CECFC High School Newsletter
January 10, 2025
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- 1/14: Info Meeting & School Tour RSVP- 5:00pm at the HS
- 1/15: Key Club Meeting: 3-4pm in Rm 226
- 1/16: Intramural Volleyball Begins - 3-4pm in the Gym (Every Thursday)
- 1/20: Martin Luther King Day - School Closed
- 1/29: Info Meeting & School Tour RSVP - 3:00pm at the HS
- 1/29: Key Club Meeting: 3-4pm in Rm 226
- 2/1: SAT Form Due for All Juniors
- 2/12: Key Club Meeting: 3-4pm in Rm 226
- 2/13: Info Meeting & School Tour RSVP - 4:00pm at the HS
- 2/14: Last day to donate prizes for Culture Fest
- 2/19: SAC Meeting - Parents are Invited!!! - 4:30 - 5:30pm at the HS
2/26: Key Club Meeting: 3-4pm in Rm 226
- 2/27: Info Meeting & School Tour RSVP - 5:00pm at the HS
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Work on Harmony Road...Again... | |
Welcome Back, Everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break. We know everyone wants to get the semester off to a great start, so we wanted to make sure you are all aware of the road work starting on Harmony yet again.
Please plan ahead! Road work may cause some delays in getting to classes on time.
The City will be doing concrete repairs on the eastbound side of Harmony starting at Boardwalk, proceeding east to McMurray, then looping back in the westbound lanes to College Ave. We anticipate these repairs will be minimally impactful to traffic, mostly single lane drops, a couple blocks at a time. Business and residential access will be maintained throughout. This work is weather dependent and is expected to take 6-8 weeks.
This concrete work is needed in preparation for the larger Harmony resurfacing project tentatively scheduled to begin in April. This project area will be between College Ave. and Timberline and last 4-6 weeks. This project, similar to the 2024 project on Harmony from Strauss Cabin to Timberline, will also maintain business and residential access, and we expect to have at least one lane open in both directions at all times. This resurfacing project, tentatively starting in April, will have higher traffic impacts than the concrete work starting in January.
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Students with 504 Accommodations Plans: This is a friendly reminder to start requesting accommodations for your Aims and/or Front Range Community College classes 😊 Getting accommodations at the college level requires reaching out to the Disability Services office every semester to get them set up (this applies to college classes taken on and off CEC’s campus). Students are required to be present at these meetings, and families are welcome to attend as support.
Contact Aims Disability Access Services
Contact Front Range Disability Support Services
- Call the Academic Support Center at 970-204-8112 or the college-wide line at 303-404-5533. You can also reach staff by email at FRCC.DSS@FrontRange.edu.
Ms. Grigg is available for consultation if you need support. You can email her at Madeleine.Grigg@ColoradoEarlyColleges.org
**If you’ve already met with, and are satisfied with, your accommodations provided through Aims of Front Range, you do not need to schedule an intake meeting. Instead, please check your email for more information about how to renew accommodations.
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Intramural Volleyball will begin with our first scrimmage game on Thursday, January 16th from 3-4pm in the Gym. Once teams are set, games will be held after school on Thursdays from 3-4pm through March 6th.
All CEC high school students are welcome! Please come join the fun! Bragging rights are on the line!
Sign up with Coach Domenicali via Email or in person. We'll see you on the court!
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Bookstore Item Checkout Policies | |
We are so grateful to our new Bookstore Guru, Mrs. Schauerhamer, for working so hard to get everything organized, repaired, and replaced for a great start to the semester! In order to keep our bookstore resources in good shape and available, please note the following policies:
- Textbooks, calculators and other items in the bookstore are checked out to individual students using the Alexandria system.
Students must return the exact textbook, calculator, or item in the same or better condition by the end of the semester.​​
Lost or damaged textbooks, calculators or items will incur a replacement or damage fee on the student's IC account.​​
To avoid end of the semester damage fees, bring textbooks, calculators, or items to the bookstore for repair during bookstore hours.​​
- If a student thinks they may have switched their textbook or calculator, bring it to the bookstore for an item check during bookstore hours.
Please contact Mrs. Schauerhamer if you have questions. Thank you!
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Students! Are you looking for a club to join that will be fun. look great on college applications, and helps the community? If this sounds like you, then please consider joining Key Club!
Key Club will meet this month on January 15th & January 29th from 3-4pm in Rm 226. Beginning in February, Key Club will then meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month.
We hope to see you there! Have questions? Click HERE to learn more about Key Club or contact Mrs. Gillespie.
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Informational Meeting & School Tours | |
Informational Meetings & School Tours for enrollment in the 2025-26 school year have begun. The next Informational Meeting is on January 14, 2025 @ 5:00 pm at the CECFC HS.
For more information, or to see a list of all meetings through February 2025, or to RSVP for a meeting, click HERE. (Scroll down - "Info Meetings & Tours" link is just below the street map)
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Upcoming SAT Testing for Juniors | |
Juniors! The SAT Test is coming soon. All Juniors are currently scheduled to take the SAT at CECFC high school on either April 15th or April 16th.
We need ALL JUNIORS to complete THIS FORM as soon as possible to confirm your testing details.
