The Real War Horses

Faithful unto Death

The First World War represents the end of an era for the use of horses in armed conflict. It was the last time the horse would ever be used on a mass scale in modern warfare, as well as the last great cavalry charge in history – that of the Canadian Cavalry Brigade at Moreuil Wood – which was also one of the decisive battles in World War I.

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In Memory of a War Horse

A look back at the lives of horses used in military service during World War I, including the horror they endured and the devotion they sometimes had for the men who battled alongside them.

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Equine Asthma: Are Steroids the Only Option?

When horses show symptoms of low-level cough, drippy noses, and low-level breathing difficulties due to the early effects of airway inflammation, consider a non-pharmaceutical way to counter them.

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New Canadian Farrier Program Offers Journeyman Credentials

Canada’s farriers can now become Approved Journeyman Farriers of Canada (AJFC) through the Association of Farrier Trainers of Canada (AFTC). This means horse owners can now hire farriers that have Canadian journeyman credentials.

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Winter Watering Options for Your Horse Farm

As horses switch from moisture-rich grass to drier hay, water consumption is important not only for hydration but also to keep feed moving through the digestive tract.

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War Horse

Throughout the Great War (WWI), horses fought and laboured alongside the soldiers, sharing many of the same hardships and dangers. In the making of his 2011 film, War Horse, director Steven Spielberg used several hundred horses trained and conditioned to their respective roles to recreate some of those terrifying moments.

Winter Diarrhea in Horses

When horses make the seasonal switch to a 100% hay diet, many owners notice that some of their horses are getting loose manure. Why do some horses get chronic diarrhea when on winter hay, and why don’t all the horses consuming the same forage in the barn get it?

The Benefits of Cantering Your Horse

Some riders understand the unparalleled physiological benefits of cantering their horses. Beyond the obvious cardiovascular conditioning, cantering can improve muscle tone, symmetry, and flexibility more than other gaits.


Canada’s Horse Industry in 2023

A look back at the state of Canada's horse industry this year, including horse sales, the return to horse shows, and the surge in recreational riders.

Conditioning Horses: Stability Before Strength

A stable body is one that can become stronger. The core is supported and aligned, while the limbs and locomotion muscles can deliver their full power. In just five minutes a day, you can work through three to five calisthenics either at the beginning or end of your session to increase stability in your horse. This five minute session is as important as the gait transitions, trot extensions, and other gymnastic routines during your actual workout.

How to Prevent and Treat Mud Fever

Mud fever, a common equine skin disease affecting the lower limbs, is prevalent when horses spend prolonged periods of time standing in wet, muddy conditions where the bacteria and fungi that cause mud fever thrive.

Donkeys Feel the Cold

Donkeys are less able than horses to adapt to colder, wetter climates and therefore require additional protection in the winter to meet their welfare needs.

Preparing Fences Before the Freezing Temperatures

No matter what type of fence you have, there are several protective and preventative measures you can take to ensure your fence is in prime condition for the upcoming Canadian winter. 

Dogs and Horses — Man’s Best Friends

Dogs possess some of the same admirable traits as horses and complement the lifestyle of a horse person very well. Take a look at some of the most popular breeds found alongside equestrians and horses, and the history behind these relationships.


Remembering Ed James

Prominent Standardbred Owner and Founder of SSG Gloves

Prominent Standardbred owner Edward Donald James, 92, passed away peacefully on Oct. 29, 2023 in Aurora, Ontario, his residence for 53 years.

Equine Industry Symposium

Horse enthusiasts and industry professionals are invited to join us for FREE on November 21-23, 2023 from 7-8:30 pm EST for the 8th Annual Symposium on this year’s theme: Stable Solutions. Inspiring keynote speakers will facilitate discussions amongst industry professionals with a focus on bridging the labour gap, boosting business efficiency, and buying into business fundamentals. Hosted by the University of Guelph Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management, Equine Management Students.

Horseracing world mourns teen who shared special bond with Breeders' Cup race winner

A teenager with a rare genetic disorder whose special bond with a racehorse touched hearts in the horse racing world and beyond is being remembered as an inspiration.

5 Things Your Farrier Wants to Tell You

Some top farriers share some tips they wish horse owners would follow to help ensure healthy hooves.

3 Tips to Help You 'See a Stride' Like a Pro

Clear the obstacles that are affecting your jumping technique by following these simple tips on how to better see a stride. 


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