The LBHA Connector
Your Gateway to Behavioral Health

December 2024 | Issue 37

The Anne Arundel County Local Behavioral Health Authority or LBHA is a

partnership between the Anne Arundel County Department of Health

and the Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency, Inc.

Network of Care

Providers Directory

Search for providers, organizations, resources, and services in Anne Arundel County by category or zip code


A Message From Our Directors

The holiday season is here, and while it can bring joy, it can also bring stress, There are ways we can take care of ourselves during this season, and we encourage you to find strategies for mental health as we move toward the new year. With temperatures beginning to drop, and the end of daylight savings time, many of us begin to experience sadness, lack of energy, and trouble sleeping. These are all signs of "Winter Blues". Some of us experience more severe symptoms, and may withdraw or experience feelings of hopelessness or anxiety. It is important to understand the difference between Winter Blues and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and to seek help when needed.

We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Whether or not you celebrate, during this busy season, remember to take practice self-care,

connect with loved ones, and spend time on the things that matter most.

If you are in crisis and need help, our Warmline is open 24/7 at 410-768-5522.

Learn More About The Alex Haley Memorial Celebration

Anne Arundel County Behavioral Health Advisory Council

January Meeting

Established in 1999, members of the Behavioral Health Advisory Council (BHAC) include key stakeholders across the system committed to the utilization of the CCISC model and ensuring that Anne Arundel County provides an accessible, comprehensive behavioral health system for all residents.

 Participants on the Steering Committee are co-chairs from Anne Arundel County Department of Health and Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency, mental-health and substance-use providers, hospital representatives,

community members, cultural-organization representatives, and more. 

Their goal is to improve the mental wellness of all Anne Arundel County residents and assure access to needed services Providers and referring agencies are empowered to successfully identify, refer and treat individuals with any Behavioral Health challenge. They provide input, direction, and influence on behavioral-health action planning in the county. Meetings are held via Zoom on

the third Tuesday of every month at 9:00 AM ET.

The next Behavioral Health Advisory Council meeting

is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21st, 2025,

from 9:00 AM-10:30 AM ET.

All Anne Arundel County Residents are welcome to attend.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 0823 3617

Passcode: BHealth#23

Learn More About This Committee and Sign up for BHAC Information

Youth and Families


Preventing Accidental Youth Cannabis Consumption

Cannabis for recreational use is now legal in 24 states, and 38 states have legalized it for medical use. In the years leading up to legalization in Maryland, there was a steep rise in cases of accidental ingestion of cannabis by

youth under five, and there is concern that rates may continue to climb.

Many cannabis products come in the form of gummy candies or baked goods, making them especially tempting to young children. Cannabis consumption

by children can lead to extreme drowsiness or agitation, vomiting,

confusion, and difficulty with breathing, walking, or crawling.

The Maryland Cannabis Administration has launched a campaign, BeCannabisSmart, which includes downloadable Fact Sheets with tips for securing edible cannabis products safely, and contact information for the Maryland Poison Center, a free confidential resource available 24/7 if accidental ingestion occurs. In addition, the Maryland Department of Health has a new Cannabis Public Health data dashboard. It aims to provide a user-friendly and easy-to-understand visualization of cannabis trends before and after the legalization of adult-use cannabis in the state, and includes data

on youth cannabis use and calls to poison centers.

Details and Registration Form for the Poster Contest

For Providers

12/3 Webinar: The Values of Superb Person-Centered Client Service

12/3 Webinar: Navigating Grief- Finding Hope and Healing During the Holidays

12/6 Webinar: The Long-Term Care Ombudsman as a Resource

12/6 Webinar: Exploring Ethical Obligations: Boundaries, Confidentiality and Mandated Reporting

12/11 Webinar: Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) Lethal Means Training for Clinicians

12/12 Webinar: Developing S.M.A.R.T Goals for Peer Recovery Specialists

12/12 Webinar: Health Disparities Among African American LGBTQ+ Persons- Achieving Health Equity in Mental Health & SUD Services

12/13 Webinar: CBT for Specific Anxieties in Children and Adolescents Anxieties

12/13 Webinar: Foundations of Gender Affirming Surgery Assessment for Behavioral Health Providers

12/13 Webinar: Prolonged Grief Disorder: Understanding, Assessing, and Treating PGD

12/18 Webinar: Helping the Helpers-Suicide Bereavement for Clinicians

12/18 Webinar: Ethics and Law in Clinical Supervision for Mental Health

12/19 Webinar: Suicide Prevention-Considerations for Special Populations

12/19 Webinar: Collateral Damage: The Deadly Mix of TBI, Grief, and Addiction in Our Heroes

For the Community

12/2 Workshop: The ABC’s of Emotional Wellness (Annapolis)

12/3 Glen Burnie Town Center Tree Lighting and Free Ice Skating

12/3 Virtual Visit: One is the Loneliest Number-Especially During the Holidays

12/5 Workshop: Living with Loss Through the Holidays (Pasadena)

12/7 Swim with Santa at the Arundel Olympic Swim Center (Annapolis)

12/7 Workshop for Caregivers: Connections, Supports, and Resiliency (Glen Burnie)

12/7 Encore Chorale Free Winter Concert at Maryland Hall (Annapolis)

12/7 Jingle Bell Hayride at Kinder Farm Park (Millersville)

12/10 Menorah Parade and Lighting (Annapolis)

12/13 Winter Lock In-Teen Self Care! (Discoveries: The Library at Annapolis Mall)

12/14 Santa on the B&A Trail (Multiple Stops)

12/16 Anne Arundel County Health Equity Forum (Virtual)

12/21 Winter Solstice Walk at Ft. Smallwood Park (Pasadena)

12/28 Kwanzaa Tales (Discoveries: The Library at Annapolis Mall)

1/1 First Day Hikes (Multiple County Parks)


All Marylanders 6 months and older are

eligible for a Covid-19 Vaccine

Learn More About the 2024-2025 Covid-19 Recommendations 

If you need help with substance use, the Treatment Referral Line can be reached Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM 

at 410-222-0117

If you are in crisis and in need of immediate help, our Crisis Warmline is open 24/7 and can be reached at 410-768-5522.

Text or Call 988 or access via Chat 24/7 to reach

the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Text "Home" to 741-741 for 24/7 support from the Crisis Text Line

The upcoming events are being shared with you for your interest only, it is not an endorsement of any kind by the LBHA.
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