The DDA Connection


The Maryland Department of Health - Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) wants to know, “How do you do you?” Experienced success in finding a new job? Found a new apartment? Using technology to experience more independence in your home? Made innovative changes to support people with developmental disabilities? We want to highlight how you use DDA services to live your fulfilled life or help those you serve do so. We would like to interview you! Interested? Click below:


Programs Updates

Technology First

We look forward to your participation in our next Tech Tuesday event on April 25, 2023, noon-1 p.m., during which we will be raffling a one-time Tech-related gift card to a participant who attends for the full duration of the webinar!

April 25, 2023: Enabling Technology & Quality of Life: My Home, My Health, My Privacy

This session will be an introduction to various technical devices individuals can have in their homes to promote independence and assist with maintaining their health. 


CSQ Now Available to View in Provider Portal

You asked and we listened! LTSSMaryland - DDA Module will begin displaying the outcome of the residential and non-residential Community Settings Questionnaire (CSQ) forms in the Provider Portal once entered by a person’s coordinator of community services (CCS).

Through collaborative conversations and the ability to see the completed CSQ in real time, teams will be able to respond to potential areas of non-compliance more quickly to ensure continued compliance with the Community Settings Rule (CSR). DDA’s CSR guidance and CSQ manual will be updated to reflect this enhancement. It will also be discussed at the CSR and CSQ training on June 1, 2023 - SAVE THE DATE!

2022 NCI State of the Workforce Survey

The 2022 National Core Indicators (NCI) State of the Workforce Survey (Staff Stability Survey) unique provider links went out on March 15, 2023 and the responses are pouring in! Thank you! 

Please remember this data is important as we work together to improve the quality, longevity and sustainability of the DSP workforce. 

Surveys are due by June 30, 2023. Submit yours today! If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Thompson, Statewide Director of Provider Services, at

Operations Updates

Isolation Attestation Forms

Providers, please be sure to remember to submit your Isolation Day Attestation form to by close of business this Friday, April 21, 2023.  If you have any questions, please email Peter deFries at

Updates to the Targeted Case Management (TCM) Reviews Standard Operating Procedure & FAQs

Liberty Healthcare Corporation and the DDA want to thank CCS agencies for their continued feedback regarding the Targeted Case Management (TCM) reviews being conducted by Liberty Healthcare Corporation.

After review and consideration of the feedback, several revisions have been made to the TCM Reviews Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), which can be found on DDA’s CCS webpage. Additionally, a TCM FAQ section has been added to the DDA’s FAQ document on the Latest DDA Updates webpage.

If your agency already received Initial Findings Reports from Liberty Healthcare prior to the time we paused sending reports due to feedback, please disregard those reports. Updated reports will be sent as outlined in the revised SOP.

Thank you again for your collaboration as we work to build a continuous quality improvement process for TCM services delivered as part of the DDA service delivery system.

Please email Jennifer Mettrick at  and La’Kisha Alvarado at with any questions. 

Federal Programs Update

Transitioning Youth Reminders

As July 1 approaches, please note these important reminders for Transitioning Youth:

Transitioning Youth 23

Young people who graduated or aged out of school last year in June 2022 must submit a Waiver Application before June 30, 2023 in order to be eligible for funding this fiscal year (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023).

*Note: There are exceptions for Autism Waiver (AW) TY under the AW Appendix K. The flexibility allowed AW TY21 & 22 to temporarily remain in the AW. These youth would be considered as part of the TY23 group.

All Transitioning Youths whose DDA Waiver application is more than six months old should work with their coordinator of community services (CCS) to complete a new waiver packet, as applicable. 

Transitioning Youth 2024

Young people who will graduate from or age out of school this year in June 2023, may submit their DDA Waiver application on or after May 15, 2023 in order to begin Waiver services on July 1.

Please work with your CCS to make sure that all of your Waiver Application paperwork is complete and signed within the timeframes above!

MDH Medicaid Check-In 

Reminder: Maryland Medicaid Renewals are NOT automatic this year.​​

During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Marylanders who were enrolled in Medicaid, including Waiver services, continued to​ be covered even if they were no longer eligible.

Starting this month, Maryland will complete Medicaid eligibility reviews or redeterminations again. Not everyone will go through a redetermination at the same time. Redeterminations will occur over 12 months.

It is very important that you make sure your contact information is up to date so that you can receive and respond to important messages about your health insurance.​ 

You can confirm and update your current information using your myMDTHINK account. MDTHINK is Maryland’s system that includes direct access to your Medicaid eligibility status, letters, and notices. If you do not already have an account, you can create an account at by clicking on “create account.” 

It is important for you to watch for communication from the Maryland Department of Human Services and respond within the required timeframe. For more information, visit the Maryland Medicaid Check-in Website.

Reminder: Appendix K Unwinding Webinar

The DDA will be conducting a webinar on April 21, 2023 from noon to 1:30 p.m. regarding the unwinding of the remaining DDA Appendix K flexibilities. We will also highlight flexibilities that will continue under the DDA-operated Medicaid Waivers.


DDA Policy Updates 

The following policies are out for stakeholder input:  

The proposed policies and information about how to submit input can be found on the DDA Policy Stakeholder Input Dedicated Webpage. Comments are due April 28, 2023.

If you have questions or need any accommodations, please reach out to the DDA Federal Programs Policy Lead, Danielle Coles at

Missed a previous DDA Connection? 

Click here to view the archive.

Click here to view upcoming events on our DDA Training Calendar.

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694

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