Fall Edition

Donate to True North Aid


Project Highlights

Upcoming Projects

Northern Reads 2024!

Good Ally Spotlight

*NEW True North Aid in the News

Hello Amanda,

Late Autumn’s cooler temperatures hint that 2023 is beginning to draw to a close, and with this, True North Aid staff cannot help but to count this season as one of reflection.

At our Board and Staff Retreat mid-October, we paused to celebrate this year’s past projects, the work at hand, and what we look forward to in 2024.

With reflection comes our gratitude for your continued support, financial or otherwise, encouraging us daily and preparing us for the year ahead.

Thank you for keeping northern and remote Indigenous communities a priority.

True North Aid Team

Project Highlights

Back-To-School 2023

Thank you to everyone who made a donation or collected supplies for this year's "Back-to-School Drive," prioritizing Indigenous students' education and making it our biggest year yet.

True North Aid was able to deliver more backpacks with school supplies than ever before - 2,500 went out to 12 communities across northern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

The demand for this support continues to grow over time, so please keep us in mind for next year's drive!

Check out our Outreach Manager, Amanda Amesse, on APTN talking about the program here!

Rollup for The North Wraps Up

True North Aid's Annual Rollup for the North program delivered 23 pallets of wheelchairs to the most northern communities of Manitoba, with 105 more being prepared to ship in the near future. Thank you to all who contributed towards the gift of mobility!

All Nations Paddles Up Completes Their

Annual Tribal Journey

For the second year in a row, True North Aid was proud to support a special cultural reclamation program, All Nations Paddles Up, for their annual tribal journey along the Pacific coasts of British Columbia and Washington State. Youth engaged in ancient nation-to-nation protocol, instilling a sense of pride and purpose throughout their travels.

From Jodi and Michelle, coordinators for All Nations Paddles Up:

“Following the training day, as the canoes depart for the first community that will welcome us, it is amazing to watch the progress of each participant as they become more self-aware, more connected to the others they are travelling with, and more engaged with everyone. There is a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride as we [were] called to shore by the host nation - there is nothing more rewarding than hearing these young pullers recount the day to those standing waiting for our arrival. It is truly amazing.”

Reconnecting Our Spirit - N'we Jinan

This past summer, True North Aid was so excited to support Wabasca-Desmarais in northern Alberta with their “Reconnecting Our Spirit” Events, bringing people together through cultural teachings and workshops. This also included supporting Indigenous youth in partaking in N’we Jinan workshops, where youth wrote and recorded their own song, and then were featured in a music video for it. Watch the video above!

We are grateful to have you in the True North Aid community.

Join us online on our social media channels to follow our ongoing updates of projects and programs in northern communities.

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Upcoming Projects

Winter Clothing Shipments

True North Aid is preparing shipments of over 800 winter coats with accessories to remote communities across Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nunavut and Ontario this month. Thank you to Brador Fabrics and Capital Movers,

along with community champions who will make this possible! 

Aandije - Chicken Coops Program

We are always thrilled to announce food security projects that promote self-determination. Working with Treaty #3 and the Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council, True North Aid is providing support to communities to begin building and taking care of their own flocks of egg-laying chickens. We look forward to sharing with you in the future the lasting, positive impact this will have on the communities that can take advantage of this resource.

Are you living in a remote community and have an idea or project that you'd like to start or support? Reach out to our Outreach Manager, Amanda Amesse, by email at or fill out this form.

Upcoming True North Aid Events

Tuesday Evenings starting January 9th, 2024

at 7pm EST (virtual)

True North Aid will host our Settler Discussion Series once a week for four weeks beginning Tuesday, January 9th.

In 4 parts we present the truth about Canada’s historical and current relationship between non-Indigenous and Indigenous people by addressing the topics of Privilege, Land, Residential Schools, and Allyship in a factual way. Each session is approx. 1 – 1.5 hours long. Learn more/Register

Northern Reads Literary Event Returns in 2024!

We are excited to enter our 4th Annual Northern Reads literacy event, partnering with GoodMinds book wholesaler for the second year! Once again, Canadians will be called upon to satisfy the book wish list of a northern and remote community literacy program by purchasing a gift card via GoodMinds and donating it back to True North Aid.

And get ready to attend our virtual Indigenous Authors Series that runs one evening each week in February!

Good Ally Program Spotlight

Good Ally Program (GAP) is designed to encourage meaningful collaboration between True North Aid and like-minded Canadians who desire to

move forward together in a spirit of reconciliation.

Good Ally partners put learning into action by volunteering with our organization as opportunities become available and/or fundraise toward practical humanitarian initiatives that bring attention to the good work of True North Aid.

Reconciliation Walk 2023 Volunteers

Volunteers gather to hear from Cidalia, a member of Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation at Kortright Centre for Conservation, Vaughn, ON, September 29th.

"What an amazing day today! As a volunteer I thoroughly enjoyed today’s event.

I loved working with the other volunteers. Thank you for this opportunity.

The feedback I got from people who experienced the walk was exactly what I expected – they were moved, they learned a lot, it was impactful, it made them want to pursue more information. People said it was very well done and were thankful for the experience. I continue to be impressed with True North Aids’ education opportunities around Reconciliation and I promote it in the communities/organizations that I am apart of. Thank you for the work you are doing." Denise - Reconciliation Walk Volunteer 2023

True North Aid is incredibly grateful to the 60+ volunteers who volunteered in a variety of capacities at this year's Reconciliation Walk on September 29 & 30 in honour of Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Originating in Kingston, ON, this year the Walk was also hosted in Vaughn, ON at the Kortright Centre for Conservation, and in Waterloo, ON at Laurel Creek Nature Centre. The Walk was featured on local municipal media platforms inviting community participation. (See article below.)

Encouraged by Indigenous voices who call all Canadians to commit to self-educate, this annual rain or shine event seeks to tell the truth about the legacy of the residential school system in Canada.

We are looking to expand this event to more parts of the country. Would you commit to hosting the Reconciliation Walk in your community next year? Email Katie at for more information.

True North Aid in the News

'Education is the first step': True North Reconciliation Walk comes to Waterloo

The True North Reconciliation Walk gave locals a chance to reflect and remember in a tranquil environment.

Read More

For over 11 years, True North Aid has been collaborating with northern and remote Indigenous communities who reach out to us to support their goals and priorities. 

This #GivingTuesday, we are kicking off our Holiday Campaign and invite you to Set It In Stone - your opportunity to make a commitment to Indigenous self-determination and community-led work by making a donation to True North Aid’s General Fund. Be a part of the world's largest generosity movement on November 28th!

For Donor Relations and Corporate Partnership inquiries, please reach out to Christine in Regina, SK at

or call 306-517-2431.

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