January 23, 2025

This Week's "What's Up" Top 12

Public reception to honor retiring Police Chief Jeff Leonard Jan 29

MLK Community Celebration rescheduled for Jan 30

PRCR Department hosting Warm Your Hearts with Coats Drive through February

SCAM ALERT! WFPD will never contact you by phone & request payment for missing a jury summons

Wake Forest Renaissance Centre kicks off 2025 Partners Circle Membership Drive

Taylor Street Park public meeting Jan 25

Friday Night on White food truck vendor applications accepted through Feb 14

Wake Forest awarded federal grant to construct 'Mobility Hub' on S-Line Passenger Rail Corridor

Wake Forest Downtown seeking 2025 Forest Fest vendors & nonprofits

Renaissance Centre inviting artists to participate in “Land That I Love – A Tribute to Western NC” Art Exhibit

Register now for “Battle in the Forest” Esports gaming tournament Feb 22

Youth Baseball, Softball & T-Ball registration begins Feb 1 for WF residents, Feb 8 for out-of-town residents

Public reception to honor retiring Police Chief Jeff Leonard

Jan 29

The Town of Wake Forest is inviting community members to a public reception to honor retiring Police Chief Jeff Leonard on Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 3-7 p.m. at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St.

A formal program will begin at 6 p.m. featuring brief remarks by Mayor Vivian Jones, Town Manager Kip Padgett, former Police Chiefs Greg Harrington and Joel Keith, and others. Light refreshments will be served.

Leonard is retiring after a 32-year career in public service, the last 15 as Wake Forest Police Chief. His last day will be February 1.

MLK Community Celebration rescheduled for Jan 30

Due to this week’s wintry weather and potentially dangerous driving conditions, Wake Forest’s Martin Luther King Community Celebration, originally scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 23, has been rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 30, at 6:30 p.m. All community members are invited to attend the free observance at Friendship Chapel Baptist Church, 237 Friendship Chapel Road.

The evening’s theme will center around one of Dr. King’s messages: “Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.” In the spirit of the event theme, the Wake Forest MLK Committee will offer creative performance, writing, and art competitions for students in Wake Forest and Rolesville-area schools. Complete contest rules and information, along with the online contest entry form, are available on the Town website. The competition winners will be recognized during the January 30 program.

The Wake Forest MLK Committee is accepting monetary donations from the community to help fund the monetary prizes and scholarships awarded to the competition winners. The MLK Committee hopes to raise $10,000 by January 31, 2025. Area residents can support this worthy cause by submitting online donations.

MLK Celebration

PRCR Department hosting Warm Your Hearts with Coats Drive through February

In response to our area’s unseasonably cold weather, the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department is hosting another “Warm Your Hearts with Coats Drive” to help families stay warm.

From now through the end of February, the PRCR Department will accept new and/or clean, gently used coats and jackets. Coats of all shapes and sizes are welcome and may be dropped off at one of the following PRCR facilities (during normal operating hours):

  • Alston-Massenburg Center, 416 N. Taylor St. (Monday-Friday, Noon-8 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; closed Sunday)
  • Flaherty Park Community Center, 1226 N. White St. (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; closed Sunday)
  • Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road (Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; closed Sunday)

The Warm Your Hearts with Coats Drive is an easy, yet effective way for area residents to pass along coats and jackets they no longer need.

Coat Drive

SCAM ALERT! WFPD will never contact you by phone & request payment for missing a jury summons

The Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) is again urging residents to guard against becoming the victim of fraud following several recently reported phone scams involving Venmo and Apple Pay by callers impersonating Wake Forest Police officers.

Several community members have reported receiving calls from someone posing as a Wake Forest Police officer who claims they owe money for missing a jury summons. In a common scenario, the caller, who may use the names of actual WFPD officers, says a warrant has been issued for their arrest, or soon will be, but they can pay a fine now via Apple Pay, Venmo, or some other form of electronic payment and avoid being arrested.

Many times, it’s hard to tell what’s a scam and what isn’t - but this is a scam.

Neither the WFPD nor any other government agency make such calls, nor would they ever ask anyone to make a payment via Apple Pay, Venmo, Cash App, Green Dot cards, store gift cards, Playstation/Xbox cards, Apple iTunes gift cards, Bitcoins, or any other electronic payment app.

These types of scams are designed to exploit fear and pressure victims into making payments to scammers.

