Let's Catch-up: April 2023
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
A Roundtable Discussion

Sunday, April 23, 11am-12:30pm

We heard from kids. Now we want to hear from parents.

Join us this Sunday to discuss our children's mental health at home, at school, and throughout our community.

Share your observations and ideas about moving forward in this challenging world while ensuring our kids' mental health remains intact.

Register, and we'll send you the meeting address.
Also In this Issue
  • May is Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Chasing Childhood
  • Spartans Care Fair
  • The Teen Whisperer
  • CATCH Podcast: Therapy Just for Parents
  • Previous Programs
  • Parents Support Network
  • A New Playlist
  • In the Community: The Stigma
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
We're shining a light on mental health, raising awareness, reducing the stigma, supporting our children, and creating community throughout the month of May in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Join us for a series of events that will open conversations about our children's mental health and ensure we are giving our kids the tools and support they need to deal with life's ups and downs.

It's never too soon to talk about mental health. Let's Catch 'em Early.
Chasing Childhood: A Free Screening & Panel Discussion

Thursday, May 4th @ 7pm
Northbrook Public Library

We must stop helicopter parenting.

Our relentless pursuit of perfection is hurting our children. It is truly more important to prioritize their free play and independence.

Join us for a free screening of the award-winning documentary, Chasing Childhood, and a panel discussion led by:

Spartans Care Fair
Saturday, May 6th, 11am - 2pm
Glenbrook North High School

Fun for all ages!

Join the entire community to celebrate mental health awareness month, promote connection, and cheer on the Spartans in competition in boys & girls lacrosse, baseball, and softball.

• Inflatable slide
• DJ
• Food Truck
• Mental Health Resources
Lunch & Learn: The Teen Whisperer
Tuesday, May 16th @ Noon via Zoom

How are you handling conflict with your teen?

What happens when everyone is at odds over homework, friendships, work, chores and curfews? 

Are you prepared for the transition to summer?

During this presentation, we'll learn how to respond in a way that leads to authentic connection and outcomes that work for all.
CATCH Podcast
Parenting the Mental Health Generation
Anxious Kids? Here's a Therapy Program Just for Parents
If your child is struggling with anxiety, finding them a therapist is often a great option, but it’s certainly not the only one.

Sometimes, effective help comes from therapy for parents.

In this episode of Parenting the Mental Health Generation, Amy and Lisa talk with Niki Aquino, LCSWMind Chicago, about SPACE: Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions.
Find the CATCH podcast anywhere you get your podcasts.
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Parenting the Mental Health Generation, the CATCH podcast, is also available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.
Previous Programs
Is My Kid Ok?

Watch the Recording

How do you know if your child is struggling with their mental health?

Little Kids, Big Kids & Really Big Feelings
"Calm, warm, safe, consistent, reliable, predictable relationships and environments help our kids regulate their emotions in the present... It also helps them to internalize this ability to handle future stressors on their own."

Dr. Denise Duval Tsioles, PhD, LCSW
Founder & Clinical Director

This week's Lunch & Learn: Little Kids, Big Kids, & Really Big Feelings answered so many questions about what's behind our kids' emotions and how parents can best respond. Thank you, Dr. Tsioles! If you missed it, keep an eye out for the recording. Coming soon!
CATCH Lunch & Learn presentations are supported by a generous grant from the Northbrook Woman's Club.
Self-Regulation is Your Parenting Superpower
"Through your own self-regulation, you are teaching your kids how to self-regulate... This is empowering for us as parents. It means our work on our own nervous systems can help our kids be more resilient."

Jacqueline Vlietstra, Certified Yoga Therapist

Our mindful movement workshop last week showed us how we can help ourselves and our families with a self-regulation practice. Thank you, Jacqueline Vlietstra! If you'd like more, reach out to Jacqueline for a private session or to join a drop-in class.

The recording of this presentation will be available soon.
Parent Support Network
Parenting is hard, but it can feel more manageable when we support one another. And that's why we created the Parent Support Network.

It offers parents and caregivers access to personalized resources as well as opportunities to connect with other parents and learn from peers in small, confidential groups.

Join Parents Connect (details below), visit our website for resources, or reach out for individual help.

We are here for you.
Parents Connect
Parents Connect

If you're asking, What else can I do to help my child with their mental health issues? The answer is: Find support for yourself!

Parents Connect groups are made up of 4 to 8 adults who are caring for children of similar ages.

We meet weekly to provide a place where people can share their experiences in a confidential setting. Learn more.
A New Playlist
Set your cares aside, put in your earbuds, and SING, DANCE and ENJOY... the "Bright Side of the Road," CATCH's Spring 2023 feel-good playlist! 

Find this list and more from CATCH on Spotify!
In the Community
Follow CATCH on Social Media
Are you following CATCH on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram? Stay up-to-date on all things CATCH and mental health in our community.
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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