Friday Newsletter

November 3, 2023

This Sunday (All Saints' Day)

Worship Service: 10 am

Coffee Hour: 11:15 am

MPEJ Committee Meeting: 11:00 am

Mid-High Youth Group: 11:30 am

High School Youth Group: 6:00 pm


It's that time again for everyone young and not so young to get out their bowling balls and shoes. Come to the All-Westminster Bowling Party on Saturday, November 11, at 1 pm at AMF Firebird Lanes (4303 Center St NE). It turns out there is still time to RSVP to Michele by November 6 at 408-402-2396.

The Hoedown is Happening! Keep your calendars marked for November 12! Westminster is throwing a Hoedown luncheon after the church service. There will be food, fun, and fellowship going on in Boulder Hall, including a live caller for some square dancing! Make sure to bring your dancing shoes and celebrate the wrap-up of the 2024 pledge campaign, "Working Toward the Harvest".

Women's Night Out will be at The Olive Garden at 6 pm on Monday, November 13. Hope to see everyone. RSVP to Michele at 408-402-2396 by November 12.

We are all invited to an ecumenical Thanksgiving (Eve) worship service at First Christian Church downtown on November 22 at 6:30 pm. Please contact the church office ( if you would be able to represent Westminster as a reader during the service or would like to participate in the all-comers choir (5 pm that evening). Music will be available ahead of time.

Join together for a discussion on the Doctrine of Discovery--what it is and what the effects are on justice for all on Sunday, November 26, after service. Read the book The Land is Not Empty by Sarah Augustine (a copy will be available in the library soon), listen to this podcast interview, check out this article, or simply come to hear and learn! The discussion will be hosted by the Mission Peace Ecojustice committee.

Christmas Journeys is coming! Please put December 10 on your calendars for the second annual production of our intergenerational telling of the Christmas story. Everyone who would like to participate is welcome. There are speaking, non-speaking, and crew parts, musicians, setup, takedown, and food prep needs, and room on the planning committee. If you would like to participate in any way, please contact Terri Crall as soon as possible (

Save the Date

November 4: Chancel Choir Retreat

November 19: Open Debrief with Elders: Budget & Scouts (11:30 am)


The 2024 Pledge Drive is up and running and everybody should have received their pledge packets by now. If you have any questions about the pledge packets please reach out to Paul Negstad or another member of the Stewardship Committee. Please return these pledge packets or make your pledges online by November 12.

If you have not yet had a photo taken for the directory, you can still: 1. Submit your photo via the provided email: Put the name(s) of who is in the photo in the subject line. Include any updated information, as well. 2. If you are unable to submit a photo you may request a photographer come to YOU. Please contact Katie Nelson,, 503-580-5631, or Ellen Chambers,, 503-364-5767. The deadline for submitting photos will be November 26 in order to give the committee time to produce the directory and get it published by mid December.

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


For the family and friends of Peggy Beeby, who passed away last week.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin or here, please email or call the church office (503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.

Give the Gift of Time

Contact for Sunday School Substitutes: Children's Ministries is in need of an emergency contact person available by phone or text on Saturdays and Sunday mornings. If a teacher or helper is unable to come at the last moment, a substitute must be found. This does not happen often, but someone needs to be available each week in case it does. Could you help us find that substitute? You would be provided with a list of people who are child-protection trained and willing to fill in: you would not be expected to fill in yourself. If you are available for this job, please contact Terri Crall ( or Teri Mohney (

We need nursery volunteers who can help welcome our youngest children and provide care during Sunday morning worship services. We would like a team of ten to twelve people who can rotate in this important role. We’re planning to hire a person who would be the primary caregiver, and this volunteer team would support that person. Please send your name to Lucy Foster, chair of the Worship Committee, at or 503-508-3417.

Leadership Corner

For Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairs & Staff

The new Leadership Lab (Winter quarter) begins on November 8 from 6:30-7:45 pm in the Library. This will be the PRIMARY scheduling event for December/January/February. If you would like something to be on the church calendar during those months, please plan to attend. The shared calendar, the weekly newsletter, and programmatic coordination will be based off of this quarterly gathering. It is designed to shift the church out of last-minute crisis planning and toward a more life-giving and sustainable way of organizing our programs and actions.  

11/8 @ 6:30-7:45pm Leadership Lab (Winter)

11/19 @ 10am Elder-led worship service

11/19 @ 11:30am Quarterly open debrief with Elders. Topics: Budget & Scouts

11/19 @ 12:00 pm Deacon retreat

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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