November 18, 2023

Today I am privileged to have as my guest, Dan Glazer, of AlphaBio Centrix.

Many of you are using one or more of their Bio-Energy Disks and/or EMF/5G blocking devices. I've been stocking and using these products since mid-2020. Dan has been my radio guest three times, and this will be his fourth.

This time you will be able to see him and easily ask him YOUR questions!

First, of course, I want to review:

How do these things actually work?

How are they programmed with "frequencies?"

I am ready to dig into several of their disks I have not used with anyone yet, and I am particularly intrigued regarding their new BRAIN/HEART disk for chronic fatitue/Epstein-Barr virus (which I am already using with clients), and I want to delve into more detail regarding the new 5G/Negative Ion pendant.

When it comes to the disks, what I love is that they are non-medical, they do not put anything into your bloodstream or tissues, rather the energetic frequencies programed into them are used as needed by the individual using them. Thus, no side effects and no chance of overdoing anything.

Best? They work.

When it comes to the EMF-blocking products, what I love is that although we cannot change our environment in the grand scheme, we can change it to a significantly beneficial degree in our own personal environments...

...if we just know how.

Please join Dan & I...

Live on ZOOM today November 18, at NOON (EST)!

To join, click this link

If you are asked to enter the Webinar (or meeting) ID, enter this:

892 0634 1064

Not a convenient time? Want to be able to start 'n stop? Or want to watch again or share?

Catch these programs later at your convenience on YouTube!

The recordings of my Zoom webinars are now available on our YouTube channel. This is the easiest way to pick up the Zoom webinars after they air. If you want to find the newsletters that go with each of the Saturday videos, go to my website HERE.

Want to get to the "root" of your health issues?

"You have more power than you know..."

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