The FUUSN Chime

Sunday Reminder

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

A flyer with a stylized logo resembling an atomic diagram with a lit chalice labeled "Love" at the center, surrounded by the words, "generosity, transformation, equity, pluralism, interdependence, justice." The flyer reads, "Love at the Center - Music Sunday - November 17, 2024, 10:15am - A service of music and readings reflecting the core values of Unitarian Universalism, featuring the musicians of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton. First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, 1326 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02165, image by Tanya Webster"

Worship Service:

Music Sunday - Love at the Center

Anne Watson Born

Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 10:15am

Love at the Center is a service of music and readings reflecting the new core values of Unitarian Universalism, featuring FUUSN’s wonderful musicians and dancers. Music of Johannes Brahms, Linda Hirschhorn, Carson Cooman, Bill Withers, and more.

You may also join us on Zoom:

View the Order of Service here

Events This Sunday

Over 60s Sponsored November Presentation: Understanding The Exciting New Cancer Therapies and Their Importance for Older Adults

Sunday, November 17, 2024, 12 noon – 1:30 pm

Alliance Room and On Zoom

PRESENTER: Kevan Hartshorn, MD

Kevan will take us into the world of medical research and progress as the pace of discovery in cancer therapy has become exponential in resent years. A majority of cancers develop in older adults who can experience increased toxicity from chemotherapy. He will address new therapies being approved every few weeks with three new approaches that can preclude or decrease the use of chemotherapy. We are so fortunate to have him join us with medical news of less toxic and highly effective methods and his experiences in this fast moving world of medicine.

Soup and finger food for lunch. Please email Helen Jordan for lunch count.

Can't attend in person? Join us on Zoom.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club: Cooking Together For the Holidays - November 17, 2024, 4-7pm

On November 17th from 4pm to 7pm, John Dundon and Beth Zwick will be leading an interactive Cooking Together event in the FUUSN kitchen focusing on making holiday foods. Afterwards, participants will enjoy the fruits of their labors and eat dinner together in the Alliance Room. This event is sold out, but you may join the waitlist here.

Sunday, November 17

11:45am-1pm: Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary

12-1pm: Over 60s Presentation: Understanding New Cancer Therapies and Their Importance for Older Adults, Alliance Room

3:30-5pm: JourneySongs Rehearsal, Children's Chapel

4-7pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club - Cooking Together for the Holidays, Alliance Room and Kitchen

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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