Week of 11/1/2023

October continued a rough stretch for the markets. Brad McMillan explains that “this is a normal pullback that makes sense given financial conditions. From what we see right now, prospects for the market over time are still positive.”

Economic news was good, which means that interest rates may remain higher for longer. Even if this puts pressure on the market in the short term, we have a good foundation for forward progress. For long-term investors, this is a critical thing to remember.

  • An unopened 1st generation iPhone, purchased for $535.18, sold at auction for $133,435! (LCG Auctions).

Here’s a reminder of our Ask the Joes® webinar, taking place at 4:30pm on November 9th. We will review the most important aspects of the SECURE Act 2.0. This law, passed in December 2022, made some significant changes to retirement accounts and plans. We’ll cover the major changes you should be aware of. We will be joined by Sean Durkin, regional vice president of the Capital Group/American Funds, who will provide his firm’s outlook on the markets and economy.

If you have any questions for the webinar, please send them our way!

The link for the webinar is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81914758836?pwd=M2RqR2QwSXhDcjhUTjEzQ0k2ZTNzUT09

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Advisory Services offered through Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Securities and additional advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Advisory services offered through Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc, are separate and unrelated to Commonwealth. Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc. is located at 12921 SW 1st Rd, Suite 215, Tioga, FL 32669. 352-333-7990
Lowry Financial Advisors is the only advisory firm that helps its clients reach their goals through The Achieving Simplicity® Experience™, providing clarity and confidence in their personal and financial lives.