Attendance -74: 28 minister members; 23 ruling elders; 1 corresponding member; 20 guests; 2 presbytery staff.
The gathering began with worship. We were fortunate to have students from Columbia Theological Seminary under the advisement of Rev. Dr. Kathryn Threadgill and Rev. Dr. Montisa Watkins lead us in worship. Their presence brought a unique perspective and richness to our service, reminding us of the many gifts we receive from God.
Following worship, we moved into the business portion of the meeting. The presbytery adopted a Harassment Policy, which is available for our sessions to adopt as well. The 2025 stated meeting dates were set: March 11, August 12, and November 11; and the meetings will be in person. John Pogue, who has served as our Acting Treasurer for over five years, will step down at the end of this year and Diane Eliser, Associate for Administration, will assume the role of Treasurer starting in January. The presbytery approved a change in the Manual of Operations that would make the Treasurer a position appointed by the Council and appoint Assistant Treasurers as needed. John will serve as Assistant Treasurer to provide support to Diane as she assumes this new role. Matt Argon Bruce shared greetings and updates on behalf of the Synod of the Covenant. Dan Schomer shared that the Resource Committee has been busy working on a Service of Mission Project where there will be opportunities for our congregations to participate locally, regionally, and internationally over the next several years. We were honored to have Rev. Elmarie Parker join us who shared information on the situation in Lebanon and how it is affecting her work there. Following her update, Barry prayed for Elmarie, Scott, the people of Lebanon, and our ministry partners in the region. The meeting ended with a video presentation celebrating and remembering the Teaching Elder and Ruling Elders from our congregations who joined the church triumphant this past year.
The Presbytery Gathering was a time of worship, business, and evangelism. We are grateful for the opportunity to learn from our siblings from Columbia Theological Seminary and Elmarie AND to see important policies and changes being passed. The practice of evangelism is a powerful tool that can be used to bring about significant spiritual and social change, impacting individuals and communities for the glory of God.