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November 2024

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SESSION 1- Successful Transition to Retirement While Balancing Continued Engagement at MGH - (watch webinar)

SESSION 2- Assessing and Handling Declines in Skill - Fri, Jan 24

SESSION 3- Health of Your Wealth: Financial toolkit for a successful retirement - Thu, Feb 27

SESSION 4- Crafting Your Next Chapter- Reframe, Revitalize, and Reinvent - Tue, Mar 18

SESSION 5- Retirement Nuts and Bolts - Tue, Apr 15

SESSION 6- Nuts and Bolts of Partial Retirement - TBD


I’m writing just hours after our third biannual in-person Leadership Skills Retreat. I’m a bit biased here, but the talks were fabulous: practical, engaging, and fun. To provide a flavor, here are some (loosely transcribed) pearls from our speakers:

“A talk is not a publication, it’s theater,” says David Friedman on Giving an Engaging Presentation. “Get people to listen—people listen when they want to listen. Speak clearly and loudly, look at the room, pay attention.”

“The five kinds of team dysfunction are absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, absence of accountability, and inattention to results,” per Laurie Pascal on Leading Effective Teams. “Lead with purpose, values, and inquiry rather than advocacy; build human connection, provide clear direction, and focus on consistency over chaos.”

“Communication as a leader mostly involves listening,” says Sareh Parangi on Leadership Challenges. “When leading a meeting, establish ground rules that encourage participation, keep the agenda on track, make it fun, start and end on time, and model professionalism.”

“Add ‘No’ to your vocabulary,” advises Miriam Bredella on How to Develop a National Reputation. “Say yes when you’re excited about a project and you can deliver. Actively build your network of sponsors and mentors. And always have your 30-second elevator pitch ready.” 

I’m barely scratching the surface: the talks were packed with these kinds of insights. And there’s no substitute for in-person discussion for getting questions answered and learning from peers. Click here to see photos from the retreat.

We will continue to hold these Leadership Skills Retreats in the Fall and Spring. Look for the next one in March.

With best wishes,


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