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Wake Forest Renaissance Centre kicks off 2025 Partners Circle Membership Drive

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre (WFRC) for the Arts, 405 S. Brooks St., is inviting area businesses to show their support for the arts in our community by joining its Partners Circle Donor Program.

The Renaissance Centre Partners Circle is comprised of dedicated business donors who share a passion for the arts in our community. Through an annual gift of $500 (Ruby), $1,000 (Sapphire), $2,000 (Gold), or $3,500 (Magenta), these local businesses offer invaluable support for Renaissance Centre programming and performances, while enjoying an array of benefits assigned to each membership level, including complimentary tickets to popular shows, various forms of public recognition, and more.

The deadline to join the 2025 Partners Circle is Monday, March 31. 

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Taylor Street Park public meeting Jan 25


The PRCR Department is hosting a series of public meetings to solicit input from residents concerning the future of Taylor Street Park, 416 N. Taylor St. The first four meetings occurred on November 21, December 7, December 10, and January 16.

PRCR will host a final public input meeting at the Alston-Massenburg Center, 416 N. Taylor St., on Saturday, Jan. 25, at 11 a.m.

The session will include a brief presentation, followed by an open discussion where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share suggestions. Town staff will be on hand to answer questions and gather public input. 

From now through the end of January, community members are invited to provide their input via an online survey. The survey consists of 12 questions and takes less than five minutes to complete.


Friday Night on White food truck vendor applications accepted through Feb 14

The Town of Wake Forest is accepting online applications from food truck vendors interested in participating in Friday Night on White (FNOW) through Friday, Feb. 14.

FNOW takes place along South White Street on the second Friday night of each month from April through September. The 2025 series gets underway on April 11 and continues May 9, June 13, July 11, August 8, and September 12. Each concert begins at 6 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m., but food truck vendors are required to arrive and set up between 2:15 and 3 p.m.

The event fee for food truck vendors is $150 per event. Each concert includes space for 10 food trucks and four dessert trucks. The Town will assign trucks to specific concert dates based on a lottery system.

Participating food trucks are required to obtain all necessary Wake County permits. Each truck must also provide a copy of its Certificate of Insurance designating the Town of Wake Forest as an additional insured for the event date. A minimum of $1 million in insurance is required.

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Wake Forest awarded federal grant to construct 'Mobility Hub' on S-Line Passenger Rail Corridor

Wake Forest has won a $13.2 million federal grant to design and build a “mobility hub” for people in central North Carolina, state transportation officials announced today.

The NC Department of Transportation will administer the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, or RAISE, grant for the town of Wake Forest. 

The town will use the grant to design and construct a “mobility hub,” which will serve as the rail station for the S-Line passenger rail service starting in 2030 and provide last-mile solutions for travelers such as public transit, walking, biking, and ride-sharing services. 

“This grant will help us provide more safe and reliable transportation options for all North Carolinians,” said state Transportation Secretary Joey Hopkins. “We appreciate our federal partners for their work to prioritize transportation, which drives economic development and improves our quality of life.”

The “mobility hub” will be one of several serving towns in central North Carolina along the S-Line passenger rail corridor under development. 

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Wake Forest Downtown seeking 2025 Forest Fest vendors & nonprofits

Forest Fest returns to downtown Wake Forest on Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Presented by Wake Forest Downtown, Inc. (WFD), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to champion the economic health, growth, and vitality of downtown Wake Forest, Forest Fest is a family friendly event celebrating nature and outdoors in the heart of Wake Forest.

WFD is now accepting applications from vendors and nonprofit organizations that wish to participate in this year’s Forest Fest. The online application is available on the Town website. Application and payment are due no later than Sunday, Feb. 9.

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2025 State of the Town Address & Dinner

You’re invited to join Mayor Vivian Jones for the 2025 State of the Town Address & Dinner on Monday, Feb. 17, at 6 p.m. Presented by the Wake Forest Rotary Club, the event will take place at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St.

During her remarks, Mayor Jones will reflect on the successes and challenges of the Wake Forest community over the past year. She will also outline the goals the Town will strive towards in 2025.

Tickets are sold out, but anyone wishing to attend the program portion of the event only - without eating dinner - is not required to purchase a ticket. Non-ticket holders are invited to arrive between 6:30 and 6:45 p.m. at the conclusion of the dinner portion of the program. The mayor's address typically begins between 6:45 and 7 p.m.

