Dear Friends:
This week, a sermon in an Anglican church is all over the news. Maybe you have heard about Bishop Mariann Budde's words to the President at the post-inauguration prayer service at Washington National Cathedral.
“Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you and, as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now..." The President condemned the sermon, demanding an apology; among his remarks: "She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart."
I have been thinking about how we talk about politics in church. Jesus had a lot to say about how we live in community and especially about mercy for those in need. If we decide that these themes are politics and therefore we don't talk about them, we create a truncated Jesus rather than living fully with Christ.
I also want to encourage you to make up your own mind as part of our shared journey of faith. Specifically, I invite you to do the following:
Listen to the Bishop's sermon, or read it, or watch the whole prayer service.
- Join us for the second part of our read-through of the Gospel of Luke (please note the date changed to March 2).
In our scriptures for this coming Sunday, Jesus preaches his first sermon in the synagogue. He aligns himself with the prophet Isaiah and speaks of his own anointing to bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and to set free those who are oppressed (Luke 4:14-21). Please join us for worship at 8:00 and 10:15.
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SCRIPTURES - Sunday, January 26 - 8:00 & 10:15 a.m.
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Psalm 19, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21
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SCRIPTURES - Sunday, February 2 - 8:00 & 10:15 a.m.
Jeremiah 1:4-10; Psalm 71:1-6; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30
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Worship recordings include prayers, readings, a sermon, and music.
Second Sunday after the Epiphany - January 19, 2025
The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2025
Epiphany Sunday - January 5, 2025
Find all St John's Worship Recordings HERE
| Interim Music Director Barb Hallam-Price demonstrates our organ at this week's Open House (see below for more pictures) |
Your are welcome to stay and visit following the 10:15 service. We serve coffee, cold drinks, and cookies/baking.
If you would like to bring treats such as cookies or squares, we welcome them. In order for us to have enough, plan on bringing 2 dozen. Notify the hospitality volunteers by contacting the church office (613-232-4500 or Please let us know on the Monday before that you are planning to bring items to share. It would also help us to know the ingredients in your treats (especially if they are common allergy items).
This helps us to plan and be ready. Thanks so much for offering your treats!
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A group of us met following the service this past Sunday to make plans for February. In Canada and the United States, Black History Month responds to the challenges of racism. It is not observed in Africa. The African participants in our planning session stressed that while we come from many cultures, we are all one community at St John's. Our observance of Black History Month is intended to draw us together as one community. This month, we will hear readings each Sunday in languages of members of our church family, including Luganda and Kinyarwanda.
Plan to be with us on Sunday, February 16 - and plan to stay after for lunch!
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Saturday, February 22, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
This workshop, based on the principles of Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training, will show you how to engage with and support people in distress. Facilitated by India Bedson, it is ideal for church volunteers and Community Thrift Shop volunteers who engage with the public, and will include de-escalation training with street-involved individuals. There is no fee but registration is required. Please confirm your participation by email HERE.
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Saturday, February 22
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Ottawa's Coldest Night of the Year event is a 5 km walk to support the Ottawa Mission. The Ottawa Mission has 17 programs to meet the needs of our most vulnerable community members, including: emergency food and shelter; health services; mental health; addiction treatment programs; hospice care; dental services; housing services; educational support; job training; spiritual care; and clothing to thousands in need in our community.
Support the Ottawa Mission by walking with Barbara Dorrell - and by sponsoring her team, the B&R's Walkers. You can also sponsor Barbara by seeing her in person on Sunday during coffee time or by donating online HERE.
Please join us as we review 2024, nominate people for leadership roles, and pass our budget for 2025. The Annual Report will be available on Sunday, February 16 for you to take home and read as preparation. The meeting will follow immediately after the 10:15 service on Sunday, February 25.
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Join us for the second half of Luke's Gospel. We will read aloud around the circle from Luke Chapter 14 to the end of Luke Chapter 24. Get to know the flow of the story in advance of the events of Holy Week and Easter. We will meet in the Parish Hall immediately following the 10:15 service on Sunday, March 2. Bring a sandwich, get a drink, and come read with us.
