Friday Newsletter

February 10, 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

Grace and peace to you friends,

Teams at the church are busy behind the scenes planning the 2023 annual meeting. It will take place on Feb 26, 2023 at 11am in Boulder Hall. In the Presbyterian church, we are deeply committed to the concept of 'shared power', which is so elegantly on display when the whole congregation gathers. We believe in the fundamental premise of voting rights, the right to speak, as well as the right for everyone to be fully informed about the operations of the church. The ‘presby’ part of our name refers to the way that we task elected elders to carry out the work and discernment of the church. Those elders have made space during the annual meeting for you to hear from, and provide feedback on, three key initiatives – strategic planning, Matthew 25, and community childcare partnership. These projects are ready for the wisdom and discernment of the congregation – please plan to come and contribute! In addition, I plan to share a state of the union during worship with a review of where Westminster has come and the future into which she is headed. Hope to see you there!


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

This Sunday

Bulletin available here. Children's bulletins available here.

Service: 10 AM

Sunday School

Nursery care available

We are welcoming Thomas Walters as our guest preacher (Pastor Kelly is away). Thomas is finishing up his seminary work at Fuller Theological Seminary and works at First Pres Salem. Welcome, Thomas!


The poetic works of one of our young national poets, Amanda Gorman, will be part of the liturgy this week. If you are not familiar with her wonderful writing, you can learn more about her here:

Listening Sessions Continue in Boulder Hall after the service during coffee hour.

Youth Super Bowl Party 3:00 pm


  • Plan to attend Labyrinth Vespers with Rev. Scott Crane on Sunday, February 19, 6-7:30 pm. We'll refresh our knowledge of the history and meaning of the labyrinth in the Christian tradition and then have a chance to experience it ourselves. The labyrinth will be available throughout the week as well.

  • Join us for a new way of commemorating Ash Wednesday (February 22) with Journey to the Center experiences. The labyrinth will be available, and from 12 to 1 and 5:30-6:30 you are invited to come for the imposition of ashes, to take communion, and to walk the labyrinth. Meditation suggestions will be available if you like. We also invite you to do a Meditation/Prayer Walk on our beautiful grounds.

  • Breaking the Myth of Presbyterian Fear of the "E" Word: A Leader Formation Webinar

February 23, 2023; 7:00 – 8:30 pm (eastern)

Registration Deadline February 15, 2023 - REGISTER HERE

Presbyterians have a long and rich history of evangelism. Rekindling the yearning to share the

Good News of Christ’s love, we will incorporate the Yao mores of kalibu and ulongo, radical

welcome, and relationship. Employing these concepts we can live into our quest to answer

Jesus' call to make disciples of all people.

  • The Salem Public Library’s annual Salem Reads month begins in February. The book for this year is Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, who grew up as a bi-racial child in South Africa during apartheid, when it was illegal to have such a heritage. There are a number of events and discussions scheduled by the library. You don’t have to read the book to take part in any of these events, but the Mission Peace Eco-Justice committee highly recommends it to you. You can pick up more information in the narthex, or read it here.

Save the Date

  • March 13, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive at Westminster

West Pres Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is upon us - Sunday, February 26, 2023 @ 11am. It will be a time of fellowship and future visioning together in Boulder Hall. Childcare will be available.

The Elders recognize this will be the first time the congregation will gather for its annual meeting since the conflicts in 2022. To foster a spirit of unity and goodwill, the meeting will take place in Boulder Hall. There will be a potluck as well as our usual coffee and tea. If able, please bring a main dish and a side, salad, or dessert to share. The meeting will be available via Zoom for our members and friends unable to attend in-person.

We will hear presentations on the following:

1. Strategic planning

2. Community childcare partnership

3. Matthew 25 update

4. Church finances

The annual meeting will have the capacity to vote via voice and by hands both in-person and online. If confidential, ballot or ranked voting is requested, we will likely need to reschedule that particular item of business for a future date so that necessary arrangements can be made (it required assistance from Presbytery last year).


We hope that all Westminster members and friends have a chance to be educated and ask questions about the operations of the church over the past year.

Additional Dates:

Feb 13 @ 8 am: Deadline to submit written reports from committees, groups, etc., to the church office for inclusion in the church's official annual report.


Feb 14 @ noon: Deadline to submit motions, ideas, and recommendations to session. You may fill out the online form here, email the clerk of session (, or drop off written documents in the church office.


Feb 15 Session approve final agenda

Feb 16 Annual reports available online and in the office


Feb 19 @ 11am “Budget 2.0” in Russell Hall with presentations from Budget & Finance, Stewardship & Personnel. Hybrid available. Log on from home page of website. 


  • Letters went out last week to a number of Westminster members with whom deacons and staff have lost touch. The purpose was to ascertain whether these members wanted to retain or resign their membership. We are required to attempt to keep our membership rolls current. If you did not receive the letter but would like to change your membership status, please contact the church office. Thank you!

  • The Buildings and Grounds committee will display items that we found stored in Eastminster. Look for them on the long table in Boulder Hall and take what you can use. Any item left after coffee hour on February 19 will be donated.

  • If you have participated in a child protection training, but NOT turned in an application, please get it to Vik before the end of February so she can get you cleared and ready to help!

  • Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!

In the Community

Westminster Friend Rosalyn McKeown-Ice was published in the Nov/Dec 2022 issue of Horizons magazine.

Assured of God’s Love: “I was in prison and you visited me”

Rosalyn McKeown-Ice describes her experience of leading a prison ministry at an incarceration and addiction treatment facility. She shares what she learned about the individuals working towards sobriety and a relationship with God rooted in love, and ways congregations, presbyteries or PW groups could support these often-ignored members of God’s family.

Ask her about her experience with prison ministry, or check out the article soon to be obtained by the church library!

Thank You

"Thank you to the congregation for the support I have received. The prayers, cards, and hugs are wonderful. Ben so loved this church." --Bev Silveira

"Blessings to all at Westminster who have supported us for so many years! Your time, talent, and treasure is so appreciated!" --Table of Plenty and all recipients

Pray for

  • Peggy Hershey as she recovers from a surgery that went well.
  • The Romeo family as Betsy's mom passed away on Wednesday.
  • Grubby Hain who is scheduled for a procedure on Monday.
  • Krystal Peterson as she recovers from surgery.


  • Per capita for members this year is $45.60. Questions? Contact the church office or a member of Stewardship or Budget & Finance committees. Thanks!

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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