State of the Town

Renaissance Centre inviting artists to participate in “Land That I Love – A Tribute to Western NC” Art Exhibit

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St., is inviting artists of all ages to submit up to three works of art for its March exhibition entitled: “Land That I Love – A Tribute to Western NC.” Artists are encouraged to consider the title of the exhibition as inspiration for their submission.

To learn more and/or apply, visit the Renaissance Centre website. The submission deadline is Monday, Feb. 10.

Selected works of art will be displayed in the Renaissance Centre Arts Annex from Thursday, March 6, through Friday, April 4.

The Renaissance Centre will honor the artists and their works during a special reception on Friday, March 14, from 6-8 p.m. in the Renaissance Centre Arts Annex. The reception is free and open to the public, and works will be available for purchase through the artists.

Register now for “Battle in the Forest” Esports gaming tournament Feb 22

The PRCR Department will host an online Esports gaming tournament featuring the game "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate" on Saturday, Feb. 22.

Open to players ages 10 and older, Battle in the Forest is free to play and will be live streamed on

Registration is open through Wednesday, Feb. 19. Please note: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is rated e10+.

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New flag retirement drop box installed in Town Hall parking lot

The Town of Wake Forest is making it easier for community members to properly dispose of their tattered or worn American flags thanks to the efforts of a local Boy Scout.

Andrew Horner, 14, and the scouts of Troop 500 recently constructed a flag retirement drop box as part of Horner’s Eagle Scout Service Project. Made of wooden and aluminum panels, the red, white, and blue colored drop box is in the visitor parking lot of Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St., next to the utility payment drop box.

Community members can drop off their flags 24-hours-a-day, seven days-a-week. Once the box is full, scouts from Troop 500 will collect the flags, burn them as part of a retirement ceremony, and bury the ashes.

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PRCR Spring & Summer Program Guide now available, registration opens Feb 1 for WF residents, Feb 8 for out-of-town residents


The 2025 Spring & Summer edition of RecConnect, the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) program guide, is now available online.


Hard copies will soon be available at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St.; Joyner Park Community Center (JPCC), 701 Harris Road; Flaherty Park Community Center (FPCC), 1226 N. White St.; and Alston-Massenburg Center (AMC), 416 N. Taylor St.


Check out “RecConnect” for complete details on recreational programs, events, and activities for all age groups, including preschool, youth, and adult, scheduled from March through August 2025.


Program registration begins for in-town Wake Forest residents Saturday, Feb. 1, and out-of-town residents on Saturday, Feb. 8. Register online and in-person at JPCC, FPCC, and AMC during normal business hours. Online registration closes two business days before the start of a program. For more information, call the PRCR Department at 919-435-9560.


Youth Baseball, Softball & T-Ball registration begins Feb 1 for WF residents, Feb 8 for out-of-town residents


The PRCR Department will accept online and in-person registrations throughout February for youth baseball, softball, and T-ball for boys ages 5-17 and girls ages 5-15 according to the following schedule:


  • Feb 1-7 – in-town Wake Forest residents only
  • Feb 8-29 - Wake Forest residents & out-of-town residents
  • March 1-8 – Late registration, including a $15 late fee.


Beginning Saturday, Feb. 1, online registration will be available, along with team placement and draft information and league rules. In-person registrations will be accepted at the Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road.


The fee is $60 for Wake Forest residents and $100 for non-Wake Forest residents. A participant’s eligibility is determined by his or her age on April 30, 2025, and a birth certificate is required for new participants.


Please note

Some age groups will fill before the registration period ends. In such instances, a wait list will be created and available to those who register for an age group that is filled. While a wait list does not guarantee team placement, it provides a way to reserve a spot in our first-in/first-out registration process. Wait list registrants are the first to be contacted, in the event availability does occur. 

Adult Spring Softball registration begins Feb 1  


Adult Spring Softball registration begins Saturday, Feb. 1, and continues throughout the month. Team registrations will be accepted online and at the Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road.


Two or three Spring Softball League divisions will be offered - depending on the number of teams. All will be limited to Class E teams and lower, and you must be at least 18 years old to participate. League play is scheduled from mid-March through late May, and games will be played on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. The entry fee is $550 per team.


Free Agency

Anyone interested in participating who does not have a team can sign up as a free agent, then assigned to a team in need of players. To register as a free agent, complete our online registration formFor more information, email Athletics Specialist Mikkel Patterson.

