February 7, 2025

Congratulations to our Spelling Bee 1st & 2nd Place Finishers in our 3rd-4th Grade Spelling Bee, Brooklyn Scully and Ivy Van Strydonk, and our 5th-8th Grade Spelling Bee, Jackson Grunow and Emilie Good. More details below.

Upcoming Events at St. Peter Lutheran

February 7: 5:00pm Away A-Team Basketball Games @Trinity Monitor (boys play first)

February 8: 5:00pm Worship Service

February 9: 9:30am Worship Service - Seraphim Choir Sings (grades 5-8)

February 9: 11:00am Adult Information Class

February 10: 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting

February 12: 8:05am Chapel - Pastor Mundt

February 13: 100th Day of School!

February 13: Spirit Day: Dress Like Your 100 Year Old Self

February 13: TCLL A-Team Girls Basketball Tournament

February 14: SCRIP Orders Due

February 14: TCLL A-Team Boys Basketball Tournament

February 14: 5:00pm Family Game Night (church classrooms)

February 15: TCLL A-Team Girls & Boys Basketball Tournament

February 15: 5:00pm Worship Service

February 16: 9:30am Worship Service

February 17: No School - Child Care Available

More Upcoming Events

Run with Endurance: Last week for our celebration of NLSW, our theme Bible verses for the week were Hebrews 12:1-2, “…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…” If you have ever been in a race, you know that it is important to keep your focus on the finish line. No matter how long the race, runners crave for that finish line whether it is to win the race or simply to finally be done with a tiring, long, hard race. Our lives of faith are no different than running in a tiring road race. We can get bogged down by the day to day activities that overwhelm us: our jobs, disagreements with co-workers, self-pity, health issues, schedules, family struggles, and the list goes on. When our eyes stray from being fixed on Jesus, we fall into the trap of sin. As soon as our focus is lost, our race becomes unclear, we start to tire, and we can lose hope. Thanks be to God that He gives us the strength to run our race with endurance knowing that He is always with us to comfort, love, support, strengthen, forgive and to fill us with joy. May God help us, strengthen us, uplift us as we run with endurance the race that is set before us, as we look to Jesus, the one who has REDEEMED us. May we can continue to run our race with determination, perseverance, and joy as we look to Jesus. There is nothing more powerful than God’s Word speaking to us, building us up, strengthening us as we grow in His grace. May God give us endurance and peace as we run our race. 

Serving in Worship: The Seraphim choir (grades 5-8) will be singing in church this Sunday, February 9. Please have your child(ren) at church by 9:10am to warm up. Thank you!

St. Peter Chapel Offerings

Third Quarter Chapel Offerings: "MOST Ministries provides opportunities for people to be strategically and personally involved in mission work through "Goer" and "Sender" activities.

  • A "Goer" is someone who joins a short-term mission team. With Christ as our example, each MOST Ministries team strives to address: the physical and spiritual needs of people.
  • A "Sender" is someone who contributes their time, talent, or treasure to help our mission team members go out to serve."
Weekly Lunch Menu

Lunch Menu for the Week of February 10:

  • Monday, February 10: Hamburger/Cheeseburger, Crinkle Cut French Fries and Applesauce.
  • Tuesday, February 11: Chicken Taco w/Soft Shell, Refried Beans and Diced Pears.
  • Wednesday, February 12: Pancakes and Sausage Links, Hashbrown and Mandarin Oranges.
  • Thursday, February 13: Jet's Pizza, Chips and Diced Peaches.
  • Friday, February 14: BBQ Riblet w/Bun, Baked Beans and Pineapple Tidbits.
Spectacular Students

Spelling Bee 2025: The annual St. Peter Spelling Bee was held last Friday. In the 3rd and 4th Grade Spelling Bee, Brooklyn Scully took first place and Ivy Van Strydonk finished in 2nd place. In the 5th-8th Grade Spelling Bee, Jackson Grunow (6th grade) was able to overcome Emilie Good (5th grade) in a spell-off to claim the championship. Congratulations to not only Jackson but to Emilie as well for finishing in second place!

Based on the results of the St. Peter Spelling Bee, the following students will represent St. Peter at the Saginaw Lutheran Spelling Bee on Thursday, February 20th, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul, SaginawGabby Rodriguez (8th grade), Connor McKenzie (7th grade), Weston Wardin (7th grade), Jackson Grunow (6th grade), and Emilie Good (5th grade). Nolan Wardin (5th grade) will serve as our alternate. Congratulations, spellers, and good luck at the Saginaw Lutheran Spelling Bee!

