January 2025


A Note From Our Pastor

I pray this note finds you happy, healthy, and holy. I am not sure about you, but although I cherish the Advent and Christmas Seasons, I am very happy to be looking at them through the rear view mirror. There is a lot going on in the life of our parish right now and I would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts about the recent decree addressing the upcoming merger of our two parishes.

We have known since last summer that Bishop Lou, after a year-long process of receiving feedback from the priests and laity of the diocese, decided the current relationship of shared clergy and staff of our two parishes should become permanent, thus joining the two parishes into one new parish while continuing to utilize both church buildings. Following this decision, a transition team consisting of parishioners from both parishes was formed, and our first order of business was to submit three different names to our bishop for his consideration.

We discussed the history of both parishes reflecting on their strengths and personalities, then shared different ideas for names which included going through a robust list of options. Among the three names we decided on, our first choice was Most Holy Eucharist Parish. As we talked about different ideas, we thought it was important to have a name that both parishes could easily unite under. The name Most Holy Eucharist Parish wasn’t really on anyone's radar prior to the meeting, but after arriving at it on the list, all the members from both parishes really embraced this name quickly, making it our favorite option. I believe it was so easily embraced because the Eucharist is so central to our Catholic faith. It made further sense because we have been seeking to grow Eucharistic piety and devotion through talks, book studies, retreats, processions, and added Adoration time in recent years at both parishes. We further appreciated that this name had a connection with the school our parishes financially support, send children to, and whom our clergy are so involved with, namely Corpus Christi, which translated means the Body of Christ. 

Another topic related to this merger are the terms “church” and “parish”. Most commonly, there is one parish with one church, and the terms are used interchangeably causing their actual meanings to be misunderstood. Canon Law defines a parish as a “definite community of the Christian faithful established on a stable basis within a particular Church” (1) whose pastoral care “is entrusted to a pastor as its own shepherd under the authority of the diocesan bishop”. (2) Whereas a church is “a sacred building designated for divine worship to which the faithful have the right of entry for the exercise, especially the public exercise, of divine worship”. (3) More simply, a parish is the community and the church is a place. For us, as of February 22, 2025, we will have one community of the faithful, Most Holy Eucharist Parish, with two places of worship, St. Mary Church in Downs and St. Patrick Church of Merna. Therefore, the use of both church names will remain when referencing the place of worship and the parish name will be used when referring to the faithful. More information will be forthcoming in February leading up to the time of the merger. I hope this has been helpful and I do appreciate your prayerful support during this time in the life of our parishes and churches.

In Christ,

Fr. Schultz

(1) Code of Canon Law, 515

(2) Code of Canon Law, 515

(3) Code of Canon Law, 1214

Parish News & Upcoming Events

Recovering From Divorce

The next session of the ministry Recovering from Divorce for Catholics will begin Thursday, January 16th, and runs for 13 weeks. Meetings will take place at 6pm in Room 9. There is no cost to participate and books are provided. Find more information about this program and reserve your spot on our website. Questions? Contact Pam Goode.

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Study

Join us for an upcoming book study beginning mid-January on Brant Pitre's book "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper."

Two 7-week sessions are being offered; choose the one that works best for you:

St. Patrick Church of Merna: Mondays from 4:30-5:30pm, beginning Monday, January 13th 

St. Mary Church in Downs: Wednesdays from 6-7pm (after the 5:30pm Mass), beginning Wednesday, January 15th

Find more information regarding materials and register below! Please contact Marylynn Meredith with questions.

Register Here

Foundations of Marriage: Managing Conflict 

Marriage is a beautiful gift from God and maintaining a healthy, secure marriage takes a lot of hard work. Come learn strategies to help enrich your marriage from two Catholic Marriage and Family Therapists: Zoe Myers Solomon, ALFMT and Mia Teehan, LMFT. 

This is the second of a four-part series for married and engaged couples; each talk can stand alone if unable to attend all four. 

Limited childcare is available for ages 9 months or mobile, through age 4. Refreshments provided. Please contact Jess Elliott with questions. 

Please RSVP using the button below.

Date: January 24th, 2025 

Time: 7:30-8:30pm, with optional Q&A until 9pm 

Location: Shamrock Hall 


Online Giving

Fuel faith this winter by giving with a warm heart! As we journey through winter and prepare for spring, we set new goals dedicated to strengthening our church. Faithfulness in giving allows us to share the gifts that God has given us, so our spiritual home may thrive. That is why our church offers Online Giving as an option to support our ongoing mission and ministries. Online Giving helps support our church by allowing you to make donations, payments, and pledges via your mobile phone, smart device, or computer. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via Online Giving!

Offertory Envelope Update

Please note that as of January 2025, we will send offertory envelopes to those who regularly use or request them. With so many giving online or through recurring gifts, we will not purchase envelopes for every household. This helps us be good fiscal stewards of the parish budget. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at (309) 662-7361. Thank you for your understanding.

Sign Up Now for

St. Patrick Church of Merna’s Annual TRIVIA NIGHT!

Friday, January 31st in the Shamrock Hall

Doors open at 5:30pm, 

play begins promptly at 6:30pm


Cost is $35 per person and includes pizza, hearty snacks, all beverages (wine, beer, soda, bottled water), door prizes, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place, “Double your score” and “Mulligans” for each table and LOADS OF FUN!!!


Click the button below to sign up NOW! Be sure to include all who plan to be at your table – maximum is 8. If you don’t fill a table we will place you and your group with other FRIENDLY FOLK!


QUESTIONS? Contact Jana Schopp.

Seating is limited so SIGN UP ASAP!!!!

Sign Up Here

Coat Drive Thank You

The Knights of Columbus, Fr. Joseph Boylan Jr., Council #15175 would like to thank everyone for generously donating 669 winter coats for distribution to those in need in our community through the St. Vincent DePaul Clothing Pantry. We would also like to thank Starcrest Cleaners for providing hangers and the City of Bloomington for providing recycling containers. Please be assured that your generosity will warm many souls this winter. “And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40 

February Encounter Night

Wednesday, February 5th; 7-8:30pm; St. Patrick Church of Merna

Come for a night of rest, reflection, and prayer, as Sister M. Clare O'Connor leads us in music and meditations on healing of the heart and the Holy Family.

Grow in Faith

Eucharistic Adoration

"This is the wonderful truth, my dear friends: the Word, which became flesh two thousand years ago is present today in the Eucharist." St. John Paul II

In Adoration, we are truly in the presence of God. If you have not experienced the gift of Adoration, consider stopping by the chapel at St. Patrick Church of Merna:

-Tuesdays between 4:30p-8:30pm

-Wednesdays between 7:30am-8:30pm

-Fridays between 7:30am-4:30pm

Consider signing up for a weekly hour, becoming a sub, or simply spending more time in daily prayer with Jesus. Contact Jess Elliott with questions. For more information, click HERE.

St. Patrick Church Of Merna

1001 N Towanda Barnes Rd.

Bloomington, IL 61705

(309) 662-7361

St. Mary Church in Downs

108 E. Washington St.

Downs, IL 61736

(309) 662-7361