The Hemlock Run Tattler

Spring 2023 Edition


Pine Creek Bridge

All the characters in "Transforming Grace" crossed Pine Creek Bridge in Hemlock Run at one time or another!

As an author, I need to consider my characters' goals and motivations.

When you look at the bridge, what do you see?

Are you looking forward to crossing a new and exciting bridge?

Are you looking back with regret?

Or have you just lit a match, intending to burn the bridge behind you?

In writing, as with most things in life, perspective is important.


I've been wracking my brain for creative mobster names. If you have a unique name in mind, please let me know by clicking the link below and sending me an email with your suggestion. If selected, you'll receive an autographed copy of "Revealing Ophelia"!

Hint: Be sure to Google the name to ensure there isn't a REAL mobster--past or present--with the same name!

Click to Enter the Contest

Author's Update

Revealing Ophelia

Book Two of the Hemlock Run Series

After taking a break over the Holidays, I've been hard at work, writing Ophelia's story. She's quite an interesting character, with more depth than I ever imagined! And her life before Hemlock Run was fascinating.

Any guesses as to her profession?

Hint: No, she and Peg Leg Lucy don't share that in common, thank goodness!

"Transforming Grace" had a thread of suspense running through it, and "Revealing Ophelia" will continue the tradition. There have been a lot of twists and turns along the way!

Your favorite characters from Book One also make appearances in "Revealing Ophelia."

Status: I'm currently writing Chapter 15, which means I'm nearing the half-way mark! YaY! I now know the ending, just need to get there ...


* * * * * * * * * *


By Edna Kreider, Executive Editor (retired)

Welcome our New Editor of

Hemlock Run Tattler's

"Locals Corner" !!!

We had to drag her kicking and screaming, but Lorae Ditzler, waitress extraordinaire, finally yelled UNCLE!!! She will take over this column as editor starting with the Summer 2023 issue.

On ONE condition: If anybody complains she will QUIT and she means it!

I never thought I'd last so many years and I'm sure I will miss some of you. But Lester just inherited a fifth wheel when his Uncle Marlon passed on to his greater reward. So we are headed to Vegas, Baby!!

Woo Hoo!!

Love, Edna


Lorae asked me to plug the Logger Cafe, so here goes: they serve (some of) the best food in Hemlock Run. For sure, they sell the best homemade ice cream, anyway.

Lorae also says, If you have any comments or suggestions for a story, stuff your idea in the locked suggestion box located at the General Store. (Cecil doesn't have a key, so don't ask.)

PS No "anonymous" submissions accepted. But she will probably know who you are anyway.

Spring 2023