Photo: Bob Anderson

Help Preserve and Protect Our Beach

Dear Karen,

The Fire Island Pines Seashore Defense Fund needs to raise $50,000 urgently to fund three important projects before the end of year.

Hurricane Lee and Tropical Storm Ophelia extensively damaged our dunes and beach. FIPPOA is working with the “big guns”, our local, state and federal representatives to secure funds for a significant beach replenishment. They are lobbying for the return of the Army Corps of Engineers to make significant repairs.


In the meantime, the Seashore Defense Fund (SDF) is preparing to immediately undertake the following projects to protect and fortify the health of the dune:


  1. At the strong recommendation of the National Park Service, installing “lane posts” for the first time the entire length of the Pines’ beach. These posts, positioned approximately 20 ft. from the base of the dune and 10 ft. apart from each other, will keep vehicle traffic in a lane away from the dune. They will deter vehicles from swerving in and out of the dunes. It will help to reduce the disruption of new sand accumulation and newly propagating beach grass from being destroyed, both natural elements of dune growth. It has proven successful in front of National Park Service land and in other western communities.
  2. Replacing 25 KEEP OFF DUNE signs also swept away.
  3. Replacing nine of our thirteen Beach Bins lost during the storms.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 to fund these very important projects. Please consider a donation today.

We are grateful to those who have already donated in 2023 and in past years. Our beaches and the SDF are grateful for your continued and generous support.


The Pines Foundation now has Employer match enabled. With your employer’s help you can double your impact! Simply choose your employer from the search menu on our donation page.


The SDF has a proven track record of getting things done and has led the charge to provide and install sand fencing in collaboration with Brookhaven’s Erosion Control District (ECD). When a project’s expense exceeds our ECD allocation, it picks up the balance. SDF has provided KEEP OFF DUNE signage and, in recent years, built and installed 13 Beach Bins/Trash Receptacles which are now in need of replacement due to the storms. Through these efforts, our beach has far fewer people trampling the dune and it has never looked cleaner. SDF’s efforts are noticeable and effective. 


100% of your donations helps make this work possible. SDF receives more dollar donations than any other initiative of The Pines Foundation. This speaks volumes to our collective concern that a healthy beach is Fire Island Pines’ top priority. Please consider a donation.

Click here to DONATE today!


Russell Saray

Seashore Defense Fund, Chair

The Pines Foundation’s Seashore Defense Fund (SDF) is first and foremost an emergency response fund created to protect our beach and dune. It also educates and informs the community on how together we can prepare, preserve, and protect this most precious resource.

Click here to Donate to The Pines Foundation Today!

Double your impact with Employer Match!

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Henry Robin, President

Allan Baum, Vice President

Alan Brodherson, Secretary

Eric Sawyer, Treasurer

Gary Clinton, Greg Henniger, Bill Hildebrandt, Andrew Kirtzman,

Chris Mai, Charles Montorio-Archer, Anthony Pietrangolare, Nate Pinsley, Leland Rechis, Russell Saray, and Ed Schulhafer

Building our community together.