January 23, 2025

Start the Year Strong 

Written by: Antonio Valle-Lobjois, Member Service Specialist,

Center for Health and Fitness


In the new year, many people turn to resolutions, and fitness is one of the most popular areas for self-improvement. The start of a new year offers a fresh opportunity to set health goals, whether it's losing weight, building strength, or adopting a more active lifestyle. Here’s some tips to make your fitness resolutions stick and turn your goals into lasting habits.   

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Navigating Health Insurance 


The new year is a good time to check on any changes to your health insurance since open enrollment and ensure you know how to make the most of your benefits. Below are some commonly asked questions about insurance and links to resources to get more information. For any general questions related to accessing healthcare coverage, please visit our website or contact our Assistance, Information and Referral Line at 310-374-3426, Option 1.   

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BCHD Frequently Asked Questions


Q: BCHD has started a fundraising campaign. What will these funds be used for? What is the goal?  

A: BCHD has launched a fundraising campaign for allcove Beach Cities, the youth center that has operated in a temporary space on the BCHD Campus since November 2022. Initially, BCHD seeks to generate $750,000 annually in individual donations, while the capital fundraising campaign aims to generate $5 million for construction expenses for a permanent allcove facility.  


Q: BCHD was recently audited for the 2023-24 fiscal year. What were the results of that audit?   

A: The District’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, had no audit findings or internal control deficiencies to report. Davis Farr, LLP, Certified Public Accountants conducted the audit. BCHD performs an annual financial statement audit per the District’s Bylaws and is committed to sound fiscal policies, responsible management and transparency throughout the organization. The audited Financial Statements and Bylaws, plus other up-to-date information about programs and services, budgets, policies, transparency, etc., can be found on the District website at  


Q: BCHD says it works to “fill gaps” in health services in the community. What service gaps are addressed by the Center for Health & Fitness?   

A: The Center for Health & Fitness (CHF), one of just two fitness centers in California certified by the Medical Fitness Association, is also one of the only fitness facilities in the Beach Cities to offer free Silver Membership opportunities to the community. For Silvers members, participating insurance companies reimburse the cost of gym visits to a certain amount per month, helping older adults lead healthier, more active lives. There are 2,866 Silver members at CHF, comprising 78% of overall membership (as of December 2024).   


Q: What percentage of Beach Cities Health District programs are developed for Beach Cities residents?  

A: Programs and services provided by BCHD are designed and intended to serve the health and wellness needs of Beach Cities residents. Some of our initiatives include:  

  • LiveWell Kids – 8,000+ HBCSD and RBUSD students participate in the program every year  
  • Blue Zones Project – 22,000+ residents participated  
  • Care Management – 450 older adults and adults with disabilities in the Beach Cities receive support  
  • Senior Health Fund - 100% supports Beach Cities residents ($436,470)  

Our vision is a “healthy beach community” where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Just as cities open their services and resources — like recreational classes, library services and public safety, BCHD welcomes residents and those from other communities to join our fee-based services at AdventurePlex and Center for Health & Fitness, and federal and state grant-funded program allcove Beach Cities. We believe residents benefit from having these resources in close proximity to the Beach Cities community. 


While BCHD's focus is on residents of the Beach Cities, a number of BCHD services (e.g., Free Fitness events, the Center for Health & Fitness, COVID-19 vaccinations and testing) are available to people from outside the three cities we serve.

For more frequently asked questions and answers visit

Free COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines Now Available in Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County residents have access to free COVID-19 vaccines designed to target strains currently circulating and causing most infections. The updated vaccine is strongly recommended this fall for residents ages 6 months and older.

Any resident who is seeking vaccination with an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and flu vaccine will be able to do so regardless of insurance or immigration status. Residents with insurance can obtain updated COVID-19 and flu vaccines through their healthcare provider or through many participating retail pharmacies.

Free vaccines are available to uninsured and underinsured adults at many healthcare centers through the California COVID-19 Bridge Access Program. While supplies last, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health will also provide updated free COVID-19 and flu vaccines through its Public Health clinics, multi-service vaccination sites and mobile teams.

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Become a champion for youth mental health in our community!

Donate to allcove Beach Cities. No matter how much you give, 100% of your donation supports youth well-being. BCHD subsidizes $1,000,000 annually to operate allcove Beach Cities. Join our efforts by becoming a one-time or monthly donor to support the center’s work and the young people in our community. 


