesday night activities. Menu TBA.

On Thursday, April 6th we will have a 6:00 PM Maundy Thursday service in the sanctuary.

On Saturday, April 8th we hope you'll join us for our children's/family event, Journey to the Cross, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Everyone is welcome! If you could volunteer for this event (we need 2 volunteers per station), please see Whitney Russell or simply click here to volunteer.

And on Sunday, April 9th we will celebrate the risen Christ!

Fun & the Son Play Group

Fun & the Son Play Group is expanding! This interactive play time for children ages newborn - PreK has been so successful that another day has been added each week. Starting April 3rd, the play group will meet Mondays and Thursdays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM. Questions? Contact Betty Jo Overstreet.

Science & the Bible: A Creation Study

This study, led by Wally Mayo, will kick off Sunday, April 23rd and continue Wednesdays at 6:15 PM on April 26th and May 3rd. Don't miss this enthralling study on what the Bible says about the creation. We will also look at how the latest science relates to what the Bible tells us. More details coming soon.

Sandy Bowyer

Our Lady of the Valley Memory Care

650 N. Jefferson Street

Roanoke VA 24016

Thank you to the Dorcas Class for their donation to Blair Rives' medical expenses, as well as their donation to the Homebound Easter Surprises.

Thank you to the Open Door Sunday School Class for their donation to the Food Pantry.

VBC Easter Offering

This year's VBC Easter Offering will be distributed equally among the Boys & Girls Club, Keystone Community Center, and GraceInside Prison Chaplain ministry. Please mark your gift "VBC Easter Offering" or use the appropriate envelope.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Now is the season for giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. The GOAL for our church is $2,450.00. There are special envelopes in your box of church envelopes, as well as in the church pews. This offering is used to help support missionaries in Canada, the U.S., and Central and South America. It helps to start new church plants, to provide for college campus ministries, and in various other ways of supporting missions. Please give and help support these missionaries.

Helpful information from the Finance Committee:

  • The Building Fund is used to track donations for major church construction or renovation projects or to pay any loans used to finance major construction or renovations. We do not have any church construction or renovation projects at this time, so the funds are held for future use.
  • The Capital Needs Fund is used to pay for mechanical components, fixtures, furniture, or other assets needed by the church that would typically have a useful life longer than one year. It is often used for maintenance projects involving HVAC systems, roofing or other building repairs, or can be used to purchase new furniture or equipment such as cameras, projectors, sound equipment, or computers.
  • If you would like to set up recurring giving and are uncomfortable doing so online, you can do so directly through your financial institution. Please contact your bank or credit union and let them know that you would like to set up automatic, recurring giving to your church. Questions? Contact Carrie Tolley at 540-343-7685.

Can You Help with Children's Church?

We are in need of teachers and helpers for Children's Church for each service every Sunday. If you can volunteer, please click here to sign up. Dates are available from now through the summer. If you'd like to help, but you're not sure what's required, please reach out to Whitney.

Bible Reading Plan

If you're current on our Bible Reading Plan, we're now in Numbers and I'm sure you've figured out why it's called "Numbers." If you're behind on the plan, don't give up! Just keep reading.

Fee & Stuart (How to Read the Bible Book by Book) remind us that the Israelites have not yet moved from Sinai. God still has them stationed there as he prepares them for the "holy war" that is to come. The census described in chapters 1 and 2 account for the men who were old enough to go to war and explain the location of each tribe in relation to the Tent of Meeting, God's dwelling place. As Fee & Stuart state, "... former slaves are being transformed into an army."

Chapters 3-4 explain more about the Levites and their dedication to God: "...Yahweh adopted [the Israelites] as a 'kingdom of priests and a holy nation' (Exod 19:6). Hence the reason for this material: This is part of what makes them a 'kingdom of priests,' a nation set apart for God."

Chapters 5-6 deal with the purity of the people and the camp, as well as what to do when people mistreat one another, and instructions about "...the Nazirites, laypeople who dedicate themselves to God's service, as special illustrations of Israel's holy calling (6:1-21). The section concludes with the Aaronic blessing (6:22-27), a reaffirmation of God's covenant promise as the Israelites look toward the promised land."

Numbers 7:1 is a fulfillment of God's instructions in Exodus 40:2. "Everything now centers on the tabernacle, the place of sacrifice (worship) and of God's presence. Thus the narrative proceeds from the twelve-day dedication of the altar (Num 7:1-89), through setting up the lamps (8:1-4) and the purification of the Levites (8:5-26), to the celebration of the Passover as they set out (9:1-14; cf. Exod 12) [toward the promised land]."

I hope you're excited about following them on their journey. Click here for a printable copy of our Bible reading plan.

Thank you so much for the cards, peace lily, and prayers after the death of our father, Doug Laughlin. We truly appreciate it!

David Laughlin, Cindy Kakouras, & Kim Harris

Thank you for your love, support, generosity, and fervent prayer during this difficult season. We know there is power in prayer and are happy to report that Blair is cancer free!

The Rives family (Blair, Tray, Marshall, & Avery)

March 2023 Calendar