March 17, 2023
Mark Your Calendar Now for Holy Week!
Holy Week Worship Services
Palm Sunday - April 2nd at 9 & 11 am
Maundy Thursday - April 6th at 6 pm
Good Friday - April 7th at Noon and 6 pm
Easter Sunday - April 9th at 9 & 11 am
Directories are in! Pick up on Sunday between 9:30-10 am in the lobby or outside in the breezeway (weather permitting) after First Tradition.
Easter Lily Memorials & Honorariums
In lieu of purchasing Easter lilies for Easter Sunday, members can make contributions to the Habitat for Humanity "Apostle's Build"$15 contributions can be made in memory or in honor of a loved one, and their name will be listed in the Easter Sunday Bulletin. To make your contribution, fill in the Journey card or contact Lanie in the office (501-372-2256 or Deadline is Monday, April 3.  If you send funds by check, write ‘Easter Lilies’ in the memo line.
Easter Candy Collection
Help us celebrate Easter with our kiddos by donating candy and small toys to put inside the eggs! Grab an extra bag of sweets while you are at the store and put it in one of our donation bins around the church! 

Wednesday, March 1st-March 29th
Dinner in the Gym - 5-5:45 pm
Reservations for the Wednesday meal will need to made each week by the Sunday prior.
You may make reservations online or on your Journey Card on Sunday.
Dinner reservation links will be included in the newsletter and on our website.
Gluten-Free option will be available. Kid-friendly option.

Programming for all ages - 6-7 pm
Kids Activities
On Wednesday nights during Lent our Kids age 3 through 5th grade are invited to experience Lent through music, learning and fun. As we prepare for the joy of Easter Sunday, kids will have the chance to experience the joy of worship, the stories of Jesus, and time for open play. The nursery will be open for kids 2 and under.

Will Our Children Have Faith -Spiritual Formation for Families.  
Spirituality very broadly refers to an inner belief that the universe and all people are connected in ways we cannot always see, and that life is about more than oneself. A sense of personal meaning and purpose is enhanced when children of all ages have a deeper understanding of something greater than themselves.  Please join us for this class where we will explore what it means to be a person of faith, how we acquire our views, values and belief and how to share them with others. We will also discuss spiritual practice ideas for children and families.   

Mustard Seeds and Table Feasts
How Food and Tables Connect Us to the Kingdom of God
Come join this conversational study of food, justice, creation and faith on Wednesday evenings during Lent. We will discuss how scripture and sacred traditions related to food and agriculture show us about the Kingdom of God and how that vision calls us to deeper relationships and loving, justice-fueled actions for our neighbors, both human and non-human. Each week will include a group spiritual practice and practical ideas for deepening our discipleship.

The Sabbath Challenge
We live in a culture that doesn't value rest. Every day we receive messages to work harder or make it look like you've got everything under control. But this lifestyle sucks the life out of us. And yet, God tells us to take a day for rest every week because God knows we need that to discover the full life God intends. We're extending a challenge to practice the Sabbath during Lent. Take a day, or a part of a day, or at least a few hours every week for intentional life-giving rest. Each Wednesday night, David Freeman will lead a discussion about the understanding of Sabbath, offer strategies to face this challenge, and process our experiences. We'll use the book Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest by Ruth Haley Barton as a study guide and discussion starter. 
SOMA Progressive Dinner
Progressive dinner is back! After a 3-year hiatus, we will gather on Saturday, March 18 at 5:00pm to support three of our treasured local Little Rock neighborhood restaurants (more info TBA!) and explore how dining and eating together at tables is a fundamental part of who we are and how we can be the church extended into the world. We will reflect in particular on the question, “What has shifted for you in the last 3 years?” We will share what has changed and emerged in our own lives, and hear from restaurant owners about the challenges & creativity that the pandemic and all of its layers brought to our neighborhood businesses, food systems, and ways of gathering. 
Please sign up using this form by Wednesday, March 15. 
Tech Thursday - March 23rd at Noon, Scams, Spam, & Tricks - Oh My!
Next Thursday, you are invited to the First Cup Cafe at noon to learn more about the internet, email, and even text scams! Scams have gotten more sophisticated, so we will share some tools and tricks of the trade to help educate you. As always - if you are experiencing any difficulty with any of your devices, bring them along, and we'll do our best to help fix, explain, and teach you more about your specific device. Technology can be so helpful, but it can also be a bit scary sometimes. Hopefully, attending Tech Thursdays will ease your anxiety and help make your life a little easier! For more questions, email Lesley Andrews (
United Women in Faith will meet on Sunday, March 19
The lunch and meeting of United Women in Faith will be in the Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 am worship service on Sunday, March 19.  We will have lunch, and our speaker will be Ben Goodwin, Executive Director of "Our House." He will give an overview of what "Our House" does and share some of the new things that they have been doing such as their expansion. Everyone is invited to attend!
FUMCLR commits to Habitat for Humanity "Apostle's Build"
Habitat for Humanity has a historic and proven record of transforming lives through providing housing. They empower families by making them a part of the building and funding process, and they bring whole communities together. Our church has been a part of several Habitat projects over the years, and it is a great way to live out our bold initiative to be in relationship with those experiencing homelessness.

