From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

November 2023 | No. 8

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Sheep and Goats

Dear James,

 "All the nations will gather before Him, and He will separate... the sheep from the goats.

(Mt. 25:32)

     I never really understood separating the sheep from the goats. I mean, do they even get along? Why would sheep be with goats? And, aren't they pretty easy to tell apart?

     Until we lived in Venezuela. There, I became acquainted with a type of goat that looks very much like a sheep - so much so, I could not tell them apart. "Goat?", I would ask the shepherd, pointing to one of the animals. "No, sheep", he would answer. So I would try again: "Sheep?" "No, goat!", he would laughingly respond. I never could tell them apart.

      In every church, there are 'sheep' - those who hear the voice of Jesus and follow Him in faith. And there are also the 'goats'. They may look exactly the same to us, but the Good Shepherd knows the difference. The sheep belong to Him because of their faith in the death and resurrection of the Shepherd for our forgiveness, life, and salvation.

    It's up to the Good Shepherd to know the hearts of people. Our job, as sheep, is to follow Him. May we do so this Advent - follow Him, from cradle to cross to empty tomb!

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

    A belated Thanksgiving and a most blessed Advent season to each of you! 

     As I write this, my wife and I are preparing to go to Guatemala for a combination of work and personal visits. I will be visiting missionaries and partner church leaders, evaluating and making plans. We will also be visiting with our son Ben and his wife Scarlett and their newborn baby! Our seventh grandchild, praise the Lord! We are looking forward to the trip and for the time to be with co-workers and family. 

     It's that time of year again, isn't it? A time to be with your family and your family of faith. A  season of joy and peace and rejoicing at the Savior's birth. But for many, it's also the season of stress and busy-ness and, for some, disappointment and loneliness.

     Missionaries get lonely, too. Some feel the pain of distance (geographical and cultural) more acutely during the holiday seasons. Each country and culture have their own traditions at Christmas, and many times they look nothing like our own. Some countries do not celebrate Christmas at all!

     All that to say - now is a good time to reach out to your missionary and let him or her know that they are not forgotten. An email, text message, Facebook greeting, phone call  - however you do it, it will be appreciated. I guarantee it! Thanks.

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise. Together, we rise up. 

Rise with us!

Meet the Pittmans

    For missionaries Heather and Nathan PIttman and baby Jay (8 months old), this isn't their first rodeo (well, it will be for Jay!). Heather was a "missionary kid" as a child when her parents served in Nigeria. After graduating from college, Heather began teaching in a Lutheran School while husband Nathan worked in tech support for a major company. God soon laid it on their hearts to become missionaries, and through Global Lutheran Outreach they were able to return to Heather's "home" - NIgeria! 

     They served at Hillcrest school for one year, until Nathan was afflicted with severe and unrelenting migraines which obligated their return to the US to seek medical help. Finally, after over a year of looking for a solution, just last month Nathan finally received a cerebral implant which is bringing the migraines under control.

      The Pittmans have accepted a new mission invitation, this time to serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya. RVA is a Christian boarding school in central Kenya with over a hundred years of history. They serve about 500 students representing 30 nationalities. Many come from a range of churches and sending organizations. They also accommodate a small number of Kenyan national students and expatriate students.

     At Rift Valley, Nathan will be work on the technical side of things, doing database building, managing, and programming. Heather will serve as the elementary school music teacher. Jay will be cute and precocious!

Missionary support - Behind the scenes

    "How does it work, being a missionary? Do you get paid?", asked a faithful church member and mission supporter.

     I get that question quite a bit - other missionaries probably do, as well. After all, it's not quite the same as working for a company where you get paid a salary, or at least an hourly wage. And it's not quite like a congregation, either, where the offerings of the members support their pastor. Neither is it the same as running your own business where you sell a product for a profit (hopefully). Missionaries don't quite fit the mold.

     The missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach are "faith-funded". What this means is that a missionary does not receive a regular salary. He or she is totally dependent on what God provides for their ministry through other Christians, mission supporters, groups, and/or congregations. There is never a guarantee that the

person who gave last month, will give again this month. Each month is a new venture of faith; a lesson on trusting the Lord to provide. And provide He does!

As a missionary organization, GLO can help level things out a bit. We help missionaries to keep track of how much they have on hand; to pace their spending to match contributions, and to put away a little for a rainy day. But at the end of the day, each missionary tries to gather a circle of committed mission supporters who love them and who love their ministry; who will pray for them and sustain them financially. That's "Plan A". There is no "Plan B".

     An exciting way to uphold your missionary is through a "Mission Circle", which is a group of mission-mind people who gather regularly to study the Word and get directly connected to a missionary. If you would like to learn more about Mission Circles, click here!

Going Beyond

Prayer and financial support is part of what it takes to send a missionary. But what happens if all that is in place and a missionary is willing to go, but no one willing to send him or her?

"My husband and I knew that God had called us to be missionaries, but we couldn’t find a path forward. We felt defeated. Then we met Global Lutheran Outreach, and they allowed us to be the missionaries that God wanted us to be.” (GLO missionary, Cambodia)

Global Lutheran Outreach helps Lutheran missionaries to pursue their passion, to Go Beyond the barriers and share Jesus with the people whom God has put on their heart! If you share our passion to tell the world about Jesus, we have an opportunity for YOU to make a BIG IMPACT in God’s kingdom of saints. During the month of November, thanks to our generous GLO matching sponsors, your donation will have 3 times the impact! This means that $1 = $3, $100 = $300 and $1000 = $3000! Visit our Go Beyond! page to learn more:

Together before the Throne

* We praise the Divine Physician for a successful procedure bringing relief to a year-long sickness for missionary Nathan Pittman (from the US to Kenya). We also pray that our bountiful God would provide sufficient support for the Pittman family so they can deploy to Kenya as missionaries SOON!

* We Praise the Lord of Life for granting to missionaries Ben and Scarlett Tino (in Guatemala) the birth of a healthy baby boy! Jaakko was born on November 15: 7 pounds, 7 oz.

* DIVINE INTERVENTION: Join us in beseeching our Almighty God to facilitate visas and/or travel documents for: Alex & Diana (Kazahkstanian missionaries to Mongolia); Elianeth (Venezuelan serving in Chile); Scarlett Tino (Guatemalan, awaiting US visa) and Baby Jaakko Tino (official documents so he can travel to USA!)

* We thank the Lord of the Harvest for blessing T & B (in Guinea, Africa) for the inroads they continue to make as they work and witness among the Malinka people. 

* Missionary Cheri Talsma (from the US to Nigeria) requests prayers as she juggles the tasks of being fourth grade teacher AND elementary school director at Hillcrest International school in Jos, Nigeria. Lord, grant her wisdom and discernment!

* We ask the Lord to bring healing to missionary Shary Frahm so that she can return to Cambodia after Christmas.

* Ask the Living Word of Life to facilitate the formation of more “Mission Circles” to support missionaries with prayers and finances – specifically for the Ventura family (Venezuela to Chile); for Lutherans in Uruguay who have requested a GLO missionary; for Sam and Grace Udofia (from Nigeria to Tanzania); and for the Francis family (Nigeria to Uganda).

Join us in PRAISING AND THANKING the Lord for all the supporters who chose to give towards the GLO “Go Beyond” campaign in the month of November. We praise God for old friends and new contacts who are part of the “team” to take the Hope of Jesus to the “ends of the earth”!