St. Philip Neri Parent Appreciation
Dear Families and Friends of St. Philip Neri Catholic School,
Thank you for coming to Family Mass and Open House on Sunday to begin our week-long celebration of Catholic schools across the country and particularly our own Catholic school community. On Sunday our Student Leadership Council and Student Choir prepared a beautiful liturgy for all of us. Fittingly, the second reading from St. Paul to the Corinthians was the beautiful description of how we are all one body in Christ though we are many parts: similarly, our St. Philip Neri School community is made up of many different people but we are all United in Faith and Love.
In order to Celebrate our Community, on Monday our students had the opportunity to tour the First through Eighth Grade classrooms to admire their Open House displays: even our Preschool, TK and Kindergarten students were able to come by to view the “big school.” We also had classes go over to the Middle School Science Fair in O’Brien Hall to see all of the experiments that our middle school students prepared.
Today is Student Appreciation Day meaning Free Dress and a fun time watching a movie and having snacks with classmates: thank you to the PTG for organizing this event. Thursday is Celebrating Academic Excellence with our Oratorical Fest at 1:00 p.m. in Church, all are welcome. Friday is Teacher Appreciation, and again many thanks to Room Parents and PTG for organizing the Faculty/Staff Brunch and volunteers to take over classes during the Brunch for staff.
Tomorrow’s focus is on Parent Appreciation: our parents (grandparents and extended family) deserve a lot of recognition and gratitude for the things they do on a daily basis to support our students’ academic experience. We also have so many parent volunteers who provide service to the school on a regular basis and help us with planning, organizing, working on various projects that ultimately make our school programs better for our students. Our PTG Officers, School Advisory Board Members, Athletic Board Members, Coaches, Lunch Distribution team, Art Docents, and Auction Committee are just a few groups of parent volunteers who give many hours to supporting school efforts and events, and there are many more individuals who help with Field Trips, Classroom Parties, and special projects. Every single student will be gifting their parents with a special form of a THANK YOU for all the big and little things parents do for our students and our school. On behalf of our SPN Community, we thank you all.
We hope to see many of you at The Athletic Board Crab Feed on Saturday. All proceeds will go to offset our CYO/EBPL sports program. Remember to read through this Newsletter to stay informed on school events and upcoming activities.
Peace & Blessings,
Ms. Thomas