PSR PA News & Blogs
Peaceful Posse Hits the Capital
By Tonyehn Vertikus

This summer Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania was proud to send young men from Peaceful Posse and their mentor Corey Davis to Washington, DC for a weekend of fun and inspiration.
One of the goals of Peaceful Posse is to provide role models who offer positive guidance and inspiration. At points during the year, we have brought in local professional to share their personal journeys highlighting struggles and successes along the way. This year PSR PA took this a step further by taking four young men to the nation's capital where African Americans have been a significant part of Washington, DC's civic life and identity since the city was first declared the new national capital in 1791.

Continue reading on our blog.
Policy Brief: Inflation Reduction Act’s Potential Impact on Health
By Julie Becker

After much wrangling, the Senate passed momentous climate legislation. The Inflation Reduction Act is designed to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, impose penalties on those who emit excess methane, and to fund cleanup of polluted sites. Using a combination of tax credits and direct funding, the Inflation Reduction Act incentivizes the public to expand their use of alternative and more efficient energy, like electric cars, electric HVAC systems and electric stoves. Funding is available for restorative agriculture, forest expansion, and coastal restoration. According to several economic analyses, this act will reduce our fossil fuel pollution by 40% by 2030 (using 2005 as baseline), moving the U.S. closer to its targeted goal of cutting pollution in half within the decade.

Continue reading on our blog.
Your Actions Matter
PSR PA offers specialized trainings for healthcare providers. In July, PSR PA's Advisory Board Member Dan Wolk held an Advocacy Training: Letters to the Editors and Op-Ed's for Oak Street Health staff members.

After the training, Melissa Schiffman's Letter to the Editor, "Addiction Medication in Pennsylvania’s Jails Inadequate," was published in the print edition of the Inquirer on July 18th, 2022. You can read the letter here.

If you are interested in these trainings, please email
Upcoming PSR PA Events
Climate Emergency Film Club: Atmosphere
When: September 15, 6 to 7 PM
Where: Register Now!

Join Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania for the second of five intriguing panel discussions as we delve into the Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops.

Physician CME: this activity is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Pharmacy CEU: this program is approved for 1 CEU (1 hour). ACPE # 0097-9999-21-023-H04-P. Nurses who attend will receive a certificate for 1 hour at the conclusion of the program. Pharmacy and Nursing credit is only available for individuals with a Pennsylvania license.
Past Events

COP 27: A Regional Response to Climate Action, Health, and Equity Watch Here

Climate Emergency Film Club Part II: Permafrost Watch Here

Climate Emergency Film Club Part I: Introduction Watch Here
Other Events
Breathe Collaborative is working to Protect Pittsburgh's Drinking Water from Fracking Waste

A fracking waste injection well threatens drinking water for the entire City of Pittsburgh and hundreds of thousands of others downstream.

There are three ways you can help:

Sign the petition here.

Attend or Speak at the EPA Hearing
August 30th at 6 - 8 p.m.
Plum Community Center
499 Center New Texas Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239

Submit a Written Comment
Contact: Ryan Hancharik – 
(Include: your name, address and permit name: Penneco Sedat 4A)
New PFAS: The Latest Toxic Concern for Those Near Fracking

For the first time, PFAS potentially linked to oil and gas operations have been found in household drinking water—and it happened in Pennsylvania.

A new Environmental Health News report traces the plight of a resident of one of Pennsylvania’s most heavily-fracked regions, whose tap water contains 7 types of PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances), some at levels well above recommended health thresholds. 

These toxic "forever chemicals" have been used in U.S. oil and gas wells for decades. Lack of regulations and industry oversight make tracking the practice and any contamination difficult.

Continue reading here.

Take Action in Pennsylvania to address this Problem Right Now:

Urge the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to investigate PFAS contamination near oil and gas wells

Ask legislators to craft regulations modeled after Colorado’s HB 22-1345 and HB 22-1348.
(Note that CO’s HB 22-1345 also restricts PFAS in a wide range of consumer products.)

Read more on the Colorado Legislation here.
Appalachian Resistance Comes to DC!
When: September 8, 2022, 5pm
Where: Robert A Taft Memorial Carillon, 100 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001

Frontline communities in Appalachia – and across the country – are being used as bargaining chips in a Manchin/Schumer side deal aimed at ramping up fossil fuel projects.

Join frontline leaders in this rally outside the Capitol to demand that U.S. Senators and Representatives stop Manchin’s dirty deal.

If you are an Appalachian impacted by the climate crisis or a member of a frontline community impacted by fossil fuels please indicate your interest to attend meetings with Congress in the RSVP form.

Register and learn more here.
In Our Community
Recently two members of our PSR PA community sadly passed away; Randy Moyer and Jack Read. Both of these men were instrumental in PSR PA's work and will be missed.

Randy Moyer relied on PSR PA as he navigated the health impacts he faced after radiation exposure in the unconventional gas development industry. His obituary is here.

Jack Read was the lawyer for two activists, Christina DiGiulio and Conner Young who blocked the construction on the Mariner East pipeline project where Dr. Tsou was an expert witness. His obituary is here.

Our deepest condolences are with their families, if you knew them please reach out to their families.

May their memories be a blessing, and may they rest in peace.
Meet Our Team
Tammy Murphy is PSR PA's Medical Advocacy Director. She has worked as an educator, a special health projects assistant, a volunteer, an advocate, a program director, an executive director, a medical outreach coordinator, an advocacy director, and a consultant. Above all else, she is passionate about justice and the intersection of law and social movements.
Tonyehn Verkitus is PSR PA's Executive Director and the host of WVIA's Keystone Edition Health. She is an effective and passionate leader across Pennsylvania; her work in the nonprofit sector has focused on food, health and community empowerment. Tonyehn’s wide-ranging expertise is a huge asset to PSR PA, and we all appreciate her great work.
What PSR PA Supports
Have questions or suggestions for PSR PA? Email us at