
Rondout School


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The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition

November 15, 2023

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Dear Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,

Happy Wednesday! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just one week away? Please note that next week's Falcon Flyer will go out on Tuesday, November 21st. We will begin the Thanksgiving Break on Wednesday November 22nd and the building will be closed from Wednesday until the following Monday. There will be technology work going on during this time as we upgrade our technology infrastructure. 

Report cards will be sent home next week and should arrive in time for parental review prior to the parent teacher conferences. Appointment times will be sent out via email at the end of the week. We ask that you reach out as soon as possible if the time option you requested will no longer work for you. We know that some of you have meetings scheduled shortly before or after conferences which will serve as your parent teacher conference.

Today is America Recycles Day. Rondout is right on target with the many ways that it supports recycling, reuse and reduction efforts. We compost our lunchroom waste and our garden waste. We actively recycle in every classroom. We even have created mini Markerbots which collect used up markers to be recycled. We limit our disposables in our lunch program and use real dishes, cups and utensils saving many pounds of waste into our landfills this year. The Sustainability and Public Works Departments of our Rondout School Village work diligently to keep us focused on green practices. The Green Club has also made a difference in supporting our planet.

This week we kick off Rondout’ s latest initiative which was spearheaded by students in the Public Works Department who wanted to make a difference in the growing issue of textiles overflowing in the landfills. The USAgain “Tree Machine” was a good option for us as it provides recycling of textiles and donating reusable clothing and textiles. They will plant a tree for every filled Tree Machine. We will be able to keep track of our progress on an individual dashboard which will calculate the impact of our donations.  The collection bin is at the northwest corner of the staff parking lot. Please do not leave items outside of the bin and honor the collection guidelines. Thank you in advance for supporting the efforts of our students to support the future of our planet.

Have a wonderful week and enjoy these beautiful days of autumn. Take care. Until next time...

Dr. Jenny Wojcik


Ms. Elizabeth Davis



School Lunch

Hot Lunch + Salad Bar + Milk $3.75

Milk Only $0.50

Double Hot Lunch (Grades 6-8 Only) $7.50

Week of 11/20/2023






Noodle Mania w/wo

Marinara Sauce


Popcorn Chicken

Mashed Potatoes

Gravy, Cookie

No School

No School *Thanksgiving Day

No School

Week of 11/27/2023






Beef Corndog

Baked Tater Tots

Carrot Sticks

Chicken Sandwich

w/wo Cheese



w/wo Cheese


Fruit Snack

*6th Grade Selected

Falcon Favorite

Early Dismissal at 11:30

No School

Student Lunch Menu 2023-2024 Updated 9.12.23
Click here to add funds to  your child's lunch account. 

National Blue Ribbon

Presentation Ceremony in Washington DC November 16th and 17th

The Recognition Ceremony will be available to watch by clicking here

The PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal will be unavailable from 11/10/2023 - 11/17/2023 while we finalize report cards.

Baby Supply Drive

We have kicked off a baby supply drive for the North Chicago Community Partners Care Closet. The drive will continue through 11/30/2023. Baby supplies should be dropped off at the main office. Thank you for your support. Bins will also be available when you come to parent teacher conferences and the PTSA Book Fair.

November 30th & December 1st

Parent Teacher Conferences 

Please complete the conference preference form. Conference times will be distributed via email on Monday.

Click here to complete the conference preference form 
Click here to schedule a meeting to discuss your students ISLIP Data with Dr. Wojcik and Ms. Davis

7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.

Save the Dates!

February 21, 2024 -

Coffee Talk


School Safety and Security

Purchase By End of Day: 

Sunday, April 7, 2023

Click here to purchase your yearbook

Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 

birthdays in November!

Rondout PTSA

The PTSA Book Fair Committee needs your help! Please consider volunteering during Rondout's Book Fair, scheduled for Tuesday - Friday, November 29-December 2, 2022. Questions? Please contact Denise Beger.

Click here to sign up
PTSA Parents Facebook Group
PTSA Directory Enrollment Form/ PTSA Pay Dues Link 
PTSA Website
PTSA Volunteer Interest Form

Capturing Learning

Thank you to our Veteran's for attending our annual Veteran's Day Assembly

8th Grade Field Trip to National Museum of Mexican Art, Maya's Mexican Restaurant and La Luz Bakery

Cultural Celebration

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growing hearts and minds.png

Community News

Click Here for 211 Lake County Website
Mental Health Resources
Village of Mettawa
Village of Green Oaks

t: (847) 362-2021

f: (847) 816-2067

Contact Us