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January 28, 2025

Weekly Policy Newsletter

The 2025 Tax Season is Around the Corner; Resources Are Available for Assisting Young Adults


Last week, John Burton Advocates for Youth kicked off the upcoming 2025 tax season with two webinars on assisting youth with filing taxes and claiming the California Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC). The first was geared toward post-secondary education institutions and their foster youth campus support programs and the second was applicable to county child welfare agencies and their community partners.

The training reviewed outreach resources, including a new FYTC flyer and social media toolkit, along with a new “Taxes 101” workshop curriculum for current and former foster youth. The workshop can be delivered by any program serving youth, including Independent Living Programs, campus support programs, and housing and service providers. Also shared was JBAY’s updated “Tax Prep Checklist” aimed at ensuring youth have all their documents ready for filing taxes. At the start of tax season, JBAY will make a Self-Filing Guide available, along with a roster of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Sites. 

California’s Housing Support for Former Foster Youth Increases 70%, But Need Remains


John Burton Advocates for Youth has released a new report highlighting California’s recent strides in expanding housing support for former foster youth. Between 2021 and 2024, the availability of transitional housing and housing vouchers for these young adults has grown by 70 percent, increasing from 2,179 youth served at a point in time, to 3,713.

Notably, housing provided through the Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) has increased by 27 percent, from 1,309 youth in 2021 to 1,664 in 2024. Federal Housing Choice Vouchers made available through the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative and Family Unification Program (FUP), have more than doubled, increasing from 870 to 2,049. Despite this progress, the report reveals that California is currently meeting 38 percent of the need for former foster youth ages 21-24 who remained in foster care until at least age 18. To fully address the gap, an additional 6,158 housing slots and/or vouchers are needed statewide.

The report also outlines a series of actionable recommendations for state government and county child welfare agencies to further address the housing challenges for former foster youth across California. Information from the report was drawn from publicly available data, a statewide survey of county child welfare agencies, and interviews of count child welfare representatives and non-profit housing providers. For more information, read the report or review the webinar

Students Impacted by Wildfires Receive FAFSA/CADAA Deadline Extension

Due to the major wildfires in Southern California, the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) released a memo stating that the priority deadline to submit a FAFSA or CADAA for state financial aid has been extended from March 3, 2025 to April 2, 2025 for high schools and colleges located within Los Angeles and Ventura county.

Additionally, students who have been impacted by special circumstances, such as wildfires, can appeal for more financial aid due to the financial hardship a natural disaster may have on a student’s finances and ability to pay for college. This may include job loss, a decrease in income, damages to personal belongings, rent for a temporary place to stay, homelessness, or medical expenses. Colleges have the authority to make adjustments to data elements on the FAFSA that may result in a new Student Aid Index (SAI), or determination of financial need. Colleges may also adjust elements of the student’s Cost of Attendance (COA) budget, such as housing, food, transportation, medical expenses or dependent care, due to expenses that exceed the budget set by their college. Students impacted by a natural disaster are encouraged to contact their financial aid office to learn about their appeals process and file an appeal as soon as possible. To learn more, you can view this short video created by financial aid experts. 

SchoolHouse Connection Releases New Guidance for Students Displaced by California’s Wildfires


In response to the wildfires in Southern California, SchoolHouse Connection has released 5 Key Policies for Schools, a guide that clarifies the application of educational rights for K-12 students experiencing homelessness due to being displaced by disasters. Under the McKinney-Vento Act, students who lack a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” are considered homeless and qualify for specific protections and services. This definition includes many students displaced by the wildfires, including those temporarily staying in shelters, hotels, motels, or with friends or relatives. Both unaccompanied students and those in the physical custody of a parent or guardian may meet this definition. 

The McKinney-Vento Act ensures that students experiencing homelessness have the right to stay in their current school or enroll immediately in their local school of attendance if staying in their school of origin is not feasible. Additionally, under McKinney-Vento, homeless students have access to federal funds that can provide support with transportation to school, food, clothing, and other basic needs. For more information, including student-friendly informational flyers, click here

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