Unborn children in Tennessee will be protected for another year! 

Tennessee Right to Life is happy to report that the Human Life Protection Act stands strong after all proposals dealing with changing the current law have been heard for this session. Pro-life Tennesseans let their voices be heard and therefore, the law will continue to protect the right to life of all unborn children in our state. 

Today the full Senate passed SB745, the companion bill to HB883 which clarified that treatment for ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy or a miscarriage are not violations of current Tennessee law and changed the affirmative defense to an exception for those times when the life of the mother is at risk or there is risk of irreversible harm to a major bodily function. The legislation will not broaden the scope of the Human Life Protection Act and will not allow for more unborn children to be aborted in our state. 

In addition to this victory, legislators also passed legislation that prohibits local governments from using tax dollars to fund the travel or expenses of aborting children in other states. HB90/SB600 passed the House and Senate Chambers overwhelmingly earlier this session. 

Both of these pro-life bills are now headed to the Governor’s desk for his signature. 

Besides the passage of pro-life measures, two bills and several pro-abortion amendments were defeated that would have weakened Tennessee’s current law. Tennessee Right to Life is grateful for the work of those legislators who ensured that Tennessee’s most vulnerable citizens are still protected under the law. 

Next year will be a new battle, but for now, Tennessee values are reflected in Tennessee law. Every day, every month and every year that goes by without legalized abortion moves us that much closer to a day when abortion is not only illegal but unthinkable.  

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