Family Connections
 Child Care Resource and Referral of
Lane and Douglas Counties
 Summer 2016 Newsletter
Quick Links



Family Connections Website


On Line Class Registration


Lane County Trainings


Douglas County Trainings


Required Classes


Spanish Classes


Upcoming Conferences
Conference Registration and information
 OregonAEYC- Portland Fall Conference 2016
October 14 &15,2016
Required classes for  Office of Child Care Licensing.
Food Handlers:
FC offers Food Handler Manuals for self study option ONLY- $10.00

First Aid CPR Training
Receive a Two Year FA/CPR Certification- $40.00

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
Attend this class once
Cost $10.00
Contact Us:

Family Connections of Lane and Douglas Counties



Lane County/Main Office



Douglas County Office







Tuesday, July 12th

10:00-11:00 PST

An Introduction to the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition.

This webinar will briefly introduce the second edition of the Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social Emotional (ASQ:SE).

Learn more about the important area of social-emotional development, and how the ASQ:SE can be used by parents and caregivers to identify early behavioral concerns.

SET 1     CKC: OA


To register, contact Patty Hamel at:





Classes for Fall 2016: 


HDFS 226: Child Development

Instructor: Magee

3 credits


ECE 105: Health & Safety Issues in ECE

Instructor: Magee

2 credits


ECE 110: Observing

Instructor: Hickey

1 credit


ECE 130: Guidance of Young Children

Instructor: Bishop

3 credits


ECE 160: Exploring Early Childhood Curriculum

Instructor: Lloyd

4 credits


Contact: Jean Bishop




Children, Nature, and Mental Health
By Bobbie Rose
"Oh! The things that happened in that garden! If you never had a garden, you cannot understand, and if you have had a garden you will know that it would take a whole book to describe all that came to pass there."
The Secret Garden was written in 1911 by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It is the story of how a boy who is sad, lonely, and sickly transforms into a strong, happy child full of joy and excitement. The change occurs when he is exposed to the natural world of trees, flowers, warm sunshine, sweet smells, and wild creatures. He moves out of his isolated, confined indoor existence and becomes a thriving, blossoming, happy child.
Of course, The Secret Garden is a work of fiction. But let's consider the message of this classic children's story. Can nature have such a profound effect on children's mental health? Does playing and learning in nature positively impact children's psychological and cognitive development?

Early Childhood and Mental Health
The first years of a child's life are a time of rapid brain growth. As children grow and develop the foundations for mental and psychological health are formed. These foundations are established as children learn how to cope, adapt, and relate to others and the world around them. Mental health for children is an important task for everyone who works with or advocates for you children (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2012)

DHS Corner
DHS Corner
Changes to license exempt child care provider requirements coming soon.
What is Changing?
Child care providers not legally required to be licensed with the Oregon's Early Learning Division Office of Child care will begin seeing new requirements to be listed with the Department of Human Services (DHS) starting Fall 2016. These changes are for license exempt providers that are NOT related to any child(ren) in care. There will be additional training requirements and a review of the site where child care will be given. All requirements must be met before final approval by DHS. Payments to the provider on behalf of the family start from the final approval date forward.


During the next year as QRIS goes though a revision process, the components of the QRIS technical assistance and rating processes will continue without a gap. Programs will continue to have opportunities to attend the initial Increasing Quality trainings in their regions, obtain technical assistance, be able to submit the current QRIS portfolio for rating until the revised portfolio is available and a transition phase is completed. Processes are being developed to determine at what point programs may want to choose the new vs. the old portfolio. However, regardless of those details, there will not be a gap in these QRIS processes. Opportunities to attend an Increasing Quality Training and submit a portfolio to be rated will be continuous.
This continuity is crucial in order for programs to access QRIS components as well as other related initiatives such as Preschool Promise and the provider quality incentives, and upcoming decreased parent subsidy copayments for accessing star rated programs.
The Research Institute will be working individually with Child Care Resource and Referrals to help communicate and support the continuity and revision process. The Research Institute will be supporting CCRRs to meet the needs of "newly engaged" QRIS programs as well as outreaching to those who engaged in QRIS during the field test but have not yet been star rated.
See: for more information.

