A Note from Mother Lisa
Dear St. Andrew's,
Boy, the Episcopal Church managed to make some headlines this week! I implore you to disregard what you've read on social media, heard on the news, or read in the headlines. Instead, with an open heart and mind, please watch Bishop Budde's entire sermon as just that- a full sermon. In the context of a church service. Given by a woman of the cloth from her pulpit, as the cathedral is the seat of the Bishop (the Cathedra).
Then, and only then, discuss it! Confront it. Argue with it. Was it faithful? Was it scriptural? Did it fit the context in which it was given? Did it fit into the tradition of the prophets? Does it fit into the tradition of the Episcopal Church? It is right and good to critically analyze what our leaders tell us! And we should never follow them blindly. But, I beg of you to not ignore or deprioritize your faith for your politics. As Christians, our faith informs our politics, not the other way around. And we are called to bring the Kingdom of Heaven into this world, not ignore the Kingdom of Heaven for a convenient time.
In a world where a cup of coffee is political, we can’t avoid politics in church. Jesus is political, but he is not partisan. What Jesus said 2,000 years ago was just as jarring and disturbing and political as it is now. And the true Judeo-Christian message is not popular. Most prophets were killed or exiled. All of the disciples were put to death, except John who was exiled. Jesus was killed by the religious and governmental authorities of his time. Jesus knew what was coming, not just for the disciples but for Christians even today, as he prayed in John chapter 17, "I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world... Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth."
CS Lewis knew the truth about Christianity: "I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.” No matter what your beliefs or how good of a Christian you are, Christianity is meant to challenge you, to make you uncomfortable, to make you question how you live out your call in this world. I sincerely hope I have preached a sermon that has caused you to think, has caused you to contemplate how you live your life, has caused you to squirm just a bit in your pew. Because then I have done my job as your spiritual leader.
I will continue to preach the word of God every Sunday, as found in our Holy Scriptures, as informed by our tradition, and as interpreted by reason. I will never tell you how you must live out your faith in this world, especially not whom to vote for, but I beg you to follow Jesus above all others. And let your faith in him, informed by scripture, tradition, and reason, dictate how you live, and move, and have your being in this world. These leaders, this political climate, this world is temporary. God is King- yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Finally, please hear me when I say I love each and every one of you. Just as you are. And I hope to continue to challenge you to grow in your faith and walk with you on your journey with God each and every day. All will continue to be welcome at St. Andrew's every Sunday, and I am happy to discuss any theological or spiritual dilemmas you encounter in this world. It is an honor to be your sheep dog as we follow the Great Shepherd together.
God's Peace,
Mtr. Lisa+