The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
Join The PTSA!

October 29th, 2024


Did you know another benefit of Bellevue High School PTSA membership is access to our school directory? With secure online or app access, DirectorySpot will be launching in Dec. providing members with student, parent and teacher/staff info as well as class lists. If you have a current membership, be on the lookout for an email with login credentials. And if you still have plans to join, all new and returning parents, guardians, students, staff, and interested community members are invited! It's never too late to PTSA.

Your annual membership supports important academic needs, is an active voice on decisions that impact your child's health, safety, and quality of education and helps build a stronger, more inclusive, school community.

To sign up go to:


Diversity Inclusion Club and ASB invite you to the Multicultural Night!

Please join us for an evening of fun and celebration of the rich cultures we have at Bellevue! This year, the Multicultural Night will be held in the commons after school on the 15th of November from 5:30-7:00 PM. Each country will have a booth to share their culture with our community through posters, food, and traditional games. We will even have live performances!!

We would love to see you all there as we build a closer-knit community at Bellevue High School!

If you are interested in representing your own culture or club, please fill out this MS forms:




Have you moved from another country or US state?

Do you have questions about Bellevue High School or the Washington state education system? Would you like the opportunity to meet other parents for ongoing support throughout the year?

Whether you moved last week or a much longer time ago all parents/caregivers are invited to meet with Dr. Anderson and a group of BHS parents who know what a challenge moving can be.

Please join us in the BHS Library on Friday, November 1 from 8:15 to 9:30 am to have your questions answered, share hints and tips, and meet new friends. Interpreters for Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese will be available in-person at this event.

Do you have a specific question you would like to submit in advance? Please submit it here by October 30, 2024.

We look forward to seeing you there!


We've entered a new era in education, one where artificial intelligence (AI) tools are readily accessible to both teachers and students. To continue our I-Connect conversation we began last spring, we will delve deeper into the rapid advancements in AI and its impact on student learning.

How can we help students appreciate the importance of their own thoughts, ideas, and authenticity in the era of AI? What are teachers doing to encourage and authenticate original work? Join us to explore these questions and more.

When: Friday, November 22, 2024 

Where: TBD

Who’s Invited: All Current Parents/Caregivers

Guest Speaker: Mathew Wright, Instructional Technology Curriculum Leader, is the BHS staff person assigned to provide teacher training to support strong instruction and implementation of curriculum and technology programs. He has conducted professional training for BHS teachers in the use of AI tools.

Key Topics:

  • AI-powered personalized learning
  • AI-assisted teaching and tutoring
  • Ethical considerations and biases in AI
  • Preparing your child for an AI-driven future

Don't miss this opportunity to:

  • Understand the potential benefits and risks of AI in education
  • Learn about the ethical use and misuse of the technology
  • Ask questions and connect with other parents

I-Connect is a community engagement program sponsored by PTSA.


Call for Entries!

Reflections is a National PTA arts recognition program that helps students explore their own thoughts/feelings/ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful not only in school, but in life.

The theme for the 2024-2025 program year is “Accepting Imperfection.” Students submit their completed works of art in one or more of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts, Accessible Arts. 

Deadline for submitting student entries is Thursday, November 21, 2024, 6 PM

Contest rules and more information available on the BHS PTSA website.


The PTSA has started the grant application process for the fall of 2024!

Similar to the way we did it in the spring, we have moved to a digital application. Please edit the word document provided here and send the application as a completed word document, not pdf. The deadline for application is November 5th. We encourage you to present your grant to the committee in person on November 12, starting at 4:00. 


I welcome any questions or concerns, the fastest way to get ahold of me is though you can also email


Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Each student who reports 100 or more approved hours will earn the Wolverine Guard Community Service Award. Last year 116 Bellevue High students earned Wolverine Guard, with Wolverine Guard recipients completing over 14,000 combined hours of service in our community.


  • ALL BHS students from 9-12 grades are eligible for WG should they meet the requirements.
  • Students who earn WG in a given school year will receive a certificate to recognize their community service. Students who earn WG in at least two of their four years at BHS will qualify for a WG Blue/Gold Honor Cord at graduation; students with 4 years of service at BHS will also be awarded the WG Distinction Community Service Award.
  • Application must include volunteer time logs. Log forms should be detailed and with signed (non-digital) signatures from volunteer coordinators.
  • Volunteering is done through a non-profit organization (usually a 501c3 organization).
  • The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District volunteer hours requirement for graduation. We DO NOT coordinate with Naviance and will only accept Wolverine Guard time logs.