Play Outside!
Looking for outdoor play ideas for young children?
Wouldn't the search be so much easier if there was one go-to resource for all of the best outdoor play ideas from around the web?
Well, now there is!
Welcome to Play Outside!
Play Outside! is an ever expanding data base of unique outdoor play and learning resources, tips, tools, blogs and ideas gathered together from around the blogosphere.
Whether you are a preschool teacher, parent, grandparent or caregiver you will find everything from sand play and gardening ideas to building and creative experiences-and so much more I between.

211 and the Child Care Referrals Transition
The Early Learning Division will transition referrals from the Child Care Resource and Referrals (CCR&R) in July 2016 to 211Info, a clearinghouse that helps people identify, navigate and connect with the local resources and is now available in all counties in Oregon. Just by dialing 211, the caller is able to receive child care referrals along with local community resources. A data base for updated information, 211info is positioned to serve all segments of the community population.
This transition will help the CCR&Rs ability to expand the professional development system and trainings to best serve Oregon's child care providers so that programs are able to continually improve quality and better serve families and children.
According to the Early Learning Division these changes will more effectively support providers in their professional development, and children and their families making decisions for their needs.
All Child Care Providers will now refer parents to 211info instead of Family Connections of Lane and Douglas Counties to receive local child care referrals.
Mail to:  
Web site:
Phone: 211
Children today are not expected to live as long as their parents.
Childhood obesity is a national crisis and we as child care providers have the power to make changes that can reverse the obesity crisis.
The Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC) Program is a program to learn more about childhood obesity and how we can implement changes in our programs to help reverse this crisis.
7.5 hours of free trainings
Free classroom gifts at each training
Enrolling for the Spring NAP SACC
Cohort in January 2016
This program is provided through a grant from Trillium Prevention Services.
If you are interested please contact:
Wendy Hubacek

Since 2013, Oregon's QRIS has been in a testing phase. Based on what we have learned, we are excited to work on a full revision process!
Entering the revision process means a phase-out of the field test materials and changes to the system. Any changes that will affect QRIS participants will be shared right away.
There will be no gap in QRIS rating while the materials are being revised. There will be a phase-out of the current QRIS portfolios once the new portfolio is available so that programs are continually rated. As the old version of the portfolio is phased out and we transition into the revised system, programs are encouraged to stay in touch with Quality Improvement Specialists to get the most up-to-date information and continue to work on their quality improvement goals.
For information about the revision process and the exciting changes ahead, please visit:  
Steps to ensure your payment from DPU

  1. Get the form(s) with the family's name, case number, estimated copay, and estimated hours from their case worker BEFORE DOING CARE.

      2. Contact the case worker and

          confirm the information.


      3. Get "A Provider's Guide to Child

          Care" booklet. It states your

          rights and responsibilities. You

          can pick them up at the local

          DHS office, or give Katy a call

          she will send you one.






Class Policies


To register for a class, you must pre-pay:

  1. Class registration can be completed online or over the phone.
  2. Online at: On Line Registration or call 541-463-3954
  3. Each person registering for a class needs to register with our on-line system, if you have taken classes with us in the last two years, you have a login. When you go to the website, enter your email and click forgot password and a password will be emailed.
  4. Whether you call or sign up on line payment for classes will only be accepted with Visa or MasterCard at the time of registration, payments are non-transferable from person to person.
  5. On approval, we are still able to accept checks and cash in our offices. Placement in a requested class will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
  6. We are not responsible for any CASH mailed to us.
  7. If you show up at a class without pre-registration you will most likely be turned away, not receive a certificate and be charged DOUBLE for the class.

Continue reading here




Family Connections | | |
4000 E 30th ave
Eugene, OR 97405
If you need disability accommodations in order to attend or participate in these events, please contact Disability Resources (541) 463-5150 (voice) or 463-3079 (TTY) at least one week in advance.