St. Brendan the Navigator Episcopal Church
Our Mission: "To Love, Praise, Welcome and Serve"
Good Friday - Easter Sunday
April 9, 2023
Good Friday, 7 p.m.
The Rev. Andrew Stoessel, preaching
The bulletin can be found here.

The Great Vigil of Easter, 7 p.m.
The Rev. Donna Downs, preaching
The bulletin can be found here.
Easter Sunday
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Pastor Elaine Hewes, preaching

Scripture readings for this Sunday (Notes are below)

The bulletin can be found here.
Join us in-person or online. Click below for the Zoom link.
Weekly Calendar
All services and meetings will be held both in-person and via Zoom unless otherwise designated.
Friday, April 7
7:00 p.m. Good Friday service - The Rev. Andrew Stoessel preaching
Saturday, April 8
7:00 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter - The Rev. Donna Downs preaching
                              Bring a bell!
Monday, April 10
4:30 p.m. Meditation/Silent Prayer (Zoom)
Wednesday, April 12
10:30 a.m. Bible Study (Zoom)
12:30 p.m. Outreach Ministry meeting (Zoom)
Thursday, April 13
4:00 p.m. Sacred Ground (Zoom)
Sunday, April 16
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with The Rev. Stephen Hayward preaching
The Gratitude Corner

Jane LaChance might come to mind if you did a word association with that word. It's no coincidence that Jane chairs the Welcoming & Hospitality ministry. In her encouraging and good-humored way, she ensures the coffee hour is taken care of each week. She often fills the role of barista and baker. This lovely lemon birthday cake she made last Sunday was a perfect example of her flair and care.

We are deeply grateful for your ministry, Jane.
GPS Action Item
The GPS Action item for Easter week is simply an invitation to enter into the mysteries of God's unfathomable love for us and for the world God so loves and to allow ourselves to be held in that mystery. To allow ourselves to be so immersed in that love that we begin to feel ourselves unbound from the things that hold us captive (such as fear and shame) and set free to be signs of God's love in the times and places in which we live. 

Let our GPS Action item for this week be to become "insurrections of resurrection," "little Easters" rising into the grief and suffering of the world around us.
An Easter Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
“We are here in a world struggling to find its soul, but the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not, cannot, and will not overcome it,” Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry said in his Easter 2023 message. Click below and scroll down for a video of his full message.
Worship & Music Ministry
The Great Vigil of Easter

Please join us Saturday at 7 p.m. for the Easter Vigil, also called the Paschal Vigil or the Great Vigil of Easter. The Vigil tells the story of salvation and culminates in the Resurrection of Jesus. In the early Christian Church, people were baptized at the Easter Vigil which began between sunset and sunrise on Easter Day. Then they shared the bread and wine with the larger community. It is customary to celebrate baptisms at the Vigil.

The Easter Vigil is the only church service that begins in darkness. Everyone gathers outside around a fire and receives a candle. From the fire, the Paschal Candle is lit – the bearer of the Paschal Candle leads everyone into the darkened church and sings, “The Light of Christ,” and we respond, “Thanks be to God.” From the Paschal Candle, all of the candles are lit. Slowly the light of Christ illuminates the sanctuary. The cantor sings the Exsultet, our salvation story is retold from Creation to the Exodus, and finally, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. The Vigil needs to be experienced to appreciate its festive and mysterious celebration of Christ’s resurrection.

Please bring a bell to ring as the lights are turned on, and we join in shouts of “Alleluia.”

Artwork: Healing Waters (c) Mary Southard, Used with permission
Education & Spiritual Development Ministry

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, 
and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

Join us for Meditation/Silent Prayer
every Monday at 4:30 p.m.

