Here are the phone numbers of our area's Members of Congress.
Senator Richard Durbin -
Washington office - 202-224-2152
Chicago office - 312-353-4952
Senator Tammy Duckworth
Washington office - (202) 224-2854
Chicago office - (312) 886-3506
US Representatives
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Washington office (202) 225-3711
Schaumburg office (847) 413-1959
Delia Ramirez
Washington office (202) 225-5701
West Chicago office (630) 520-9494
Sean Casten
Washington office (202) 225-4561
Glen Ellyn office (630) 520-9450
Bill Foster
Washington office (202) 225-3515
Aurora office (630) 585-7672
Lauren Underwood
Washington office (202) 225-2976
Joliet office (630) 549-2190