Applications are due midnight on April 30th, 2025. No late applications will be accepted!


Review guidelines and WG application and time logs at PTSA Wolverine Guard page:


Any questions, please reach out to Michelle Pflaum and Sherry Fang at

Come out and see Dracula on October 29 and 30th at 7 PM in the Performing Arts Center!

She is back! Countess Dracula and her entourage are in London to find her next husband and she has her sights set on the handsome Jonathan Harper. The only thing that stands between her and the conquest is Jonathan's lovely girlfriend Mimi, and that meddling Vampire slayer Dr, Van Helsing. Can Van Helsing stop her before she turns everyone into one of the living dead, or will she succeed in her quest of immortality! Come see the classic tale unfold on stage. Countess Dracula is back!

Tickets will be on sale this week on Hometown Ticketing. Buy your tickets now! Support our hard working theater students who are putting on a spooky show during Halloween week.



Class of 2025 Parents

We are slowly reaching our goal of 50,000 but still have aways to go. For those families still wanting to donate, we are asking $125 per family but any amount is greatly appreciated! Click on the link below to donate.

  Senior (Class of 2025) – Bellevue High PTSA

Spirit Wear Website for Class of 2025

Thanks to Sam Vanappledorn, we have a Class of 2025 spirit wear website where you can order t-shirts and sweatshirts. You can buy this spirit wear by clicking on the link below. All proceeds go to Class of 2025.

BHS Class 2025 Spirit Wear | SamBrand Co | powered by OrderMyGear

Lastly, a few dates to remember..

Purchase a Yearbook Now!

Yearbooks are available for purchase on Touchbase: . Once in TouchBase, find a grey box with the student’s name -> My school -> categories -> Yearbook. Yearbooks will be sold for $80 with ASB, and $90 without ASB through 12/31/24, after which all yearbooks will be priced at $90 regardless.

Senior Photo and Quote/Favorite Memory Submission – 1/31/25 Deadline: Submit your senior photo with a quote or your favorite memory to this link:

Senior Yearbook Ad Submission – 11/24/24 deadline for lowest rates: Parents can purchase a senior advertisement on Jostens under Yearbook Ads: Bellevue High School BELLEVUE, WA | Jostens

Rates go up after this deadline.

We will post Senior deadlines on the PTA Website as they come up.

Stephanie, Cindy and Kerrie

Senior Class of 2025 Advisors


Last week to order!


In the spirit of the season, please give your support to Bellevue High School Band!

Purchase fresh handcrafted and fragrant holiday evergreens to help us to ensure that ALL BHS Band students have the opportunity to attend the 2025 Disneyland Parade and Composer Experience with the help of scholarships to offset the rising costs of trip transportation.

 Thank You! BHS Band Boosters


Visit the BHS Band or Sherwood Farms



Scan the

QR Code

& pick up at


Nov. 22nd


Thank you!



All parents of BHS Band students…please join us on the first non-holiday Monday of every month, for a chance to learn more about the Bellevue Band Boosters.

Mr. George and Mr. Harvey share all the ins and outs of BHS Band happenings and news about upcoming performances, special events, fundraising efforts, and how you can support your student and the band program. We have a lot of fun!


We have a tremendous year with some big fun events to come… Leavenworth parade, Friday football games, jazz band, seasonal concerts, Disneyland Parade/Disney composer experience…want to know more?

Join us at the BHS Band Booster meetings: Nov. 4th, Dec. 2nd, Jan. 13th, Feb. 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th, May 12th, June 9th.


Below are some more updates from the Library. If you have any questions, want to find a book, have suggestions, or just want to talk about what you're reading, come see me in the library or send me an email or Teams Chat!



  • The Library will be closed for 2nd lunch on Tuesday 10/29 for an ELA class presentation.
  • SO. MANY. NEW. BOOKS! Come by and check out the new titles!
  • Go to Destiny Discover to see newly added titles, review books you've read, requests holds and create your own collections. Ask me for a tutorial if you need a refresher on Destiny!



