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“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. 

But for children, play IS serious learning. 

Play is really the work of childhood.”

~ Fred Rogers

Research shows that play and nature-based learning is crucial for whole-child development. This newsletter offers actionable ideas, resources, and research that supports child-led play and nature connection for educators and families.

Have this newsletter delivered to your inbox monthly.

❄️ Brrrrr, it sure feels like winter in Central PA. Grab your wool socks and waterproof mittens and read on for winter weather tips and activities, safety practices, and many upcoming PD opportunities! ❄️

Winter as a Magical Time for Children's Outdoor Play | Play Outdoors Magazine

Winter, with its glistening snowflakes and frost-kissed landscapes, transforms the outdoors into a wonderland of magic and possibilities. Children, with their boundless energy and curiosity, find in winter a playground that sparks their imagination and fosters a deep connection with the season. In this blog post, we will explore the enchanting world of children’s outdoor play in winter, highlighting the magical experiences that unfold when they run, jump, slide, climb, and explore the winter wonderland.

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Mitten Magic - A Helpful Strategy to Keep Mittens on All Winter Long | Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds

Keeping mittens on in the winter is key to playing outdoors. It is imperative that children have proper grasp when wearing their mittens. This means that children’s thumbs are in the thumb spot which will allow for children to grasp items and support outdoor unstructured free play. If children do not have proper grasp with their mittens on, they cannot interact with tools, loose parts and other wintery materials. This equates to stationary bored children who cry to go inside within 5 minutes.

Click here for mitten magic!

ICYMI: How Cold is Too Cold to Go Outside?

Did you know that there is no DHS regulation, STARS requirement, or law in Pennsylvania that dictates when it is too cold (or too hot) for children in child care settings to go outside? This is a common misconception.


Given that outdoor play is essential for children's health and well-being, it is important to be prepared to take children outside daily unless the weather is truly dangerous (e.g. high winds, thunderstorms, or heat/cold extremes).


It is recommended to use Caring for our Children indicator and this Child Care Weather Watch Chart to determine when it is safe to go outside. Proper clothing for both teachers and children is crucial to ensure safe and fun outdoor play for an extended period of time.

  • Click here to read the amount of daily outdoor time recommend by national health and wellness standards.

  • Curious how to ensure children are warm enough outside in the winter, and what clothing is best? Use this chart as a guide.

  • Looking for tips and tricks to get outside more often in the winter? Use this guide from Early Childhood Health Outdoors.

  • For support with getting outdoors in all weather, please contact Susan Chlebowski.

Are you interested in enhancing your outdoor play area but don't know where to start? Do you have OLE experiences to share with (and inspire) others? Are you working on a grant for outdoor learning environment improvements and need support? Join Susan and Elizabeth for next month's Outdoor Learning Environment office hours.

Join: Tuesday, February 18th at 7:00 p.m.
Join: Wednesday, February 19th at 1:00 p.m.

Check This Out!

Community Playthings: Helping Licensed Child-Care Programs Embrace Nature Play

Learn more about the work Susan and Elizabeth have been doing over the last 3.5 years in this recent article from Community Playthings.

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It's Us!: Disabled & Neurodivergent Children At Play in Brookings, South Dakota, USA

"Disabled & Neurodivergent Children At Play: Play offers a perfect opportunity for young children - and their adults! - to explore concepts related to disability. We have observed connections to their daily lives being made by children who have played with the set of dolls and tools that we acquired using grant funding. For instance, upon recognizing devices like ear defenders or a tablet used for communication, they have exclaimed “it’s just like [friend’s name] has!” Rather than a narrative full of pity like in mainstream society, the adjectives that children put forth to describe these learning tools are ones like “cool,” “pretty,” and “…like mine,” full of the acceptance that we hope to keep nourishing in these young humans as they grow."

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"The World We Want" The NAAEE Podcast | eePRO

Imagine a world where communities thrive, curiosity sparks change, and hope isn't just a wish-it's a plan in action. Welcome to The World We Want, the NAAEE podcast that's not just talking about a better future-we're bringing it to life, one inspiring story at a time.

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Upcoming PD, Conferences, & Webinars

We are offering a new Community of Practice opportunity beginning in March which focuses on play-based learning. Click on the flyer below to download the form and to sign up.

Leading Teachers to Nature-Based Practices: Preparing Ourselves as Change Leaders | January 29th, 2 PM

Talk of social-emotional health of children is common in early childhood, but we rarely stop to consider how adult relationships, with ourselves and others, influence our professional roles in early childhood. In this session, Dr. Rachel Larimore will guide you to explore the many social-emotional factors that impact your ability to lead change toward a nature-based teaching approach.

