Welcome to RVCC Moments, a monthly electronic newsletter that provides information about the latest developments at RVCC.
Register for Spring Classes

It’s not too late to register for Spring Semester classes. RVCC is offering a 10-week session starting February 15. Register today!
Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
Information Sessions

Learn about all RVCC has to offer by attending an in-person or virtual Information Session in February. Upcoming events focus on the College’s Automotive Technology, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Medical Assistant, and Beauty Professions programs, as well as a special session titled “I’ve Applied, What’s Next.” Campus tours also will be available.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
$100,000 Grant from Provident Bank Foundation

RVCC is the recipient of a $100,000 Signature Grant from The Provident Bank Foundation. The College was selected for the work of “The Achievement Center”—a unique collaboration between RVCC and the Arc of Somerset County.
New Social Media Certificate Program

As part of RVCC’s ongoing efforts to keep pace with workforce and employer needs, the College is launching a new, three-semester program focusing on social media. The Social Media Specialist Certificate is designed to prepare students for employment in entry-level social media positions.
Deadline extended for Summer Program

The deadline to apply for the 2023 NIIMBL eXperience program at RVCC in June, which will offer African-American/Black, Latinx, and Native American college students the opportunity to explore careers in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry, has been extended to February 10. There is no charge to participate, and students will be given a $500 stipend.
Students Study Tropical Ecology in Brazil

Several RVCC students embarked on an educational adventure during their winter break. They spent early January visiting the Michelin Ecological Reserve in Bahia, Brazil, where they learned about tropical ecology, conservation, and restoration.
National Hair Color Competition

Students in RVCC’s Cosmetology program have won the “Trade Secrets of a Hair Color Expert Theory Contest,” a national hair color competition designed specifically for students.

The Theatre at RVCC will present L.A. Theatre Works’ production of Lucy Loves Desi: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Sitcom, February 19, at 6 p.m.
RVCC Planetarium

From Valentine’s Day programs, to star shows and laser concerts, to a special offering and exhibit in honor of Black History Month, the RVCC Planetarium will offer a plethora of entertaining and educational events in February.