4-Week Anti-Racism Challenge (ARC) 

WEEK 3: April 14 - 20, 2023


This is your own personal journey. To participate, we ask that you complete at least 3 activities this week. You can use the ARC Tracking tool below to monitor your progress. Choose from the following:

JOIN / SUPPORT: There are several terrific local groups working for justice. Please consider joining and/or supporting them. Here are a few we recommend:

LSURJ - Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice: https://www.louisvillesurj.org/

Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression: https://kentuckyalliance.org/

VOCAL-KY: https://vocal-ky.org/

WATCH: “How to Rig an Election: The Racist History of the 1876 Vote.” (Well, this explains a lot.) 7:15 minutes.


JOURNAL: Write about the anti-racist activity, event, interaction, or reading that has impacted you most in your journey–whether from the ARC or any other source. Explore in detail why it had such a powerful effect and how you might share the message with others. (We would love to hear it if you wish to send it to us.)

REGISTER: for our Community Conversation, “Beyond ‘A Few Bad Apples’:

Transparency and Accountability forLouisville Metro Police Department”

Speakers are Attorney Kellie Watson and Inspector General, Edward Harness. Monday, May 15 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Earth and Spirit Center. Refreshments will be served. Learn more and register for this FREE event here:


VISIT: Blak Koffee Cafe, a Black women-owned coffee shop in the Russell neighborhood at Molo Village. Recently opened, they offer a place where 'Coffee, Culture and Business Meet!'


WATCH: District 4 Metro Councilman Jecorey Arthur on being Black in America.


READ: Black maternal deaths are soaring in the US. Why? According to a study from Johns Hopkins University, it’s racism.

“Black Maternal Mortality: ‘It is Racism, not Race”


WATCH: Jon Stewart addresses the need for white people to take responsibility for systemic racism on “The Problem.” See the segment here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cmnwbGmu7w 

WATCH: Louisville poet, Hannah Drake’s short but unforgettable address at the Simmons College of Kentucky Commencement. https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Hannah+Drake+at+Simmons+College+of+Ky

LEARN/VISIT: about the Louisville Unions, a winning Black Louisville baseball team from the early 20th Century. There is an interactive exhibit at the Louisville Sluggers Museum to celebrate them. Learn more here: 


Reserve tickets here:


ATTEND: The Kentucky Derby Festival’s Block Party on April 15th from 10 am -

8 p.m. at the Norton Sports and Learning Center. The event shines the spotlight on talent and resources throughout Louisville, specifically minority-owned businesses in West Louisville. Guests can enjoy cuisine from local food trucks, live entertainment, and more. Learn more here: https://www.nortonslc.com/events/detail/kdf-blockparty-2?mc_cid=4ed11812ad&mc_eid=658840a8d3

READ / WATCH: During his deposition for another case, former Louisville Metro Police Department chief, Steve Conrad, does not dispute the Department of Justice's report which detailed a pattern of discriminatory policing.


CREATE your own anti-racism activity. If you like, please share it with us at dikerrigan@listenlearnact.org so we can pass the idea on to others.  

CONNECT: Invite a friend to the ARC. It’s not too late. Just send this link to sign up! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/B6ze9yQ/listenlearnact


Thank you for your commitment.


Debbi and Di

Use the link below to copy or download this ARC Tool to track your progress:



Listen. Learn. Act.