Our mission is intersecting faith and community to empower
Grayson County families to end child homelessness.
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Dear friends,
February seems to be all about love, doesn't it? With Valentine's Day giving us a reason to celebrate, it is the perfect time to show extra appreciation for everyone in our lives. This month is a great reminder of how much love surrounds us. Here at Family Promise of Grayson County, we are grateful for our guests, our volunteers, our staff, our Board, and all our partners in the community. Most of all, I am grateful for YOU!
Thank you for all the ways you show your love: you open your arms and your churches to host our guests, you pray for and encourage the family of five that is staying in our transitional home, you recently spent a snowy morning in a Zoom call to plan for the coming year, you donate generously, and you give your time and talent wholeheartedly. Again, thank you.
May you always know you are loved.
With a grateful heart,
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Welcome Elmont Baptist Church in Van Alstyne! Elmont is officially our newest Host Congregation! Despite the cold weather, over 50 people came to volunteer training, and they already have committed to host guest families for four weeks in 2025! Shannon and Caitlyn Hebert are eagerly and graciously coordinating the preparations to make our guest families feel loved and comfortable. Thank you, Elmont! | |
Love, when shared, can take many forms. Sometimes, it is a comfortable pair of shoes that helps someone step confidently into the future! Ado Ramos and Daisy and Orlando Delgado gave this gift to a host of children and adults by donating hundreds of brand new shoes in every size and style, from sturdy sneakers to warm boots to hot pink, fuzzy slippers! What a blessing to watch entire families come in together to select their shoes. We also were able to share dozens of pairs of shoes with several other local nonprofits. We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts to the tips of our toes! | |
Andrew Cassady, of American Roofing and Construction, recently stopped by the Day Center to deliver a large handful of QuikTrip gift cards! After learning about Family Promise during the course of installing a roof on our Director's home, Andrew generously provided these cards to assist those needing help buying gasoline for driving to work and to school. If you know him, please let him know how much we appreciate his kindness! | |
Knight Family Chiropractic is another beacon of love and generosity in our community! Their Sherman Team Leader, Cynthia Kondo, brought shampoo, conditioner, TP, coffee, and gift cards to families served by Family Promise of Grayson County. The items were given by patients via their Giving Tree program. This thoughtful gift reflects Knight Family Chiropractic's philosophy of wellness and will help many families look and feel their best. Thank you, Knight Family Chiropractic! | |
You may remember that the very kind and generous SSMC-Lone Star group was featured in the December and January issues of this newsletter. Well, this month they have outdone themselves again! Members of this community-based motorcycle club rolled in on a cold Sunday afternoon and presented a substantial check to Family Promise of Grayson County. This gift will be a huge aid in helping families avoid homelessness and secure stable housing. We are incredibly grateful to the SSMC-Lone Star for their kindness and for believing in our vision of a community where no child is homeless!
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Family Promise is an organization in which volunteers generously give their time to assist families facing or experiencing homelessness. To get involved, to learn something new, to love your neighbor, or just to have a good time, please consider the following opportunities:
Monday, February 10 from 5:30-6:30 PM we are partnering with Aaron Stotlar from the Callie Clinic in offering a class on primary care, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and awareness. Pizza, "merch", and childcare will be provided.
Sunday, February 23 from 12:30-2:30 PM: Volunteer Training at Grace Lutheran Church. For anyone interested in volunteering with our guests. Snacks will be provided.
Tuesday, February 25 from 5:30-6:30 PM: Independent Financial will lead a financial education workshop on "Budgeting: Your Spending and Savings Plan". Snacks and childcare will be provided.
Starting Tuesday, March 4 from 5:30-6:30 PM: Tool Talk is back! Jason Barrett will teach a weekly class about tools, basic electric and plumbing repair, drywall techniques, and home safety. Childcare will be provided.
All classes are free and open to the public. They will be held at the Day Center (901 E. Houston Street in Sherman). If you are interested in attending, please let us know so we can plan snacks and materials. For additional information, please call Leigh at 903-771-0233 ext. 3.
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"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:8-10 (NIV) | |
If you would like to learn more about Family Promise of Grayson County including:
- How to participate
- How to volunteer
- How to support through donations
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