Readings, poems, and prayers are shared before a
period of sitting together in silence. All are welcome.
Bible Study

This Wednesday for Bible study, we will return to the reflective way of looking at Scripture through the lens of our life stories. All are invited to this time of sharing as we ponder the ways in which Scripture can open our eyes and hearts to see God's presence in our everyday lives. No experience with the Bible is required! Only a willingness to bring your questions, doubts, and hopes to our time together.  
Pastoral Care Ministry
April Birthdays
Barbara Wright - 30
Elaine Taggert – 30
News from Near and Far
April is the month to donate to the annual Hancock County Food Drive. This year, the goal is to raise $50,000. In the next few weeks, more information will be coming about this important fundraising project to build food security in Hancock County. Click below to donate.
A Slave Ship called Malaga – told by Antonio Rocha
April 23 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Farnsworth Museum, Rockland Maine

For more information about this one-of-a-kind performer, please visit

In Our Prayers
We pray for those in special need:
Anne Burton
Diane Greenlaw
Mary Ann and Terry
Brent Oliver
David Morrish
Elaine Taggart
Little Eagle
Susan Wade
Rachel Richmond

Pat and Dave
Brian Turner and family
Peter Brown
Brent Was
Heather Corey
Bill Scaife
Gary and Wellesley
Mary Blanco
Mary Lawrence Hicks and family
Bob Budd and family
Mary Ann Shaw
Stephen Gill
Julie and Tom
Skip Greenlaw
Heather Callister
Linda Shepard and Family
Marcia Scott
Phoibe DeJesus
Lindsay Bowker
Nancy Boothby
Nancy Stearns
Isabelle H.
Tony Stoneburner
Carol Stoneburner
We pray, also, for those who love and care for them.
We continue to hold in prayer those in our community who have recently lost loved ones; among them are the Dufresne, Donahue, Haskell, Tarlton, Scaife, Walkling, Reece, Hines, Hutchinson, Adams and Jacob families.

We pray for those struggling with addiction and mental illness and their caregivers.
We pray for all those receiving care through Neighbor Care and for all the relocated residents of the Island Nursing Home and their families.

We pray for the victims of gun violence -- in our cities and towns, in our schools, in our places of worship, and in our homes.
We pray for the victims of the violence of armed conflicts around the world. We pray for those made refugees by the violence of armed conflicts. We pray for the victims of terrorist attacks everywhere.
We pray for all who suffer the effects of domestic violence and the violence of bullying in our schools and workplaces.

We pray for our nation, our president and vice-president, and all elected and appointed leaders.
We pray for all peacemakers, and all those who work for justice; may we be found in their ranks.
We pray for all those serving in the armed forces of our country.
We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Suheil, Bishop of Jerusalem; Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas, our Bishop; for the members of our Vestry; and for all our members, whose ministries are varied and far-reaching.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Easter and for new life in our homes, our families, and our communities.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and for the Peace of Jerusalem.
On the Island and Peninsula, we pray for St. Mary by the Sea, Stonington.
Scripture Notes
Easter Sunday

Today the Church completes its three great days of celebrating redemption. Since Maundy Thursday, we have been involved in an extended liturgy that will be brought to its conclusion today.

This is the celebration of the Passover of Christ from death to life. It is also the celebration of our own Passover in Holy Baptism in which “we were buried with Christ in his death and raised with him.”

Throughout the fifty days of Easter, a reading from the Acts of the Apostles is always used. These weekly readings from Acts describe the life of the first Christians and their proclamation of Christ’s resurrection. So today we hear a portion of the sermon Peter preached to Cornelius, the first Gentile Christian.

The second reading reflects our share in the resurrection given us in baptism. The Gospel reading is the account of the women at the tomb and the angelic proclamation of the resurrection.

As we rejoice in our new life in the risen Christ on this day, he comes among us and is known to
us in the Breaking of the Bread. We are sent forth to tell others of his resurrection.

The Rite Light: Reflections on the Sunday Readings and Seasons of the Church Year. Copyright © 2009 by Michael W. Merriman. Church Publishing Incorporated, New York
Office Hours: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Pastor Elaine Hewes
Tel: 207-479-5651

Emergency Contacts:
Allen Downs, Warden
(207) 348-2560
George Pazuniak, Warden     
Tel: 207-359-8576
Vestry Members:
Dan Reardon-Treasurer
Mickey Jacoba-Clerk
Meg Graham
Linda Shepard
Jane LaChance