"To improve public education in Arizona by sponsoring

charter schools that provide quality educational choices"

Dello High School | September Events

April Board Meeting Summary

The ASBCS April Board Meeting was held Monday, April 10, 2023. Thank you to all those that attended!

To see all Board actions taken at the April 2023 meeting, please view the link below.

April 2023 Meeting & Minutes

Academic Team Tip: Vocabulary View

A "Charter Holder" is the entity which holds the charter contract with the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools to operate schools in Arizona.  

A "Charter Representative" is an individual with the power to bind a charter holder contractually according to the Charter Holder’s Articles of Incorporation, operating agreement, or by-laws and is the point of contact with the Board for the purposes of communication and accountability to charter terms and conditions.

When completing, signing, and submitting documentation to the Board, enter the full name of the Charter Holder entity where prompted, and ensure the charter representative on file with the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools is signing the documentation. To avoid having to revise and resubmit documentation, ensure that all submitted docuementation provides correct information as it relates to these terms.

ESSER Data Reporting and Stronger Connections

The Office of Governor Hobbs has launched a new competitive grant solicitation to address K-12 student learning loss and educator professional development! This $50M grant program is available to schools, higher education institutions, nonprofits and community organizations.

  • Application deadline: May 9, 2023
  • Link to eCivis:
  • A pre-application conference for potential applicants will be held on April 11, 2023 at 11:00 AM .
  • Click here to register

A note if you have further questions:

  • The Governor's Office of Strategic Planning & Budgeting has published a competitive Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) as of March 28, 2023. 
  • Employees of the Governor's Office may not comment or offer information, suggestion, or advice to any prospective applicant/interested party as this may give the perception that an applicant/interested party is being provided with additional information that was not available to everyone. 
  • All questions must be directed to the published solicitation.

Registration is OPEN for the May 2023 PELL Meeting

The PELL (Practitioners of English Language Learning) Meeting is a workshop intended for district and site level Administrators, EL Coordinators, Directors and Instructional Leaders (Content Specialists, Academic Coaches) involved in the implementation and oversight of programs and services for Arizona’s English learners (ELs).

This full-day, in-person event will include the dissemination of timely information relevant to OELAS as well as opportunities to network and reflect on content presented. The full agenda and session information will be communicated and posted to the PELL webpage as they become available. 


Wednesday, May 3, 2023



9:00am – 4:00pm


$110 /person

(Includes lunch, snacks, and materials)


Desert Willow Conference Center

4340 E Cotton Center Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85040






Read More

A for Arizona's 3rd cycle of Arizona Transportation Modernization Grants has started.

Arizona is once again a national leader by pursuing cutting-edge approaches to improve transportation systems to drive down costs, enhance safety and efficiency, and provide K-12 students with access to more public school options. Through this all-call for solutions, public schools have an incredible opportunity to partner with local government and community leaders to boldly identify options to transport students not solely reliant on yellow school buses.

Cycle 3 need-to-knows: 

  • Approximately $12 Million is available (most proposals range from $150,000 to $2M)
  • To build off the success of Cycle 2, we are continuing to provide support for all applicants with regular office hours and phone-an-expert 1:1 coaching with contracted transportation experts, as well as some new diagnostic troubleshooting support for complex proposals. All applicants will have access to additional resources, including prior webinars, in our grant portal.

Applications are currently open and close on May 3rd. 

Apply HERE:

For More Information Click Here!

Committe of Practitioners (COP) Membership

The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) is restarting the COP and holding an open membership to recruit committee members from LEAs.

The Committee of Practitioners is a group committed to serving as an advisory council to ADE to ensure that all students under ESSA are provided equitable access to an excellent education. COP members will collectively commit to engage in the work of the committee to address relevant issues related to Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) programs and provide feedback to ADE from a LEA perspective.

COP Survey & Information

AASBO: ESSER Data Reporting and Stronger Connections-


Stronger Connections Grant – LEA Competitive Application Process

ADE received $20M through the Federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act for the Stronger Connections Grant program. States have been provided flexibility on how best to target those funds to support school safety needs through offering competitive grants to ‘High-Need LEAs’, as determined by the ADE. ADE’s grant will be focused on providing resources to ‘High-Need LEAs’ to hire, train and support effective School Safety Officers (SSOs) for their school(s). LEAs may apply for up to a maximum of $500,000 per proposed participating school included in the LEA’s application. ADE has reserved at least $19,785,580.65 to support LEA grants through this new grant program. The grant will allow for LEAs to hire and support new School Safety Officer personnel over three full school years (SY23-24, SY24-25, and SY25-26), with the grant ending September 30, 2026.


The LEA competitive application for the FY24 Stronger Connections grant opened on March 21, 2023, and the deadline for LEAs to submit their applications is May 2, 2023.


The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 8, 2023 at 9:00 am.