Novemer 2023 Newsletter

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American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Notable Dates in November:

November 1st - All Saints Day

November 2nd - All Souls Day

November 5th - Daylight Saving Time ends

November 11th - Veterans Day / Remembrance Day (Canada)

November 12th - Diwali

November 20th - Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 23 - Thanksgiving

On Spiritual Leadership from the NER Team. . .

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Love and Fear

by wren bellavance-grace

Julian, do you not know? Do you not know about sorrow?

And Julian, do you not know? Do you not know about pain?

As our November newsletter was approaching final edits, horrific news of our country’s 565th mass shooting of the calendar year broke out of the city of Lewiston, Maine. As sometimes happens in the work of ministry, we were called to shift our work and pivot our attention to respond. We have reached out to every one of our congregations in Maine, because although it is New England’s largest state, it feels very much like a big small town. We heard back from colleagues and siblings in faith - 

We are fine

We are scared

We are listening to a helicopter overhead

We are sad, but safe

It is good to feel connected

New England is a small and close knit region. Our colleagues in greater Boston who sheltered in place in the hours following the Boston Marathon tragedy are remembering those days of shock, and sadness, and collective sense of powerlessness. Mainers, we hope you have felt the waves of love and support heading your way. 

Some days, this beautiful broken world feels like just too much to hold. How do we abide a world where such violence can erupt in a local bowling alley? At a music festival? Anywhere? It is so overwhelming it can almost crowd out faith; there is scant space left for hope.

How do we abide?

I often turn to folk singer Meg Barnhouse’s song All Will Be Well (YouTube) in times like these. It’s a rhetorical cry to the heavens for answers never received. 

Julian, do you not know? Do you not know about sorrow?

And Julian, do you not know? Do you not know about pain?

Do you not know about loneliness? About cruelty?

Do you not know we are scared? That we are listening to helicopters?

That we haven’t heard from our cousin?

Julian, it’s too much; it brings me to my knees.

Barnhouse conjures Saint Julian of Norwich, who answers only, All will be well.

But we still don’t know how.

How will we abide?

Only together.

We know for many grieving friends and families today, it feels like nothing will ever be okay again. We know that trauma will linger for individuals, for the city of Lewiston, and its neighbors. Julian never promises things will go back to normal. Scores of families and friends and co-workers and neighbors know that their lives will never be the same again. Someday - not today - life’s rhythm will return, adapting to its new shape and one by one, we will be helped up from our knees. . . .

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NER News & Events

Contexts Starts This Month (online)

Our special Contexts Learning Community for congregations seeking to more fully understand the realities of life for Millennials and Gen Z gathers for the first time on Tuesday, November 14 12:00 - 1:30pm ET. Sign up today to participate with a team from your congregation so you can dive into the essential pre-work.

This Community is organized around rich audio and visual resources. You’ll set up four “At Home” meetings with your team in your congregation to digest and interpret the resources. We will also gather four times over the church year, via Zoom, to further synthesize what we are learning and what it might mean for how we want to engage with parents and other youngish people about their lived experiences.

Join us to interpret the Contexts of our times! Registration is now open for our first gathering. Once you join, you will automatically receive the registration link.

Spiritual Leadership for Culture Change, a Community of Practice (online)

This Community of Practice is about exploring the ways Spiritual Leadership can help shape culture in our congregations. If you have not already joined, please sign up. Once you join, you will be sent registration details and the pre-work assignment for each gathering of this community of practice. Learn more.

NER Congregational Board and Trustee Quarterly Gathering (online)

Our next congregational Board and trustee quarterly gathering will be on Tuesday November 21, 7:00-8:30pm ET. Join with your peers to share ideas, strategies, questions, concerns, and support. These gatherings are open to current board members and those who will be on the board within the next several months.

Registration is free and required. The registration deadline is Monday November 20.

NER Congregational Administrators Quarterly Gathering (online)

Our next congregational administrators quarterly gathering will be on Thursday, January 18 12:00-1:00pm ET. Join with your peers from around the region to share ideas, questions, concerns and support.

Stay tuned to your inbox for the registration link!

Please Update Your Congregational Information on!

As we move through the church year we want to stay in touch! We will be reaching out directly to congregations, staff, and Board members via email with new events and opportunities as well as other important announcements regularly. Our database is automatically updated by daily.

Please ensure the listed information on is current and correct. We thank you in advance for keeping all names, roles, and emails up-to-date. If you need to update the minister specifically, please contact the Transitions office using this form. We appreciate your understanding and assistance, and look forward to being in touch this year!

