Sunday, February 2, 2025
4th Sunday After the Epiphany
Scripture: I Corinthians 13: 1-13
Sermon: The Greatest of These is Love
Preaching: Rev. Will Zant
Please join us for refreshments and fellowship immediately following our worship.
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Haygood services are live streamed. Each Sunday you can view the 11AM service live on our YouTube channel by clicking here. The live stream will also be available from the Haygood website.
The nursery is available during services for children aged 6 weeks to 2 years. Parents will check-in for Children’s Church and nursery. For more information: Children's Ministries.
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2024- 2025 Children's Choir
and Youth Ensemble
Sign-ups for Children's Choirs and our new Youth Ensemble for the 2024-25 school year are open. New this year is a music ensemble, The Harmonics. It is for 5th-8th graders who will learn instruments and singing. The Harmonics will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:30AM. Please click here for more details and to view the schedule for 2024-2025. Use this link to sign up: Children & Youth Ensemble Signups.
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Gala Dinner
Saturday, February 8
Please join us for Dinner on February 8th from 6-8 PM. This is a fundraiser for our youth group, and all proceeds will go toward our summer mission trip. This year’s menu will be chicken parmesan with a vegan eggplant parmesan option. The cost is 50.00 a plate. This year, for the summer mission trip, we will be working with Appalachia Service Project. For a week, we are teamed up with a family in need and help work on a project with their house. Once we are finished for the week and heading back home, we stop off to go whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River. I hope you can join us for a fabulous meal that evening. Please click here to make your reservations. Note, if you wish to sit with family and friends, it is important for you all to come together as one group.
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Family Movie Night (Movie TBD)
Friday, February 28, 6 PM Haygood Gym
Haygood is hosting a complimentary family movie night on Friday, Feb. 28. The doors open at 6PM. We will have pizza by the slice for sale for $1 per slice. There will also be complimentary popcorn and lemonade. Dress up as your favorite character and bring your blankets, family, friends, and neighbors to join in the movie night fun!
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VBS 2025- Road Trip
Welcome Travelers! You’re invited to Haygood VBS 2025- Road Trip! Embark on an exciting journey based on Joshua 1:9 – "The LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Discover God’s presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God’s goodness together. Each day, your child will travel to music, science, recreation, snack, and craft.
Register Here.
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Click here to check out our full list of Upcoming Events on the Haygood website.
Follow our Facebook page for updates and event announcements. We are promoting our church events online to reach more people. Consider clicking ‘interested’ or ‘going’ for events and inviting your Facebook friends. Visit Haygood Memorial UMC to like and follow us today!
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Your gifts and sacrifice ensure we continue our mission to create disciples for Jesus Christ for the good of the world. Please consider giving online or by mailing a check. | |
Help Feed Those in Need!
For the week of February 2-8, Haygood will be providing dinners for the residents at Rebecca’s Tent, the Spiegel Women’s Shelter at Shearith Israel Synagogue on University Drive. Each evening we will provide food for 14 women. If you would like to help with this project, please contact Wally Rice ( or 404-277-4588) or Joe Hope ( or Home: 404-872-2225 Cell: 404-550-6238) for details. The Fellowship Hall kitchen facilities are available, if you need them.
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Haygood is participating in Atlanta Habitat’s Lenten Build!
Along with 5 other churches, Haygood is building a Habitat House for Kendra Dawes & her 15-year-old daughter. The Saturday build dates are Feb. 15; March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29; & April 5! For Day 1 (February 15th) Haygood will have 10 slots reserved. For each subsequent day we will have 8. So, mark your calendar, rally your friends, and make your plans! We will carpool from the Haygood Parking lot for those who prefer. The workday ends at 3:30 p.m.
To register as a volunteer, please use the following link:
1) All volunteers are required to register online individually. Each volunteer will complete the Habitat Release and Waiver form during the registration process.
2) Registered volunteers will receive automated confirmation and reminder emails with a link to Atlanta Habitat’s Volunteer Information Packet and directions to the build site. Day 1 of the build begins at the Atlanta Habitat warehouse, and Days 2-8 begin at the build site.
3) The minimum age required to volunteer is 16 years old. Volunteers ages 16 and 17 must print their Release and Waiver form and bring it to the build site with a parent or guardian signature.
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2025 Youth Summer Mission Trip
This year, we will be working with Appalachia Service Project from June 15-21st. The deposit for the trip will be $500. Groups will be on a house build for the whole week, so please pack and dress accordingly. We will also be white water rafting the day we come back from the mission trip. We are also in need of a female and a male chaperone. As we get closer, I will have a parent meeting to break down all the details of the trip. Hope your kiddo can join us. Please click here to register.
Youth Group Dinner Support Needed
We need your help Haygood! Every Sunday evening, we meet for youth group for fun and devotion. We need your help to feed our youth. Dinners can be ordering something or making something fresh from home. Simply pick a date here that is available and make sure to bring it by 4:30PM that afternoon.
Thank for your support and feeding our kiddos.
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To "witness" is to live and share our Christian faith publicly. As members of Haygood, we pledge to participate in its ministries through prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. | |
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Here's how you do it:
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- Click your name in the upper-right corner and select Manage Privacy.
- Select your name, or the name of a family member. Privacy settings are unique to each individual in your family.
- Select the privacy option you're comfortable with or click Custom Privacy and select options for each field.
- Click Save.
If you have questions or did not receive an email to enable you to log in to Realm, please send an email with details of the issue you encountered.
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Haygood is a
Safe Sanctuaries Church
As prescribed by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, Haygood MUMC has established a Safe Sanctuaries Policy and accompanying procedures that demonstrates our strong and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of children, youth, and adults. To view our policy and volunteer training information, click here.
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1015 East Rock Springs Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Church Office: 404.872.9613
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