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Top: Evelyn Greenberg, our Christmas Eve pianist - and now our Open House pianist.
Above: Heather Wacyk, Manager of The Well/Belong Ottawa; and Kerry Bradley, St John's Parish Administrator.
Below: Rahim Noudehaki of Rahim Salsa Friday; Barb Hallam-Price giving a tour and demonstration of the organ.
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Above: Sunday morning servers: Bosco, Wendy & Scout.
Below: Children's Story figures. The couple at the centre are celebrating their wedding at Cana. On the left are the water jars that will soon be turned to wine. The sermon focus was the conversation between Mary and Jesus over to the right of the wedding couple - and to recognize yourself as water turned into wine.
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Reports are due January 28
It's time to write your reports for St John's Annual Report!
Some helpful tips and guidelines:
- Name of group, name of leader
- Number of members, names of members (if appropriate)
- Regular meeting time/place (if applicable)
- Brief description of your group’s ministry/purpose/mandate
- One thing that was exceptional for your group last year
- One hope for the upcoming year
Please submit your report by the end of day, Tuesday, January 28th, to Kerry:
Thank you so very much for your leadership!
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Did you receive a star word for 2025? Have you placed your word somewhere that you will see it? Here are some ideas to see how your word might be helpful to you.
- When you received your word, did it strike you as challenging or comfortable? Is it one that you can relate to your life, or is that more difficult? What is your first reaction to your word?
- Spend some time thinking about the meaning of your word. Google it, or look it up in the dictionary, or ask a friend what they think the word means. Even simple words can have rich meanings. How might some of these meanings relate to your life?
- Does the word recall any memories for you? How are these shaping your life today?
- Are there scripture stories where the word or a theme similar to your word is used? Again, ask for help from a church friend if you want to explore this further.
- Perhaps you could write a poem or a prayer using your word – it doesn’t have to be shared, it can be just for your own use!
- Think about the shape of your faith today. Are there ways your word can help to strengthen your love for God and others?
- Watch for an opportunity in the early summer at coffee hour to share some thoughts about our words.
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Centretown Community Food Centre is supported by 22 member churches including St John's. Thanks for our ongoing food donations each Sunday. Read the January newsletter HERE.
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Kehillat Beth Israel, Ottawa's Conservative Synagogue, is offering a 3-session introduction to Jews and Judaism taught by their new rabbi, Erin Polansky. You can join them Sunday afternoons at 4:30 for the next 3 weeks. Register HERE.
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In the cold winter months, it's a challenge for St John's Indigenous leaders to be outside offering smudge. Kimberly Johnson, St John's Indigenous Engagement Coordinator, has sourced smudge from medicines steeped in distilled water from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. The four medicines - tobacco, sage, cedar, and sweetgrass - continue to be present on the medicine table for the dry smudge version, consisting of rubbing the medicines in your hands and drawing the scented air of the smudge towards your face and body. Liquid smudge is a spray vapour drawn towards your face and body in the same manner.
Smudge before worship is an invitation to focus and be present as we worship Creator - in keeping with the themes of the following traditional prayer:
Almighty God, to you all hearts are open,
all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden.
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Learn more in conversation with St John's Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Kimberly Johnson.
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WHERE TO PARK NEAR THE CHURCH | 2-HOUR PARKING - Somerset east of Elgin (i.e., adjacent to the Church) and MacLaren and Gilmour east of Elgin. 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, 7 days per week (including on Sundays). | 3-HOUR PARKING - Somerset west of Elgin. Maximum 2-hour parking, from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday, and from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM on Saturday; no restriction on Sunday! |
Meter indicates times when you need to pay for parking. Most street parking is free on Sundays in the neighbourhood. Note that in the above photo of a meter, the 2-hour MAX limit still applies on Saturday/Sunday.
