EJP Member Announcements

March 20, 2023

Click here to view as webpage.

From left: Ashton Hoselton (Policy & Research Director), Jamie Hines (Operations Director), Katie Fizdale (Assistant to EJP director), and Lee Ragsdale (Reentry Guide Initiative Director). A rare sighting of them together in person!

Spring 2023 EJP Directory
2022-23 EJP Handbook

EJP 101

The next EJP 101 is scheduled for Tuesday March 21 from 2 - 3pm. This is an "EJP Reflections," in which you view a video of a previous EJP 101 beforehand and participate in a 60-minute discussion about its contents. You can sign up below, and also for upcoming EJP 101s and EJP Reflections, which are scheduled for April 3, May 3, and July 13. Thank you!

Sign up for EJP 101

Critical Conversation on March 29

The next Critical Conversation is scheduled for Wednesday March 29 from 12 - 1:30pm!

Please be sure to fulfill this requirement before the end of the year. All EJP members are required to attend a critical conversation annually.

You'll be able to access the readings and short videos via the registration form, below.


Save the Date: EJP Homecoming

Sat August 26, 2023

Our first ever homecoming, in celebration of EJP's 15 year anniversary, is the perfect occasion to re-connect, reflect, share, and fortify ourselves. For that reason, attendance is required for all EJP members. New applicants (i.e. those applying to EJP this spring) will be told that they're expected to attend as well.

Please reserve Saturday August 26. We hope that we're providing enough time for everyone to adjust their schedules so that they can participate. Travel funds and carpools will be made available.

We're putting together a planning committee. If you'd like to be involved, please fill out the form below.

Thank you for prioritizing this event and looking forward!

Sign up for planning committee

COVID Tests in EJP Office

COVID tests are available in the EJP office. If you're scheduled to visit the prison and would find it useful to check your status, please feel free to use one. The office is open 9 - 5pm each day, closed from 11 - 12 for lunch.

Our office is on the 2nd floor of the Campus YMCA building at 1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign.

EJP Director Drop-in Hours

EJP director Rebecca Ginsburg is having weekly drop-in hours Tuesdays from 2 - 3pm. You can stop by in person at 1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign (Campus YMCA building, 2nd floor) or connect via zoom.

Her door is open for questions, concerns, or just to chat. If you haven't yet met Rebecca, she asks you to consider dropping in to say hello!

Open Positions with EJP

Undergrad and grad hourly positions:

Graphic Design Team Member

Program Assistant (based at DCC)

Data Stewardship Team Member

Coordinator positions:

Below please find current open EJP coordinator positions. Coordinators receive $2,000/semester stipends. Click on the links below for full job descriptions and instructions on how to apply. All the positions below are based at Danville Correctional Center and require the ability to get clearance.


(We'd love to get our student newsletter up and running again!)

Computer Lab Coordinator

(We're one of the few college-in-prison programs with a dedicated computer lab.)

Writing Workshops Co-Coordinator

(Students seek opportunities to write and publish.)

CAVE Co-Coordinator

(This innovative program addresses violence through a trauma-informed lens.)

Your Birthday Month

We'd love to help you celebrate your birthday by sending you a little something during your birthday month. It's another way of saying thank you for being part of EJP.

We invite all members of EJP to tell us your birthday month, whatever your role and wherever you're based.

It only takes one minute to complete the form. Thank you!

Have Announcements to Share?

Please use the form below to share any announcements you want us to include in upcoming Member Notices.

Announcement Request Form

The mission of the Education Justice project is to create a model college-in-prison program that demonstrates the positive impacts of higher education upon incarcerated people, their families, the neighborhoods from which they come, the host institution, and society as a whole.