News & Events

Religious Education and Faith Formation

Resources and Events

NER Youth and Emerging Adult Ministries Liaison Meet with Jennica Davis-Hockett and Evin Carvill Ziemer (online)

NER is excited to welcome Jennica Davis-Hockett as our Youth and Emerging Adult Ministries Liaison. Join Jennica and NER Developmental Lead Evin Carvill-Ziemer for a conversation about what's alive in your faith formation contexts and what the UUA can offer.

Please share this event with religious professionals and volunteers in your congregation. Sign up to receive future updates about Youth and Emerging Adult support in New England.

Tuesday November 14, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET at the Zoom link below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 651 277 1939

Youth and Emerging Adult Kick Off (online)

Thursday, November 2 8:30-9:45pm ET

Gather with the Lifespan Faith Engagement office where the office will connect with you and other youth, emerging adults, and religious professionals who focus on these ministries. We are taking more of a shared ministry approach nationally, and will also provide windows / insights into what is in the works.

Registration is free and required.

Next Religious Education Professional (REP) Meet-Up

First Tuesdays of November, February, and May: Tuesday November 7, 12:00-1:30pm ET

Religious education professionals from across the continent virtually join members of the UUA’s Faith Development Co-Lab for a time of connection with other religious educators around a theme. Our goal is not to "fill you up" with information, but, more so, to have time for you as attendees to share your thoughts with each other. The November 2023 connection theme will be Self-Care and Spiritual Respite.

Registration is free and required.

New DRE: Settling in Series - Winter 2024

Live sessions Wednesdays January 31 / February 7 / February 21 12:00-2:00pm ET

If you are a newer religious professional serving in UU faith development, this series will provide connection, community, and content!

Registration is required. The registration deadline is Sunday January 28. This training is valued at $175 with Continuing Education Grants available. Course work will be available approximately January 24.

Programs & Resources for Congregational Leaders

From Side With Love -

Why We Cannot Turn Away: Resources for UU Leaders Engaging on Israel and Palestine

Monday, November 6 8:00-9:30pm ET

As our world bears witness to the tragic and traumatic events unfolding in Palestine & Israel, many of us are yearning for a faithful way to discuss and engage what is occurring. Join us for this session for religious professionals, where we will invite multiple expert voices to help us deepen our understanding in truth and possibility. Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and hosted by Muslim and Jewish UU professionals, this session will feature guest appearances by experts who will share about the history of the region, how our world arrived at the current moment, some history about UU engagement with these issues, and what we as people of faith might do in response to it. In this time of collective fear and grief, let us form a community willing to learn, struggle, and heal together.

This event is geared toward anyone who serves as a UU religious professional or in a lay leadership capacity in their congregation. This session will be recorded and made available as a resource for congregations after the live event, and you may register even if you are unable to attend live. We will also be introducing a template for congregational conversations to be used by religious professionals in their settings; all who register for this event will receive a zoom link to the live event as well as follow up communications including the video recording and congregational conversation template. 

Registration is free and required.

System Theory Renaissance Module (online)

Fridays February 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 12:00-2:00pm ET


Central to our understanding of congregational systems is a grounding in the awareness that “everything we do is faith development; everything we teach is Unitarian Universalism and that the congregation is the curriculum.”

That expression, by Connie Goodbread, is the first part of going deeper into congregational systems, yet the second part must include an immersion into System Theory.

The “System Theory” Renaissance Module will:

  • Examine human beings as emotional, intellectual, and physical beings.

  • Everything that human beings create, discover, destroy and build is born out of our humanity.

  • Explore and clarify what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.

  • Discuss the human qualities that help and hinder the growth of a beloved community.


The overarching lens of System Theory will ground the experience and aid religious educators, and other religious professionals to apply these learnings to their own professional context.

Registration is required at a cost of $200 for all four sessions (sliding scale options are available). Continuing Education Grants may be available, please apply. The registration deadline is Wednesday January 31 or when maximum capacity is reached.

Next UUA Board Open House (online)

Tuesday, November 14 8:00pm ET

One way the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board of Trustees serves the more than 148,000 members and over 1,000 member congregations of the UUA is through open communication and transparency in its own work.

To further encourage this open dialogue, the Board hosts monthly Open Houses. All are invited to attend and participate. Bring your comments, questions, and suggestions, and chat about the Board’s work and the Unitarian Universalist (UU) issues that matter most to you.

Registration is free and required.


Explore the Full UUA Events Calendar for more!

Pandemic Strategies (Including COVID-19)

We thank all congregations whose generous contributions to the

UUA Annual Program Fund make all of our work possible.

We offer learning opportunities throughout the New England Region for congregational members, lay leaders, and religious professionals.

Regional staff services and support are available to UU congregations year-round.

Contact us!

(617) 948-6415


Staff Contacts

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