Adult Co-Rec Kickball registration starts Feb 1

The PRCR Department will accept team registrations for Adult Co-Rec Kickball throughout February.


Online registration begins Saturday, Feb. 1. The entry fee is $325 per team, and the league is limited to participants ages 18 and older. Teams will play on Sunday afternoons from late March through late May.


Free Agency

Anyone interested in participating who does not have a team can sign up as a free agent, then assigned to a team in need of players. To register as a free agent, complete our online registration formFor more information, email Athletics Specialist Mikkel Patterson.

Celebrate Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and the Town of Wake Forest will celebrate by offering a series of events and initiatives throughout the month that are free and open to everyone.

Offerings will include Black History Month Walking Tours, "Empowered, Brilliant & Brave: Great Women of Black History," Black History Expo, Black History Month Honor Roll, and Minority & Women-Owned Business Expo.

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Registration continues for February’s Black History Month Walking Tours

The Town of Wake Forest and the Wake Forest Historical Museum are partnering to offer free Black History Month Walking Tours of the Northeast Community every Friday in February at 1 p.m.

Pre-registration is required by completing the online sign-up form. Space is limited to the first 15 participants to sign up for each tour.

Led by staff from Historic Preservation Planning and the Wake Forest Historical Museum, the tours will include Olive Branch Baptist Church, Alston-Massenburg Center, the newly restored Ailey Young House, the African American Cemetery, and more.

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Great Women of Black History Feb 8

Bright Star Touring Theatre will offer a free performance of “Empowered, Brilliant, and Brave: Great Women of Black History” Saturday, Feb. 8, at 11 a.m. at the Alston-Massenburg Center, 416 N. Taylor St.  

In honor of Black History Month, the program will introduce audience members to some of Black history’s most inspiring women.


Free and suitable for all ages, program seating is on a first come, first served basis. This program is supported by the United Arts Council of Raleigh & Wake County.

Tickets on sale for 2025 Wake Forest Film Festival

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St., will host the 2025 Wake Forest Film Festival on Saturday, March 1, from 10 a.m.-11 p.m. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online, in person at the RC Box Office, or by calling 919-435-9458.

Earlier this year, the Renaissance Centre invited filmmakers from our community and around the world to submit their vibrant, diverse, and original works and become a part of the 2025 film festival. Altogether, 106 films were submitted for consideration and 14 were selected to be featured during this year’s event. 

The complete schedule, including movie titles and times, will be announced in the coming days and provided on the Renaissance Centre website. For more information, call the Renaissance Centre at 919-435-9458 or email the box office


Tickets on sale for Renaissance Centre's 2024-25 Main Stage Performances


Tickets are now sale for the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre's 2024-25 Main Stage Performance Series. Scheduled performances will include:

  • SOLD OUT - Comedian Cathy Ladman - Saturday, Jan. 25; 7:30 p.m.
  • SOLD OUT - Broadway in Love Dinner Show - Friday, Feb. 14; 6:30 p.m.
  • 2025 Wake Forest Film Festival - Saturday, March 1
  • Pete the Cat - Saturday, April 26; 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Don't miss your chance to see these shows live and in person as many are expected to sell out fast. Tickets can be purchased online, in person at the RC Box Office, or by calling 919-435-9458.

Ticket Info

Wake Forest Farmers Market open Saturdays from 10 am-Noon

Over the years, the Wake Forest Farmers Market has grown into a lively community event on Saturday mornings.

From April through September, the Farmers Market operates Saturdays from 8 a.m.-noon. From October through March, it is open 10 a.m.-noon.

Located along South Taylor Street, behind the Wake Forest Town Hall, the Farmers Market offers fresh-off-the-farm produce; pasture-raised beef, poultry, and pork; free-range eggs; fresh and dried herbs; honey, jams, and preserves; fresh-cut flowers and delicious baked goods.

Farmers Market

Connections...100 Years of Wake Forest History on sale

The Town of Wake Forest is offering Connections…100 Years of Wake Forest History for $30 each.

Authored by Wake Forest resident and “Wake Forest Gazette” Publisher Carol Pelosi, “Connections... 100 Years of Wake Forest History” was written and released in 2009 to commemorate Wake Forest's Centennial Celebration.

Connections may be purchased online with credit card or debit card or in person at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St., with cash, check, credit card or debit card. After ordering your copy, stop by the Information Desk in the lobby of Town Hall at your convenience to pick it up.

