We're committed to keeping you informed and staying engaged with you about your water system (Tahoe Cedars Water System), which has surpassed its useful life and urgently needs replacement.

TCPUD is investing in your water system and has initiated design and permitting for its full reconstruction.

The planned improvements include installing new water mains in the streets to replace the failing water mains that are located in backyards, giving our crews better access to them. If a leak is found in the existing system (in a backyard), access to the source of the leak is often difficult. Sheds, fencing, trees, rocks, wood piles, or other obstructions must first be moved before the leak can be repaired. 
To address this issue, water system improvements include:

  • Relocating 632 water service lines from backyards to the street.
  • Replacing 15 miles of undersized and failing water mains.
In addition to better access for maintenance and repairs, water mains located in the street will accommodate the installation of new fire hydrants and water meters. These additional water system improvements include:
  • Installation of 97 new fire hydrants to meet current hydrant spacing standards.
  • Installation of over 1,000 water meters to improve water conservation and leak detection. 
The cost to fully reconstruct your water system is significantly more than any previous TCPUD reconstruction project and is estimated at roughly $40 million. We are evaluating funding options for the reconstruction and will provide additional details as we learn more.

Questions? Or to update your contact information: Please email Denise Springsteel at dspringsteel@tcpud.org or call 530-580-6291.
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