There was an error found in the newsletter recently sent. Under the Arizona Department of Education’s section, it was originally stated that the deadline was "Tuesday March 15, 2023". The correct deadline is "Wednesday March 15, 2023".


"To improve public education in Arizona by sponsoring

charter schools that provide quality educational choices"

Dello High School | September Events

February Board Meeting

The ASBCS February Board Meeting was held Monday, February 13, 2023. Thank you to all those that attended!

To see all Board actions taken at the February 2023 meeting, please view the link below.

February 2023 Meeting & Minutes

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 13, 2023 at 9:00 am.

ASBCS Online Platform

Dear Chapter Holders and Representatives,

Three years ago ASBCS began the process of overhauling our existing online platform, ASBCS Online, which was created in 2007. Construction and implementation of the new information system began in August of 2022 and as we enter more of the final stages of development, I am happy to announce the expected completion and launch date of the new system will be in late April/early May of 2023.

The new system is built on a Salesforce platform and includes more transparency and efficient user ability for the public, charter holders and school leadership, new charter applicants, and Board staff. In addition to updating to a system with better functionality, additional tools will reduce or eliminate existing manual processes and provide a system that is much easier and intuitive. The Salesforce platform will also allow for the system to be better supported, with updates possible in the years to come. 

Procedural processes and requirements are not changing; therefore, transitioning to the new system should not be a significant change for stakeholders. However, in the coming months, comprehensive training and technical support will be offered to charter holders and representatives. Board staff will communicate the various training opportunities and dates as soon as possible. 

As with any project of this scope and magnitude your patience during the transition and training period is greatly appreciated. Assistant Director of Agency and Charter Holder Operations, Daniel Cobin is leading this transition effort with the assistance from several members of our Board staff.  If you have any questions, please contact Dan via email at and watch for our continued progress updates. 

We are excited for this transition to a more streamlined system that will provide efficiencies and improvements for all Arizona charter school stakeholders.   

Best regards,

Ashley Berg

Executive Director

Displaying Letter Grades Consistent with Staturory Requirement:

A.R.S 15-114(A) states, "A school, charter school or school district shall not display any achievement, classification or ranking that was assigned by a public or private entity after the achievement, classification or ranking is no longer current unless the year of issuance of the achievement, classification or ranking is prominently displayed."

Team Tip!

If you have an outdated letter grade posted anywhere, please update it! This includes school advertisements, bulletin boards, community communication, school website, etc.

New Year? New Staff?

New Documents?

Charter schools often experience staffing changes during the transitional time of winter break. As we continue forward into the spring semester, Board staff would like to encourage you to update your documents to ensure you are always ready for a successful pop-in visit. At recent visits, we have encountered quite a few missing documents due to staffing changes in the new year.

This means:

  • Ensuring all current employees are properly fingerprinted;
  • Ensuring all fingerprint cards/checks are available for review on each school campus (or in an electronic format that can be shared quickly with Board staff when on campus);
  • Confirming that instructional staff experience and education information is up to date for all current instructional employees.

As always, we encourage our charter holders and school leaders to review and utilize the Pop-in Preparation Checklist to ensure you are ready for our arrival. This will allow our visit to be quick and focused, and allow us to spend time discussing the good work being done in schools so that we can provide support and service to our portfolio.

As always, if you have any questions about these requirements, please do not hesitate to reach out to your assigned Education Program Manager.

A Message from the

Arizona Department of Education

Hello Arizona Educators,


The Fiscal Year 2023 (2022-2023 school year) Alternative School On-Track to Graduate Initial Submission page is now open.


Data must be submitted through the ADEConnect A-F Self-Reporting Data application, by clicking on the Alternative Schools On-Track to Graduate (Initial) link. You can find the submission instructions and template are available on ADEConnect after you have selected your school. You may want to review your spreadsheet from last year in preparation for this year’s submission.


Links to this year’s spreadsheet template are also available on the accountability website Resources page. Found here, under “Guides & FAQ” under “Self-Report Data Guides & Instructions”.


The deadline for this initial submission is Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at the close of the business day.


You may need to clear your browser’s cache to see the most up to date version of the Alternative Schools On-Track to Graduate (Initial) application.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Best Regards,


Brandon Giles


Next Regular Board Meeting

Date: Monday, March 13, 2023

Time: 9:00 AM

Location: Virtual/TBD

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