We’re asking supporters of youth mental health to help us sustain the work of caring for young people by donating to allcove Beach Cities! 


Together, we can disrupt the youth mental health crisis. 

allcove Beach Cities is...

“...spending time in a place that helps me deepen my own understanding of mental health. For me, the strategies and skills that I've learned at allcove have paved the way for a better relationship with my friends, and with myself: this is a place that truly serves as a testament to the importance of youth mental healthcare in the South Bay.” 


- Zachary, youth community member  


Make a gift at to support young people like Zachary. 

Give Today!

Join us at AdventurePlex for Ski Week,

Parents Night Out and more! 

At AdventurePlex, Campers explore new interests and stay active with our innovative programming. Fun is guaranteed with daily themes and activities including arts and crafts, music appreciation, age-appropriate physical skills-building activities, and cooperative and imaginative games. With Ski Week, Valentine’s Day and President’s day on the horizon, reserve space today so the kiddos are squared away. 

Ski Week Camp: February 10 – 14 

AdventureCamp: Monday, February 17 

Friday Night AdventureCamp: Friday, February 28 

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Reserve your Spot
Plan a Party

Pilates Anyone?

Step into a healthier, stronger you with our Pilates classes! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, our expert instructors at the Center for Health & Fitness are here to guide you through workouts designed to build strength, improve flexibility and boost your overall well-being. It's time to invest in yourself and step closer to achieving your goals. Don’t wait—your transformation starts now!

Sign Up

Give Blood, Get a Dessert!

January is National Blood Donor Month. Looking to get involved? In partnership with American Red Cross, Bettolino Kitchen is hosting a blood drive at the Red Cross Bloodmobile in the Bettolino Kitchen Parking Lot. When you give blood, you can get a free dessert from Bettolino Kitchen!

Thursday, January 30th from

11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Bettolino Kitchen Parking Lot

211 Palos Verdes Blvd, Torrance, CA 90277

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jackie Uy ( 

Register Here

Dementia Caregiver Support Groups


Caring for a loved one with a dementia diagnosis can be overwhelming and stressful. Our support groups offer a safe space to address the challenges that come with caring for someone, find support amongst peers who share similar experiences and openly express your feelings around being a caregiver. 

MANHATTAN BEACH - please join us Tuesdays (February 11 & 25) at 1:30 p.m. at the Joslyn Community Center, 1601 N. Valley Dr., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. Facilitated by Beach Cities Health District's Social Workers in partnership with the Alzheimer's Association and Manhattan Beach Older Adults Program.

REDONDO BEACH - Please join us Monday, February 24 at 2 p.m. in the cafe at 514 N. Prospect Ave, Redondo Beach, 90277. Facilitated by Beach Cities Health District’s Care Managers Joy Schmidt, LCSW and Rudy Diaz, ASW. In partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association. 

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Screenagers: Elementary School Edition 


Join us for a free movie screening of “Screenagers: Elementary School Age.” The new version of the original Screenagers movie addresses issues that elementary school-aged kids, parents and educators are facing – smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures and exposure too young.

This screening and discussion are intended for parents and caregivers to learn about existing research around these topics and potential solutions to these and other challenges to address and support mental well-being in the digital age. South Bay parents and caregivers are welcome to attend any event date. Free childcare is offered by AdventurePlex staff. Find more information on the registration form. More showings will occur during the 2024-25 school year. 

Tuesday, February 4

5:30-7 p.m.

Lincoln Elementary School

2223 Plant Ave., Redondo Beach

Monday, February 10

5:30-7 p.m.

Beryl Heights Elementary School

920 Beryl St., Redondo Beach

Monday, March 3

5:30-7 p.m.

Jefferson Elementary School

600 Harkness Ln., Redondo Beach

Thursday, March 6

5:30 - 7 p.m. 

Birney Elementary School 

1600 Green Ln., Redondo Beach 

Monday, April 7

5:30 – 7 p.m.

Grand View Elementary School

2617 Bell Ave., Manhattan Beach

Tuesday, April 29

5:30 – 7 p.m. 