Order Now

Engraved bricks make great gifts!

The Town of Wake Forest is pleased to offer you the opportunity to purchase an engraved brick paver.

The 4" x 8" engraved brick pavers cost just $125 each and once ordered become a permanent part of the Wake Forest Town Hall Centennial Plaza - to be viewed and enjoyed by residents and visitors for years to come.

Located along South Brooks Street, Centennial Plaza is the focal point of Wake Forest's municipal campus and a gateway to town hall.

Here's your chance to join over 100 local businesses, civic clubs, residents and former residents that have already purchased a personalized brick. Engraved bricks are a unique way to honor loved ones, commemorate special events and recognize civic clubs and social groups, youth athletic teams, businesses and not-for-profit groups.

Order Now

Town of Wake Forest app

The Town of Wake Forest (TOWF) offers a free smartphone app that provides direct access to useful information about Wake Forest and encourages two-way communication between the Town and its residents.

Over 12,000 Android and iPhone users have downloaded the app allowing them instant access to important information about Town programs, services and events.

Among its many functions, the TOWF app allows iPhone and Android users to:

  • Receive breaking news messages;
  • Utilize “SeeClickFix” for prompt action on street maintenance, lights, potholes and graffiti, using the app to send a photo and exact location of the problem;
  • Access information about Town-sponsored events and events at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre;
  • View Town job openings;
  • Utilize the “Waste Wizard;”
  • Access contact information for every Town department.

Android and iPhone users can access and install the correct version of the TOWF app by scanning the appropriate QR code below.

If you don't know what's going on in Wake Forest - why not?

For nearly 20 years the Town of Wake Forest has been offering a variety of ways for residents to stay up to date on its programs, services, and events. Those offerings range from our website, email notifications via E-Notifier, and various social media platforms to our text/phone notification system and Town app.

Despite our best efforts, there are still some who complain about not knowing what is happening in our community. That's why we thought it might be useful for Talbot the Town Crier to again offer his "olde school" overview of all the ways you can stay informed.

Check out WFTV 10

WFTV 10 is on the air on Spectrum Cable Channel 10 and streaming online.

WFTV 10 is the Town of Wake Forest's government access channel serving the residents of Wake Forest. Produced by the Town's Communications Department, WFTV 10 is available to residents and businesses that subscribe to Spectrum Cable TV service. For those who don't subscribe to Spectrum Cable, WFTV 10 is also provided in real-time streaming video and as a function of the Town App.

WFTV 10 Schedule

Board of Commissioners work sessions are broadcast live on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Work sessions are then re-broadcast over the next week at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m.

Regular meetings are broadcast live on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., then re-broadcast daily throughout the remainder of the month at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m.

Planning Board meetings are broadcast live on the second Tuesday of each month, then re-broadcast daily the following week at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m.

Monthly meeting schedule


The following monthly meeting schedule is in effect for the Board of Commissioners and Planning Board:

Board of Commissioners Work Session

First Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.

Planning Board Meeting

Second Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.

Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

Third Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.

“Show Some Love” by picking up litter along streets & roadways

The Town of Wake Forest is inviting individuals, families, churches and civic clubs to join the “Show Some Love, #KeepWFclean” campaign by picking up trash in their neighborhoods and along local streets and roadways. The initiative allows volunteers to pick up litter on a one-time or ongoing basis. Participants may also choose the area they wish to clean or request direction to high need areas around town.

To aid the effort, volunteers may reserve litter kits at no charge by completing the online reservation form. Each litter kit includes reflective vests, gloves, buckets, grabbers, trash bags, data collection sheets, hand sanitizer and litter education materials. A special thanks to J. Roberson HVAC for donating the litter kits.

Secure your load!


Loose trash in trucks creates litter along Wake Forest roadways.


Help keep Wake Forest roadways clean by securing any trash in your truck bed. When you throw trash in the back of your truck, it inevitably blows out and becomes litter on the roadside. In fact, half of all litter is blown, not thrown! Roadside litter costs millions of dollars to remove, decreases property values and has a negative impact on tourism.


The NC Department of Public Safety reports that an even bigger problem is unsecured loads in the back of trucks. At high speeds, even large items can fly out and hurt or startle other drivers causing accidents. Put trash into built-in containers. Use tarps, cargo nets and tie-downs to secure any loads. #KeepWFclean

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