We've been invited to be a part of a very special Habitat project called an "Apostle's Build" this year. Apostle's Builds are when several churches come together to build a house in the community. Our Apostle's Build is bringing together several United Methodist churches in Little Rock; Asbury UMC, First UMC, Highland Valley UMC, Pulaski Heights UMC, St. James UMC, Trinity UMC, and Wesley Chapel UMC. The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas is also helping with this build. Each church is contributing financially and people power to build this new home. It's exciting to join with our United Methodist siblings to extend our mission of making Little Rock a place where all God's children THRIVE.

We'll be breaking ground after Easter, and we will have a few workdays where you can put your hands to work. Until then, we're seeking to raise $5,000 to contribute to the project. You'll have an opportunity to contribute on upcoming communion Sundays. However, if you would like to make a special gift to this project, you can send your gift to the church or contact Sonja Taylor-Larkowski (, 501-372-2256). I hope you'll be a part of this project either with a gift or by participating in the workdays or both.

Our Washington Wildcats need our help!
We are on a mission to stock the Incentive Store for Parents/Families. Students take a gift home to their family member for helping them meet their weekly goals of (Showing Respect, Ownership, Achievement and Responsibility). Help us stock the store by shopping our Amazon Wish list! Be sure to include your name with your purchase.
I know Holy Week and Easter feel far away, but with the pace of life and Spring Break coming up next week, it will be here before you know it. I want to be sure y'all know all of the opportunities your family has to observe Holy Week and celebrate Easter:
April 2- Palm Sunday
9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship
Our kids will start worship with a palm processional and then teach the congregation the Palm Sunday chorus they have been learning over the past few weeks. Since this is a first Sunday, we will be having family Sunday school.
12:15 pm Church Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
The entire church is invited to our picnic at Allsopp Park followed by an egg hunt for kids age 0 to grade 5.
April 6- Maundy Thursday
6 pm Worship
This will be an interactive service that helps us remember the joy and sorrow of the Last Supper. Gather with your church family as we remember Jesus' night in the upper room. Nursery will be open for kids age 3 and under open.
April 7- Good Friday
Noon and 6 p.m. Worship
This is a dark and contemplative service that grapples with the crucifixion of Jesus. While everyone is welcome, it may be a harder service for our youngest friends to sit through. Nursery will be open for ages 4 and under.
April 9- Easter Sunday
9 and 11 a.m. Worship
Worship with us as we celebrate the hope of a risen Lord. Both worship services will be filled with music and joy. Sunday school will be a time of play and celebration! 
No youth this Sunday 3/19. Hope everyone has a great Spring Break. 

We will have youth 3/26 to get ready for the Easter egg hunt on Palm Sunday.  
To Judy Jewell, John Jewell, David Freeman and families following the death of Irma Jewell, Judy’s mother and David’s grandmother, on March 7th.
To the friends and family of Lynda Langford who died peacefully at home on March 9th.
To Sarah, Stuart, Cindy & Jim Shenep, following the birth of Sloane Beatrice, Stuart & Sarah’s daughter, Cindy & Jim’s granddaughter, on March 16th

To Shannon Rookey and Christopher Webb on their marriage on February 25. 
Following are ways you can give your tithes and offerings:

■ Mail: You may still mail to the church office.
723 Center Street, Little Rock, AR 72201.

■ Bank Draft: Contact our Finance Director, Sonja Taylor Larkowski by phone at 501-372-2256 Ex. 209 or email

■ Online: Visit to give by credit card or ACH.

■ Church App: Click Give in the church app. To download text FUMCLR App to 77977. Or search for FUMCLR in your App Store.

■ Text: Text FUMCLR to 77977. Follow instructions in reply.
Being good neighbors to make Little Rock a place where children THRIVE.