Light in the Window - October 19, 2023

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

I came home one day this week to find my cat studying the Bible. Exodus 3 to be exact. Ironically it was the same scripture my husband was preaching on this week- what are the chances? Jacques the cat has always been the contemplative type, even before he reached old age, so it didn’t surprise me to see him focused on the story of Moses and the burning bush. If you remember, that story ends with God revealing the Divine Name, which prompts Moses to hide his face, “for he was afraid to look at God”.

I doubt that a cat would be afraid to look at God. Despite the unfortunate slang term “scaredy cat”, my own feline is not scared of much. I’ve seen him stand up to a German Shepherd, our Goldendoodle (ok that didn’t take much), a mob of active boys, chipmunks, angry birds, and a mother deer stomping her feet. When he comes inside, we find him in front of the fireplace, curled up on a bed or nestled on a lap, always looking wise. It was Albert Schweitzer who said, “There are two means of refuge from the misery of life--music and cats.” Lately I’ve been petting my cat…a lot. I wish I could be so contemplative, so calm, so unafraid.

As I mentioned Sunday, this week is the Interfaith Week of Prayer for World Peace. Use this link to access beautiful video prayers from eight different religious traditions. The theme for this year is Praying with Hope for a Troubled World.

Praying with and for you,

Pastor Jessie

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