Register Here

Introducing Play Environment Rating Scale (PERS) and Creative Environment Rating Scale (CERS) | January 29, 2 PM

Join us for a free webinar introducing two new research-based environment rating scales—one for supporting young children’s play (PERS) and one for supporting their creative abilities (CERS). PERS and CERS are designed to be used as extensions to the widely used Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale®.

Register Here

Ask a Nature Explore Educator | January 30, 7 PM

Are you curious about how to help your outdoor classroom flourish, manage risky play, organize materials, or engage staff and families? During this FREE 1-hour live online session, you will hear from Nature Explore's lead Child Development Specialists Heather Fox and Kirsten Haugen, about how to work with your outdoor classroom to foster rich relationships and learning, while also building effective approaches to common outdoor classroom challenges.

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Camp Renegade Play Virtual Summit 2025 | January 30 - February 2

Camp Renegade Play is a 4-day virtual conference (the funnest one of the year) to help early childhood educators go from hesitant to confident when implementing the unconventional (ahem - renegade), yet developmentally appropriate, characteristics of play into their environment.

Register for Free Here

Making Maple Syrup | February 4, 7-8 PM

Learn the ‘in and outs’ of making maple syrup at your school or center. In this session, you will learn how to tap your trees on your playground to make maple syrup. We will review the equipment needed, identify the correct trees, and learn how to boil down your sap safely. Practical ideas from years of experience will support the success of this activity.

Register Here

Water, Wind, and Weather: Engaging Infants and Toddlers in Outdoor Spaces | February 20, 8-9:30 PM

Our youngest learners are natural scientists. They crave opportunities for exploration, and discovery. However, did you know that many outdoor activities for infants and toddlers also promote critical physical development? In this 1.5-hour training, join us as we explore positive and engaging ways to support infant and toddler growth and development through outdoor settings. We will explore how to create a safe and welcoming outdoor space for young children and engage in hands-on activities you can take back to your program.

Register Here

Our Free Resources

Access our Nature-Based Play Resource List on the Keystone Kids Go website.

Check out the "Inspiring Nature-Based Early Learning" webinar here. This training counts for 1 hour of PQAS PD (and can count toward STARS indicator EC 3.4.6).

Quest for Quality Podcast

Part 1: The Benefits of Outdoor Learning and How to Start Small

Research shows that children thrive outdoors and have opportunities for learning, development and self-regulation that cannot be achieved indoors. In this podcast, Susan and Elizabeth discuss how nature play supports the health and well-being of children and adults alike, the features of an Outdoor Learning Environment compared to a playground, the barriers that may limit how much time children spend outdoors, and small-step solutions anyone can take to get started. 

Quest for Quality Podcast

Part 2: Diving Deeper into Outdoor Learning Practices

In part 2 of this outdoor learning series, Susan and Elizabeth do a deeper dive into what outdoor play really looks like, including some additional areas you can set up, how to easily connect outdoor play to learning standards, and our role as the adult in this type of play-based, child-led exploration.

Click here for part 1 and 2 resources.

Our Favorite E-Newsletters and Blogs

Ade Hoffman | Cultivating Confidence | Fairy Dust Teaching | Harvard Center on

the Developing Child | Housman Institute | Kristen RB Peterson | Nature Explore |

Natural Learning Initiative | Natural Start Alliance | Outdoor Learning |

PlayvolutionHQ | Pre-K Spot | Rae Pica | Rusty's Backyard | Teacher Tom |

The Learning Cupboard | The OT Toolbox | Tinkergarten

Have you embraced play and/or nature in your program?

We'd love to hear from you!

Your ideas, successes and creativity in overcoming some of the barriers that limit how much children play and experience nature can help others believe they can make these changes, too.


Please consider sharing your story (or questions/ideas) with us in the link below. If your story is selected, we will feature your program in an upcoming issue. Your work will then help inspire others!

Share your successes, questions, or ideas here!

Looking for more information?

Technical Assistance Coach Elizabeth Marcello and Outdoor Learning & Play Consultant Susan Chlebowski can partner with you to provide center-based or individual classroom coaching and professional development in the topics of play-based learning, nature-based learning, classroom management and challenging behavior support, or innovative solutions to barriers. Complete a "Consultation Request" through your PD Registry Organization Page's Keystone STARS tab to request coaching. 

*For early learning providers in ELRCs 8, 9, and 10 only.

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