The form will give you the choice to select the Essay portion of the SAT exam as well as requesting alternative testing days if you are not able to make the scheduled test day. The last day to request an alternative testing date is February 1st!
If you still have questions or concerns after viewing the form, please contact Ms. Carpenter.
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Donations Needed for Culture Fest | |
Hey CECFC Community Members! Culture Fest ’25 is coming and we need your help!
We would like to make this a fun and inviting Culture Fest season,and need help with providing meaningful prizes for our participating students.
If you are willing to donate some gifts to use as prizes, our students would really appreciate it. Your kind contribution will be used to reward students who attend and perform during Culture Fest.
Please reach out to Mr. Beeson at matt.beeson@coloradoearlycolleges.org with any questions.
Gift cards and other prizes may be dropped off at the front desk between now and February 14th. Thank you for supporting Colorado Early Colleges and Culture Fest.
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School of Choice Enrollment for 25-26 is Open | |
CECFC School of Choice Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open for new students in grades 6-12! Tell your friends and families that enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open and you could receive $100 gift certificate for every new student who enrolls! For details check out our Refer-A-Friend Program. To start the enrollment process, click HERE.
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Looking for the perfect job or know someone who would be a great addition to our team? Check out our Careers page by cliking the button below!
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Want to show off your CEC School Spirit? The CEC Spirit Store is ready to take your order! Students, family members, and staff can shop online by clicking the button below. Keep an eye on the store as we are hoping to offer even more custom items for each specific campus. We hope to see you wearing your CEC gear with pride! | |
Free HS Tutoring Available | |
Did you know that CEC provides 1-to-1 tutoring free-of-charge to students? Please click the button below to book your tutoring session. You will be charged only for missed appointments. We have adult and student tutors to help with all subjects. Don't wait until it is too late! Book your tutoring appointment today. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Artrip.
The Tutoring link is also always in the "Quick Links" section of the newsletter, just below the "at a glance" section at the very top.
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Need College-Level Tutoring? | |
Scholarships, College, Career, and Graduation Updates | |
Advising & Career Newsletter | |
The Academic Advising & Career Center Newsletter is a great resource for information about:
- Colleges & Universities
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Work-Based Learning
- & more...
Please click the button link below to view the most recent AA&CC Newsletter:
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Care Corner - How can we Help? | |
A word from your CEC FC HS School Counselor:
Winter is upon us and with it comes shorter days, colder weather, and for some of us... hibernation - mental, physical and emotional. In recent years, mental health practitioners have brought more attention to how the cooler, darker months might affect our mood. Please CLICK HERE for some great information regarding Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) and how it might be impacting you, your student and your family unit.
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Concerns about Finances or Housing? | |
Awareness isn’t just knowing that homelessness exists; it’s about recognizing signs, understanding experiences, and knowing how to help. By bringing visibility to individual stories and challenging misconceptions, awareness opens the door to real support and systemic improvements.
Ways to increase awareness:
View this documentary on homeless children: American Street Kid and/or Shelter with your family and have a meaningful family conversation over dinner.
- Find a way to volunteer in your local community.
Contact our school McKinney-Vento Liaison, Erica Koehler (erica.koehler@coloradoearlycolleges.org) to find out how to get involved here at CEC.
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Illnesses: Please DO NOT SEND students to school if they are ill.
- Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever has resolved without fever reducing medications to lower the fever
- Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after vomiting and/or diarrhea without medications to reduce those symptoms
- If your student has missed [5 consecutive days] or [7 days in a two-week period] due to illness, please provide medical documentation for these absences to be excused.
Contact Info:
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Everyone is welcome!
No volunteering, no commitment.
Our Parent Resource Group meetings are friendly and casual, a place for parents to meet other CEC families and share stories, ask questions, and find information. Any questions brought up are placed as an agenda item for our SAC (School Accountability Committee) meetings with CEC Leadership.
SAC includes the Head of School (or designee), along with parents and community members, to offer guidance on academic action plans, budget priorities, safety issues and other areas.
2024-25 School Year Meeting Dates:
Meetings on Wednesdays at 4:30-5:30 PM
· February 19
· April 16
Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, they benefit emotionally, socially, and academically.
We all meet regularly to have fun and organize events. Be part of our team! Visit our website or email cecfcsac@gmail.com if you're interested.
Thank you very much, CEC Parents!
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Infinite Campus - Stay Informed | |
Parents & Students - We would like to encourage everyone to be proactive and keep an eye on grades & attendance in infinite Campus. Please scan the QR code below or click HERE to access your student's information. If you have any trouble logging in, please send an email to IT Support for assistance. | |
The list is endless when it comes to resources for supporting your success.
Here is a list of staff dedicated to supporting students' unique needs:
Our priority is to provide you with the support you need to be successful in your plan of study. Please don’t hesitate to reach out when you need us!
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Support CEC Every Time you Check Out! | |
Go to www.kingsoopers.com
- In the Search bar, type "Community Rewards"
- Log in or Create your account
- Search Colorado Early Colleges (EG422)
- Click "Enroll"
Once you are enrolled, you will automatically earn money for CEC by simply using your rewards card. It is a quick and easy way to support the work we do for students and families here at CEC.
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