  • If you are 18 years old or will turn 18 by 11/5/2024, you can register to vote in the 2024 election! Monday 10/28 is the deadline to register to vote online (HERE). If you miss this deadline, you can register in person at a county elections office (find one HERE) all the way up to Election Day, which is Tuesday 11/5.
  • The Washington State Future Voter Program allows for 16- and 17-year-olds to register as Future Voters! You'll be automatically registered when you become eligible to vote. Find out more information HERE.



Library Specialist



Congratulations to Bellevue for winning the 3A KingCo Boys Golf Championship at the Snohomish Golf Club. Bellevue shot an amazing team score of 285 (3 under par) to win the 3A Championship. The individual 3A Champion was our own Boden Freeborn from Bellevue who shot a 3 under par 69, followed by Bellevue’s Eric Zhang and Rowan Gerron who both shot 70.

Click here to see more results.



See's Candy fundraiser! 🎁🍫

Stock up on delicious treats as gifts or for yourself while helping the girls water polo team raise funds for new equipment and tournament fees. Every purchase counts – thank you for spreading the holiday cheer and supporting our team! 🎄💦



Bellevue High School Co-ed Dance Team K-8 Mini Dance Camp registration is open through November 25th. Elementary and middle school students come join our team for a day of dance skills and fun as we learn routines to perform for your family and friends. 

Sign up at today!

Event:  K-8 Dance Camp at Bellevue High School

Event Date:  Saturday, December 07, 2024

Event Time:  10:00am - 3:00pm

Event Cost:  $75.00

Event Registration Deadline: November 25


Registration includes pizza lunch and a t-shirt. 

Each age category will learn a dance routine and perform a showcase to parents and spectators. Come join a day of fun


No registration needed, just show up


ImPACT test takes about 30 – 45 minutes

Bring your BSD laptop for testing


WEDNESDAY 2pm (testing begins at 2pm, arrive early) Lower Aux Gym/North Gym Room 0302


October 30, November 6, 13, 20

ImPACT test is required for cheer, football, soccer, divers, volleyball, water polo, basketball, gymnastics, wrestling, baseball, softball, lacrosse and pole vaulters


ALL Bellevue High School Athletes committing to sports in college.

Sign together one place, one time.


BHS Senior Signing Day, BHS Main Gym, coming May of 2025


Please email Kelli Mayer, include student name, college that our BHS Senior is committing too and what sports.


Tuesday October 29th


Girls C Team, Junior Varsity, Varsity Volleyball v. Mount Si @ Bellevue High School C Team AUX 5:15pm, JV 5:15pm MAIN, Varisty 7:00pm Main

Supervisor Matt Stokes

Gym Manager Minh Nguyen

Scoreboard Jerry Iseman

Tickets Debra Andrews


Wednesday October 30th


Girls C Team, Junior Varsity, Varsity Volleyball at Skyline High School C Team 5:15pm, JV 5:15pm, Varsity 7:00pm


Boys Water Polo at Rogers High School (Puyallup) 5:30pm


Freshman Football v. Woodinville @ Bellevue High School 7:00pm


Thursday October 31st


Boys and Girls Cross Country at 3A Seaking District Cross Country Championship Meet @ Lower Woodland Park, Seattle 2:00pm


Friday November 1st


Varsity Football v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School 7:00pm

Supervisor Vic Anderson, Cathy Wellington, Jocelyn Alexander, Matt Stokes, John Hill

Stadium Manager Minh Nguyen

Ticket Gate Manager Jerry Iseman

East Ticket Gate Cathy Lanning, Debra Andrews, Gina Kinan, Stacia Hansford, Ruba Oweis, Yacoub Oweis, Muideen Ibitowa, Ashley Mata, Sissi Kamalii

West Gate Mark Morrow, Geoff Nelson, Phyllis Gill, Patrick Carpenter

Announcer Will Linser

Spotter Kristin Bennett

Scoreboard Dave Sherbrooke and Greg Pardee


Girls Swim and Diving at Kingco Swim and Diving Championship Meet – Day One - @ Mary Wayte Pool, Mercer Island


Saturday November 2nd


Girls Swim and Diving at Kingco Swim and Diving Championship Meet – FINALS – Swimming @ Mary Wayte Pool, Diving @ Juantia High School


Boys Junior Varsity Water Polo @ Edgebrook Swim Club


Girls Varsity Soccer v, Liberty High School @ Bellevue High School 5:30pm

Supervisor John Hill

Stadium Manager Minh Nguyen

Tickets Debra Andrews and Cathy Lanning



We have three fun shows this season and we don't want you to miss out. 

