Week of March 25, 2023

Student Events

Order Your Cap and Gown for Graduation

All students who graduated in December, or who are going to be graduating this May or Summer, can now order their cap and gown here.

  • The last day to order online is Wednesday, April 12.
  • The deadline to receive free shipping is Thurs., March 30.

Caps and gowns will also be available for purchase at the graduation fairs.

Graduation is Friday, May 12 at 7pm at WesBanco Arena.

If you have any questions regarding purchasing of caps/gowns, please contact Regan Blaha at

Ordering Information

Help WVNCC Reach Future Students

We hope you are having a good semester!


We would appreciate your feedback. Below is a link to a marketing survey. This survey helps the college shape its marketing plan and reach new students. We are looking for your feedback about how you found out about WVNCC, where you see our ads, what media you use and more. We would ask that you take a few minutes to fill out the survey and anyone who completes it will be entered to win a bag full of cool WVNCC swag!


Thanks for your participation. 

Take the Survey

You Belong Here! - Diversity Week

Monday, March 27 (Wheeling)

Tuesday, March 28 (Weirton)

Thursday, March 30 (New Martinsville)


WVNCC is celebrating Diversity Week. Stop by and get a You Belong Here t-shirt!

Courtesy of the WVNCC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee paid for by the WV HEPC Diversity and Equity Grant. 


Wheeling: B&O Courtyard

Weirton: Student Lounge

New Martinsville: Student Lounge

Where Are You From?

March 27 - 31

Celebrating Diversity Week

WVNCC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee would love to know your cultural background or family heritage.


Email with your ancestry, culture or where you grew up for us to map and show the diversity of our student population.

Did She Just Say The F-word?

Monday, March 27


The dreaded F-word is not what most people think it is, it’s FEAR! 

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of embarrassment
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear keeps us from living our best life and it robs us of our dreams, happiness, and success!
  • Fear leads to a life full of no’s when we should be saying YES to many of life’s opportunities and experiences.

Join presenter Sherrie Dunlevy as she shares with the audience how saying YES to life has lead to some of her greatest adventures and successes to date.

Sherrie is the founder of the Graduating Grief Academy and host of the Graduating Grief podcast. She is a former radio talk show host, recovering TV news anchor, wife and mom.

Register to attend in-person or by Zoom (link will be provided).

Academic Resource Center Library

2nd Floor / Wheeling Campus B&O Building

Sponsored by the The Academic Resource Center (ARC) and made possible by our Mental Health grant.

Register Here

Student Government Association (SGA) Meeting

Monday, March 27


Are you interested in being a “voice for the students” on campus? Do you want to build relationships, enhance your leadership skills, become civically engaged, and maximize your college experience?

SGA meetings are held once a month by Zoom. All meetings are open to the student body, faculty, staff, and administration.

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 832 5772 4288

One tap mobile: 1-646-558-8656

Zoom Link

Active Shooter Trainings with Officer RJ Faldowski

Wednesday, March 29


Active shooter training, offered by Officer RJ Faldowski, is a critical program for any student, faculty or staff member in higher education.

The program provides practical tools and strategies on how individuals can respond in cases of an armed intruder. Through active shooter training, individuals better understand what these decisions involve and how to make the decisions that provide them the best opportunity to survive a shooter on a college campus.

Wheeling Campus / Education Center/ 418

International Club Meet and Greet

Thursday, March 30


Celebrating Diversity Week

Join the International Club to speak with their members and officers and learn more about the club.

Light refreshments will be provided. 

Wheeling Campus B&O Auditorium

For more information, contact Said Leghlid at

AED/CPR - Hands on Training

Monday, April 3


According to the American Heart Association, more than 356,000 Americans have experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Nearly 90% were fatal. Victims who receive bystander CPR are 2.5-3 times more likely to survive.

Join us to learn how to recognize when someone is experiencing cardiac arrest, how to use an AED, and how to perform hands only CPR.

Hands Only CPR is a simple technique that any bystander can learn to do without having a medical background.

Students, staff and faculty welcomed!

Wheeling B&O Auditorium

To keep up with all of our upcoming events, download our app or check the calendar on our website!


Financial Aid Announcements

Pell Grants are Available for Students Taking Summer Courses!

The Pell Grant may be available to you this Summer, even if you used the full amount during the Fall and Spring semesters.

To find out if you qualify, please email

Action Center Announcements

Explore Your Interests with Career Coach

Career Coach from Lightcast is a tool you can use to explore your interests and related careers. From there, you can make sure you go into the WVNCC program best aligned with your identified goals.

Take Career Assessment

Take a Career Assessment to learn about yourself and Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests.

Browse Careers

Browse or search for careers and we will give you relevant data on wages, employment, and the training you need.

Browse Programs

Browse or search for the available Programs that lead to the career you want.

Build Your Résumé

Our easy-to-use résumé builder will help you create a professional résumé. Sign-up and build your résumé.

Are You a Veteran?

Find civilian careers related to your military occupation. Get started with Military Search.

Visit Career Coach now to discover majors and in-demand careers based on your interests!

Career Coach
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The fastest way to stay connected!

Feedback Form

Have feedback you'd like to share with the college? We now have an easy way to submit that! You can find our Student Feedback Form on our website, under the Current Student links.

Download our App!