World Traveler: The first graders were able to travel to China last Friday on their Passport Adventure where they visited Shanghai and learned about the Chinese New Year. 

St. Peter News & Notes

100s Day Spirit Day: We will be celebrating our 100 day of school on Thursday, February 13. Students are encouraged to dress up like they are 100 years old. We will celebrate our 100th day of school in the afternoon with some fun 100s day events.

No School: There will be no school on Monday, February 17. Child child care will be available. Please send a lunch with your child if attending child care. For staffing purposes, please let Mrs. Kelley Fehn know by Thursday, February 13 if you will be needing care. Children need to be dropped off by 10:00am for care. Thank you!

2025-2026 School Calendar: Our school calendar for next year is set. Click anywhere in this article to view the 25/26 school year calendar.

GRASP 2025: GRASP is a program that St. Peter Lutheran School offers to help the Kindergarten - 8th students during the summer to review reading and math taught during the school year. Click anywhere in this article for more information or to enroll.

Camp Concordia: Registration is now open for Camp Concordia this summer. Located 35 minutes northeast of Grand Rapids in Gowen, MI, Camp Concordia offers an opportunity to enjoy a Lutheran camp with trained cabin leaders, lifeguards and program staff. Weekly experiences include swimming, archery, canoeing, campfire devotions and more. To visit their website, click anywhere in this article.

Alumni News: Congratulations to our St. Peter alumni who are members of the National Honor Society at Hemlock High School. Adelia Breternitz, Spencer Marlow, and Vivian Ryan (all in the St. Peter Class of 2022) were inducted into NHS on Tuesday. Samantha Hales, Joshua Roberson, and Isabella Curry (all in the St. Peter Class of 2021) are current members in NHS. We are proud of our St. Peter alumni!

20th Annual PTL Auction

Annual PTL Auction 2025: Join us on April 5 at Swan Valley Banquet Center for the 20th Annual PTL Auction with doors open at 5:00pm. The theme for the evening will be "Denim and Diamonds". Tickets will be on sale in the school office starting February 18 for $30 each. There are also reserved tables available for an additional $100. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Payment for tickets and/or tables may be made with cash, check or by charging to your FACTS account (school families only). Bidding for the live auction will be done in-person, while the silent auction will be done online. The dinner menu will be Chicken Parmesan, Buttered Noodles, California Mix, Tossed Salad, Rolls and Dessert. Donations are being accepted through March 21. If you have a large donation, please contact the school office before dropping off. Click anywhere in this article to view the flyer.

Panther Athletics

A-Team Basketball Highlights: On Friday, in front of a packed house for Parents Night, the Panthers hosted the combined team of St. Paul/Immanuel. The boys had a 10-6 lead after the first quarter, and then scored 18 points in the second quarter to pull away and coast to another victory with a final score of 49-25. Scoring for the Panthers were Lawson Harry (13), Charlie Hyatt (12), Brady Klemish (8), Kaeden Watson (4), Brody Curnutt (4), Henry McQueen (2), Ryker Van Strydonk (2), Ethan Smith (2), and Weston Wardin (2). Our Lady Panthers had their hands full with the Wildcats/Bulldogs. Despite a good effort, the girls lost 7-31 with Violet Van Strydonk scoring 5 points and Lucy Roberson adding 2 points. Both teams travel to Trinity Monitor tonight. Go Panthers!

2nd-4th Grade Basketball: This season begins on Tuesday. The schedule is below.

Hemlock Youth Soccer: Hemlock Youth Soccer registration is now open for the spring. Soccer is open to boys and girls 4 years old - 8th grade. This is a 6 week program with games starting on April 26. For more information and to register, click anywhere in this article.

Parent Volunteers for All Sports 2024-2025
2nd-4th Grade Basketball Schedule
A-Team Girls Basketball Schedule (6th-8th Grade)
A-Team Boys Basketball Schedule (6th-8th Grade)
All Athletic Schedules
2024-2025 St. Peter Lutheran Theme Bible Verse
Contact Information & Worship Times for St. Peter Lutheran
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626
Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm

Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages on Sundays at 11:00am
Mission, Vision, & Core Values