The Mummy's Revenge Oct 25-Nov 3

Finding Nemo JR Nov 15 – 24

T'was the Night Before Christmas Dec 6- 15

Come support local and inclusive arts in your community!  

Performances are on Friday and Saturday evenings at 7pm and Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 2pm. 

>> New this Season: Sensory Friendly Performances

Join us for a relaxed viewing experience. Designed specifically for audience members with sensory sensitivities, these performances will feature increased lighting in the audience, lower sound volumes, reduced or removed fog effects, and the permitted use of digital devices. With smaller audience sizes, a designated quiet area, and a special actor-introduction to the show, it is our goal to make certain that everyone feels comfortable enjoying our theatre in whatever way feels best to them. Complimentary sensory guides and fidgets are available in the lobby.

The Mummy’s Revenge 11/2 at 2:00

Finding Nemo Jr. 11/23 at 7:00

T’was the Night Before Christmas 12/14 at 2:00

Learn more here: (link


Get Ready for the 38th Annual Newport High School Ski Swap! 

Mark Your Calendar: November 9-10

Join us at the largest ski swap in the greater Seattle area! Whether you’re a seasoned skier or a snowboarding newbie, this event is a must-attend. Here’s why:

  1. Massive SelectionWith over 20,000 square feet of gym space, we’ve curated 10,000+ new and used ski and snowboard items.
  2. Got gear to sell? Register gear online at and drop off items on Nov 8 or 9 (See website for hours). Sellers get 75% of sale price, and 25% goes to support Newport PTSA.
  3. Discover New Gear: Our ski vendors are bringing truckloads of fresh equipment.

Whether you’re upgrading your gear or just starting out, you’ll find something perfect for your winter adventures. Don’t miss your chance to score incredible deals! See you on Nov.9-10! For more info:



Cherry Crest Elementary is hosting our annual Spelling Bees and need your help!

We're on a mission to make history at this year's Spelling Bee, and we need enthusiastic volunteers like you to be part of the magic. Join us in creating an unforgettable experience, celebrating language, and spelling our way to success.  We are looking for high school volunteers who are interested in being the pronouncers at Cherry Crest 2024-2025 Spelling Bee Competition. Volunteers are welcome to volunteer for 1 or more session based on their availability.


What: Cherry Crest Elementary Spelling Bees – Preliminary

When: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Where:  Cherry Crest Elementary

12400 NE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA 98005


What: Cherry Crest Elementary Spelling Bees – Finals

When: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Where:  Cherry Crest Elementary

12400 NE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA 98005


We invite high school students to come volunteer:


~Please sign-up to be a Pronouncer for November 6, 2024 at .


- Please sign-up to be a Pronouncer for February 5, 2025 at


~No experience required. Volunteer hours available.

~ Volunteers’ responsibilities include:

We look forward to seeing you and appreciate your help very much!



The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:

  •   School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
  •   Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline


We are so excited to announce that Bellevue High PTSA is on Instagram! Follow us  @bellevueptsa to be the first to know about our upcoming events and updates!


PTSA Presidents

Krista Heys

Michael Zhu

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

Jaclyn Schwartz

PTSA Board

Committee Chairs

Visit Website

PTSA Vice President Communications

Rachel Hall

PTSA Secretary

Stacey Morales

PTSA Treasurers

Belinda Wong

Staff Appreciation

Joan Agraviador

Solange Scorsatto

BHS Administration


Vic Anderson

Asst. Principals:

 Jocelyn Alexander

Matthew Stokes

Cathy Wellington

BHS Athletics/ Activities

Director: John Hill

Asst.Dir: Kelli Mayer

BHS Main Office


Our Address:

10416 Wolverine Way

Bellevue, Washington

Get In Touch With Us
Facebook  Instagram