Faith Academics Service

October 22, 2024 ~ Newsletter

One Community One Family

Dear Christ the King Catholic School Community,

Today is the feast day of Saint Pope John Paul II.  This month we are celebrating and honoring Mary’s month of the holy rosary each day at morning assembly and throughout our days together.  Pope John Paul II’s quote regarding Mary is so awesome, “Do not be afraid to be saints.  Follow Jesus Christ , who is the source of freedom and light.  Be open to the Lord so that He may lighten all your ways.”

This past Friday, Father Paulson and I attended the Monsignor Wade Golf Tournament at Boundary Oaks Golf Course in Walnut Creek, California.  Golf chairs Raul Ortega and Henry Santos knocked it out of the park with a great day on the course.  Raul, Henry, the senior golf leadership committee, donors, and volunteers are to be commended for such a fun filled and legacy driven event.  I appreciate Raul’s and Henry’s courage, commitment, leadership, organization, and dedication to such a lifeserving event.

The following Monsignor members are to be commended for their great contributions, work, and intentions of the heart:

Committee Chair: Raul Ortega

Co-Chair: Henry Santos

Event & Volunteer Coordinator: Gina Galicz

Tournament Operations: Matt Wrighton

Finance / Accounts Payable: Carlos Pires

Corporate Sponsors: Tom Branch & James Richardson

Graphic Designer / Website: Scott Greer

Communication & Social Media: Jennifer Ortega

Our parent volunteers:

Melanie Laman

Christina Segura

Rebecca Garcia

Natalie Colton

Patricia Golez 

Eileen Pena

Andrea Nilson 

Janet Graham

Silvia Madden

Kristy Keilen

Diane Cesco

Tony Graham

Josephine Quach

Susan Richardson

Kevin O’Shea

Tracy Rodriguez

Brianna Johnson 

Today we send sincere condolences and deepest sympathies to two of our beloved CTK faculty and staff members.  Mrs. Jessica Monroy’s husband passed to be with God this weekend from a courageous four year battle with cancer.  Manuel’s strong faith in God, love for his family, and positive spirit never wavered. Manuel and Jessica’s beautiful family are great examples to us all.  Mrs. Annie Piol’s sister Lynette Mc Quad/Gianni passed to be with God as well.  The beautiful Piol family has wonderful San Francisco roots and is loving and faithful, and wonderful examples to us all.  Our love, prayers, and compassion to the Monroy and Piol families.

This week we look forward to the 8th grade retreat on Thursday.  In addition, Father Paulson and second grade are leading us in mass this Friday.  Further, a very special thank you to Kevin and Amber Balestrieri for hosting Friday evening’s Halloween Movie Night at their beautiful farm.

So grateful for our One Community One Family,

Mr. Joseph M. Silveira Ed.D.


Christ the King Catholic School

Offsite Christ the King Catholic School Events

Here at CTK, the safety and well-being of our students is always of the utmost priority and concern. However, CTK cannot assume responsibility for the conduct, safety, or supervision of its students when participating in events that occur off school property.


Dear Heavenly Father, help us to accept Your love and support. As our days get shorter and the cooler weather comes in we can look to You for light and warmth. Help us to remember to be a good neighbor and friend to those in our community, after all we are all just walking each other home to You. Please hear the intentions in our hearts.

We pray for Annie Piol's (5th Grade Assistant) sister Lynette McQuade Gianni who has gone to Heaven. We pray for Jessica Monroy's (Reading Specialist) husband Manuel who has gone to Heaven.

 If you have special intentions please email Mrs. Meran here so we can include them in our next newsletter.

Virtue of the Week


Circumspection in the eyes of a child - the quality of being cautious

Parish News


Have you considered becoming Catholic but are not sure how to proceed? Possibly married to a Catholic or have children in Christ the King School – and interested in sharing their faith? Or possibly just looking to clarify your own faith journey?

Investigate our RCIA program, which facilitates your consideration of baptism or conversion. Learn more by emailing Tom Bobich at

CTK Parish Newsletter: Please click here for the October 16th Parish Newsletter

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via

Children's Mass for Halloween

Children's Mass

Sunday, October 27th

We are inviting all children to a

special Sunday mass with a

Halloween Celebration

9:00 AM in the Parish Hall at CTK


All children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to mass. We will gather in the Parish Hall at 8:45 AM, then we’ll enter the church through the sacristy door. Students will then process through the church and back to the Parish Hall where our children’s mass will begin.