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Park at City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave West. Parking Rates:
6:00 AM to 6:00 PM: $2.00 per 30 mins, $20 max
6:00 PM to 6:00 AM: $1.00 per hr, $2.00 max
6:00 AM to 6:00 PM: $1.00 per hr/$2.00 max
6:00 PM to 6:00 AM: $1.00 per hr/$2.00 max
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Every Sunday
Worship Services at 8:00 and 10:15 a.m. (Summer schedule is one service at 9:30 from June 1 to Labour Day).
Sunday, February 16
Black History Month Celebration. Worship featuring special music, singing and dancing, followed by a lunch of regional home cooking from Africa.
Saturday, February 22
Church Safety Workshop: See description above and confirm your participation by email HERE
Sunday, February 23
Annual Vestry Meeting, 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 25
Nick Busch begins as St John's new Director of Music
Sunday, March 2
Gospel Read-Through Part 2: Gospel of Luke 14:1-24:53. Get to know the flow of this year's featured gospel in time for Lent and Holy Week
Children's Transfiguration Service, 3-5 p.m.
Wednesday, March 5
Ash Wednesday. Soup Supper to Support PWRDF. Ash Wednesday service at 7:30 p.m. You are invited to attend a daytime service at 12:15 at Church of the Ascension, 253 Echo Drive.
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Our Parish
Prayers for those in leadership roles: Gary, Allen, Christina, Pat, Kimberly, Kerry, Jesse, Monica, Barb, Jeff, Marianne, and all who minister at St John's.
Prayer Requests: Alice, David, Inga & Liam
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Our Diocese
- Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan and Acting Primate
- Staff at Ascension House
- Christ Church, Bells Corners and The Venerable Monique Stone
Anglican Church of Canada
- The Most Rev. David Edwards, Metropolitan, and the people and clergy of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- The dean, council, and congregations of the Atlantic and Montreal Areas of the Eastern Synod.
Moravian Church in Canada
- The people and ministries of Millwoods Moravian Church in Edmonton.
- The Moravian Church has joined Full Communion with Anglicans and Lutherans - read about the Moravian Church HERE
The Anglican Communion - Pray for Anglicans Worldwide
- The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria.
- The flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Ducky & Helen MacLean, Catherine MacLean, Don MacLean and Drummond Lister by Peggy Lister and Catherine and Philip Doré.
Parish Prayer Group
If you wish to have someone prayed for, send an email to:
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Identified donations to St John’s are charitable donations and are eligible for a charitable tax receipt. Receipts for donations made directly through St John’s are usually generated on an annual basis. Donations to St John’s through Canada Helps are receipted by Canada Helps.
Here are the different ways that you can give:
PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance)
Enrol in the PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) program, whereby a designated monthly amount is withdrawn from a parishioner’s bank account or credit card. Peggy Lister, the Envelope Secretary, will provide you with the application form required to enrol in this program.
Weekly Offering Envelopes
Use identified weekly offering envelopes to make your cash or cheque donation to St John’s. A request for such envelopes goes to Peggy Lister, the Envelope Secretary, who will provide the envelopes.
Cash or Cheque Donation on Sunday
Make a cash or cheque contribution during a weekly service. The donation must be identified (i.e. a name & address on the envelope or a cheque with the donor’s information) if the donor wishes to receive a charitable receipt for the donation.
Canada Helps
Make a donation to St John’s through Canada Helps by scanning the QR code on the weekly bulletin, the QR code on the sign at the back of the church or through the ‘donate’ button on the St John’s website. Canada Helps donations can be for a single time or set up as an on-going monthly donation.
With thanks to God for your generous support
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154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector
The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant
The Reverend Canon Pat Johnston, Honorary Assistant
The Reverend Christina Guest, Honorary Assistant
Barb Hallam-Price, Interim Music Director
Kimberly Johnson, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator
Barbara Dransch, Rector’s Warden
Marianne Harkema, Deputy Rector's Warden
Monica Patten, People's Warden
Jeff Biggs, Deputy People's Warden
Pat Fisher, Parish Council Chair
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