Meadows Elementary School 

1200 N. Meadows Ave., Manhattan Beach

Register Here

Virtual Mindfulness Drop-In

Take 30 minutes to downshift and practice mindfulness techniques. The guided session will be led by a trained Beach Cities Health District instructor.

First Wednesday of the Month

(February 5)

4 – 4:30 p.m.

Register Now

Virtual Families Connected Parent Chat 

The Families Connected Parent Chat is a free monthly support group open to all South Bay parents and caregivers. Provided in partnership between BCHD, South Bay Families Connected and Thelma McMillen Center, the Parent Chat offers its participants a confidential and supportive space to share their parenting challenges and successes. Please note that the Parent Chat is not a therapeutic program, but rather a peer-to-peer support group with educational guidance from a mental health professional 

Second Tuesday of the Month 

(February 11) 

10 - 11 a.m. 


Register Now

Virtual Happiness Chat 


This is a casual discussion group with light-hearted activities to spark conversation. Share ideas, tips, resources, jokes, quotes – anything that supports our happiness!  


Second Tuesday of the Month 

(February 11) 

12:30 – 1 p.m. 

Register Now

Mindful Connections Wellness Workshops 

Mindful Connections is the go-to place for you to gain valuable insight and practical tools to help shift your mindset and improve your quality of life. Workshops will cover topics such as taking control of stress, goals, physical health and more.  

By completing this registration form once, you are welcome to attend one or multiple sessions. We ask that all participants be age 18 and older to receive services at South Bay Adult School. Once registered, you will receive email reminders for each session. 

This 7-week series will take place every Tuesday from 12 – 1:30 p.m. through March 11 with a different topic each week: 


• Build Social Connections (Feb. 4)  

• Take Control of Stress (Feb.11)  

• Introduction to Mental Health First Aid (Feb. 18)  

• Awareness of What We Consume (Feb. 25)  

• Practice Self-Care, Gratitude and Mindfulness (Mar. 4)  

• Zumba Fitness Class and Celebration (Mar. 11


South Bay Adult School 

3401 Inglewood Avenue,  

Redondo Beach, CA 90278 

Room 10 and adjacent patio 

Sessions will not be available online or recorded. 

Register Here

Hybrid Board of Directors Meeting

Residents are encouraged to attend BCHD Board Meetings either via Zoom or at 514 N. Prospect Avenue on the fourth Wednesday of the month (except Aug. and Dec.). Details about the meeting and agenda can be found online. Residents are encouraged to attend board meetings and may also contact board members directly with questions or comments.    

Wednesday, February 26

5 p.m. Study Session

6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting

Beach Cities Health District

514 N. Prospect Ave.

Redondo Beach, CA

Lower Level, Beach Cities Room

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Mental Health First Aid Training  


BCHD will host Mental Health First Aid trainings from the National Council for Mental Health. Similar to how CPR training teaches individuals how to respond to medical emergencies, Mental Health First Aid teaches how to provide support to people experiencing mental health challenges. 


At this training, you'll learn how to assess risk factors, provide initial support and connect individuals to professional resources, when needed.    


Friday, May 9

9 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

514 N. Prospect Ave. 

Redondo Beach, CA 

Lower Level, Beach Cities Room 

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Find health-related resources and information for adults and families within the South Bay and Greater Los Angeles area.

Find Local Health Resources Near You

For additional assistance, contact Beach Cities Health District’s Assistance, Information and Referral Line, (310) 374-3426 and press option 1.


Where kids and families play their way to good health

  • NEW! Flex Kids Club Membership
  • Drop-in play
  • Birthday parties
  • Supervised weekend play so parents can have a night out
  • Special events
  • ToddlerTown play area
  • 5-level play structure
  • Programs for ages 0-12


1701 Marine Ave.

Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

(310) 546-7708

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allcove Beach Cities

allcove is a place for young people (ages 12-25) to take a moment of pause and access a range of services that include:

  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Substance use
  • Peer support
  • Family support
  • Supported education and employment
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Center for Health & Fitness

Our comprehensive fitness center in Redondo Beach is one of two fitness facilities in California certified by the Medical Fitness Association!

  • Cycling, Zumba, yoga, Pilates, strength & other exercise classes
  • Online exercise classes
  • Classes for older adults
  • Programs for chronic conditions
  • Access to trainers
  • Massage
  • Nutrition consultation
  • Access to state-of-the-art gym equipment
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