Contemporary Scripture Reflections for Spiritual Seekers

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, BCC, PCC


April 2nd, 2023

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion


Elizabeth-Anne Stewart,

Frost & Fire, C. 1985

The colt

treads the uneven path

of trampled palms

and heads for Jerusalem,

city of festivals,

along a way lined

with dancing hosannas,

smile-creased faces

and laughter, loud and glad.

His flanks quiver

beneath my weight

as, like a king, I turn

this way and that

to acknowledge the homage

of the frenzied crowd.

My people, O my people...

They hail me

before I am crowned

or draped in purple,

before I hold

the scepter of mockery

in unwilling hands,

before I am lifted up

at the hour of my glory.

The beast shies

at their resounding cries

as if detecting the false note

that fills my heart with dread --

today, I am their darling

but tomorrow

the wind will change

and I shall be lost

in the fickle storm,

given over to the wicked

to be bloodied, torn

cruelly crucified

without knowing

how I have offended

or why not one

will plead my cause,

O my people...

Garlanded with laurel,

I reach out to touch, to heal,

to shine love

into vacant eyes,

but as the whole world

runs after me,

I see the traitorous embrace,

hear the cock crow

and the whip's crack,

am pierced by pain-- not once

but in generation after generation

of massacres, mutilations

and perverted ways,

in senseless purges

and the plundering of the poor,

in the countdown to Armageddon,

the blasting of stars.

O my people...

The city gates draw near.

The donkey plods reluctantly,

eyes rolling white and wide

until gently I nudge him on.

Bethany seems distant now,

that place

where I unbound Lazarus,

set him free

and so ensured my death

by working the sign of signs.

But I, too, have been anointed,

prepared for burial,

and will carry the sweet perfume

of consolation

through days of festival.

My people...

+ + +


Ways of Sacred Listening

Institute for Life Coach Training

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 PM ET

May 17th-June 28th, 2023

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August 9th, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Zoom. Details TBA.

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Chicago, August 2023

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Greetings, SBT Readers:

And so the hosannas are sung, the table is set, candles are lit, and the feast is about to begin. We -- the onlookers, bystanders, and chorus-- know exactly where the action is going to take us. There is no need for Cliff notes or some other literary guide to reveal future events or analyze the various characters' motives, words, and actions. There are no surprises here, for we know the details well-- preparations for Passover, the setting of the upper room, Jesus' prediction that he is about to be betrayed and that Peter will deny him, the institution of the Eucharist, the Garden of Gethsemane, the sleeping disciples, the arrest of Jesus...

And yet, despite the story being so familiar, it is a story we need to re-visit often, not as an audience but as active participants who accompany Jesus through his Passion to the glory of his rising. We tell the story not just to remember but to be "re-membered," -- that is, to be made whole again, to find our true identity in Jesus, to be healed of all that separates us from him or from ourselves or from each other... His story is our story, a story reflecting both our humanity and our capacity to transcend all that is death-dealing, through his grace. We not only imitate Jesus on this journey but also allow his consciousness to become our consciousness. Picking up our individual crosses, we follow him, transformed by his obedience, humility, and surrender, by his forgiveness of enemies, and the giving up of his spirit... Then, at Easter, his rising is our rising, and his victory over Death becomes our victory as well...

Holy Week Blessings!



Link to the Sunday Readings

The Lord God has given me

   a well-trained tongue,

that I might know

how to comfort the weary

   with words that will rouse them.

Morning after morning

   God opens my ears that I may hear;

and I have not rebelled,

   have not turned back.

I gave my back to those who beat me,

   my cheeks to those who plucked my beard;

my face I did not hide

   from insults and spitting.

The Lord God is my help,

   therefore I am not disgraced;

I have set my face like flint,

   knowing I shall not be put to shame.

Is 50:4-7

The story that stretches from Palm Sunday to Easter morning is our most sacred narrative, the foundation of our faith; it demands that we open ourselves up to the experience of all that Jesus endures and also to the fullness of his triumph. This involves more than an intellectual exercise, more than a recitation of facts, but the willingness to be present on the journey from the streets of Jerusalem to the upper room, from Gethsemane to Golgotha, from the Cross to the open tomb. Each stage of the journey is essential; nothing can be subtracted: We wave our palms in adoration; we carry unleavened bread, aromatized wine, bitter herbs, dates, olives, and roast lamb to the upper room; reclining at the table, we listen to the scriptures, sing and pray; we ponder over the meaning of Jesus' words, trying to grasp the full import of what he means when he says, "Take and eat; this is my body. Take and drink, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins."

If we can get out of our heads, leave behind all preoccupations and distractions, and move beyond skepticism and doubt, then we are ready to enter the Paschal Mystery. Witnessing the sufferings of Jesus, we see beyond the historical context of his times and understand the cosmic dimensions of all that unfolds. Romans, scribes, Pharisees, and the hostile crowd are "types" who manifest with regularity in the world in which we live. Viewing them as representatives of a particular religion or nationality perpetuates stereotypes, generating further violence and intolerance. Rather, they can be found anywhere and everywhere, in every age; they are the hypocrites, the liars, the deniers of Truth, the cruel aggressors, the mindless followers, the warmongers, and the evil "influencers" who sabotage all that is good, beautiful, and holy. Not only that, but they represent those shadow dimensions of ourselves that do "harm" rather than do good, just as Judas the Betrayer and Peter the Denier are also parts of ourselves. Trudging along the Via Dolorosa, we become aware that far from being innocent, we are pilgrims in need of redemption. Our tears, then, are for ourselves as well as for the One who goes ahead of us. We weep for him, for ourselves, and for the world...

But tears are not the end of the story. We who believe know that we go into the dark to be transformed. We enter the tomb along with our crucified Lord so we may emerge as a new creation. For now, we mourn, but the last laugh has already resounded throughout the universe; Death has already lost its sting...


* With which character or characters do you most identify in the Passion Narratives and why?

* What words or images from the Passion Narratives are resonating with you the most strongly this Holy Week?

* How can your celebration of the Triduum be more meaningful this year than in years past?

* What new life is waiting to be born in you this Easter?



that sanity will prevail and that all those

suffering on account of the terrible conflict in Ukraine

will find the comfort and resources they need.

Thank you for sharing SBT!



This video explains my approach to this ministry, while my website provides further details as well. Most sessions are on Zoom; I am also available to facilitate in-person or "virtual" retreats for groups and individuals.

Spiritual Direction

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart | | [email protected]

C. All Photos by Elizabeth-Anne Stewart,

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