We look forward to seeing everyone in their best costumes for this special event.

Important Dates

Wednesday, October 23 - CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal, Dine & Donate Chipolte

Thursday, October 24 - 8th Grade Retreat, HL - BCR's

Friday, October 25 - 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform, PTG Movie Night

Wednesday, October 30 - CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal

Thursday, October 31 - Happy Halloween! 8:00am Halloween Parade, 12:00pm Dismissal

Friday, November 1 - All Saints Day, 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform, Scholastic Book Fair 7:30am - 5:30pm

Sunday, November 3 - Scholastic Book Fair 9:30am - 12:30pm

CTK Spirit Wear

Did you miss out on ordering Spirit Wear this year? Well now is your chance to show off your CTK pride! The online store is open again until October 23rd. Please click here to check out all our CTK Swag! Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery after the online store closes. Items will be delivered to the class rooms.

Hot Lunch

Halloween Guidelines

Halloween is coming up soon! We will be celebrating with the annual Halloween parade after the morning assembly on Thursday, October 31st. Parents are invited to stay and watch! As students prepare their costumes, please review the guidelines below:

Halloween Costume Guidelines

  • Costumes that depict alcohol, drugs, violence, or violent characters are not permitted. Fake weapons are not allowed.
  • Costumes that could be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture or heritage are not permitted.
  • Costumes should not hinder students’ ability to participate in classes, including PE.
  • School rules regarding dress code must be followed: No short skirts/shorts, no bare midriffs, no bare shoulders, or low necklines.
  • Students or parents who have questions about the acceptability of their costumes should check with their homeroom teacher prior to wearing the costumes to school. 
  • Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home to have a change of clothes brought to them. 


Thank you all for supporting appropriate, distraction-free learning environments for students by adhering to these guidelines. We’re looking forward to all the fun Halloween festivities!

CTK Auction


There are less than 2 weeks left to sign up to host an Experience.

Hosting an Experience is a gift to our school community both socially and financially. These events create lifelong memories, foster new and old friendships, and help raise money for our beloved school.

If you would like to give to our school in this way, please sign up to host an Experience here: Experience Sign Up

If you are on the fence, or have any questions, please reach out to or one of the Auction Chairs directly.

We are so grateful for your consideration and can't wait to see the creative Experiences you come up with!


CTK is excited to announce our second-grade basketball skills sessions will be returning for the 2024 season for all second graders currently enrolled at CTK school. 
The training sessions will focus on skills development to prepare our second graders to compete at the CYO level. The program will be led by multiple coaches and begin in early November and end in late January. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30, and workouts will be held on the outdoor CTK blacktop or gym. The cost is $125/student, and all participants will receive a tee shirt. 
Click here for registration. 
Registration will close Friday, November 1! 

Dine and Donate

Book Fair



For a refresher on how to get started with RaiseRight, please follow this link for a step by step guide to getting started! 

Our school submits orders by 8:00am on Monday mornings and the cards are delivered the following week. If you would like your Scrip order delivered in your Tuesday Family Envelope, please click on the link here to sign the Scrip Waiver form. 


Please complete the form here if you are requesting reimbursement for school activities (for example, PTG events). After requests are reviewed and approved, your reimbursement will be ready within 7-10 business days. 

Family Service Hours

Thank you to everyone that has signed up to help our teachers and school! Your time and commitments help us to have the best school year possible. 

When you are finished with your volunteer service, remember to fill out the google form that records your Family Service Hours. You can find the form here. This form can be completed after each volunteer opportunity or your earliest convenience so that your hours are recorded and not forgotten! 

As a reminder, each family is responsible for 17 volunteer hours during the school year in the following categories: 

Fundraising - 5 hours

Festival - 4 hours

Personal Choice - 8 hours 

All hours must be logged and recorded by May 31, 2025. If you have any questions regarding totals or accumulations please reach out to Kim Anderson at

Quick Links!

Partners in Faith October Issue: Click Here

Parent Student Handbook: Click Here

School Supply List Grades K-8: Click Here

Club Registration Form: Click Here

Walk to School Form: Click Here

Student Medication Form: Click Here

Hot Lunch Orders: Click Here

Virtus Safe Environment TrainingClick Here to access the online training site and Click Here for instructions.

Diocese of Oakland Volunteer Application form: Click Here

TB Assessment Form: Click Here

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via