17 November 2023

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor

Today's Top Story

Happy National Agriculture Day 2023

Each year, we come together to celebrate the significant role farming plays in shaping Australia.

This year AgDay is celebrating all things agriculture, from what we grow to the people across the supply chain and more, with the Grow you Good Thing slogan.

There’s a list of public AgDay event across the country here where you can celebrate with your local community, or help share the AgDay vibe online. Post a photo of how you're celebrating, your team at work, or a comment on why agriculture is important to you - and everyone else! Use the hashtag #AgDayAU and tag @AustralianFarmers.


Senate inquiry backs more buybacks, greater scrutiny of water-saving projects for Murray-Darling Basin bill

Basin states have until December 2026 to either finish water-saving projects, or come up with new ones. (Supplied: University of New England)


A Senate inquiry into the federal government's proposed changes to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan has supported the legislation but recommended amendments that boost the plan's transparency and accountability.

Australia's nation brand gains rank to 9th in world


Australian businesses adopting Australia’s Nation Brand to support their export journeys have a built-in advantage, with Australia rising in global rankings from 10th to 9th out of 60 nations in the annual Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index.

The Nation Brand Index measures the global standing of 60 nations according to six categories: People, Governance, Exports, Culture, Tourism and Immigration & Investment. Australia scored in the top ten across all categories.

Yarragundry's Parafield Olives, Wollundry Olives claim awards

Parafield Olives' Margaret Carter with her winning Parafield Organic Table Olives Wallis variant and Parafield Organic Table Olives Dried Kalamata. Picture by Madeline Begley.

When a Riverina producer discovered a new variety of olive no one believed her just how good they were, but now she is reaping the rewards. 

Australian table olives getting great press – love it!

Fines for trespassing on farms would double to $115,000 under Victorian biosecurity bill

Bill would see on-the-spot fines for unlawful entry on to farms increase to $2,307.72 for individuals and $11,538.60 for organisations. Photograph: Suzanne Long/Alamy.

New biosecurity laws being debated in Victorian parliament could see fines double for animal activists found trespassing on farms, in a move described as “ag-gag by stealth” by critics.

Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 

If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

Actor Rachel Ward turns to regenerative farming to combat climate change

Rachel Ward is committed to regenerative agriculture. (Supplied: Madman Entertainment)


Rachel Ward's climate concern spiked during the Black Summer of 2019, when bushfires roared towards her property in the Nambucca Valley. The British-born actor, director, and writer was grateful the country home she shared with her husband, fellow actor Bryan Brown, was spared, but the devastation the fires caused and the birth of a grandson made her question the way she managed her land. 


Delegates at the recent AOA National Olive Industry Conference gained insight into regenerative farming from keynote speaker and olive producer Campbell Mercer. If you missed out, you can access Mercer’s visual presentation here.

Five easy ways to eat well, feel better and reduce inflammation

Many physical ailments can be traced back to inflammation in the body. So what does it mean to be inflamed, and which are the best foods to help manage it?

New South Wales farmers improve measures to prepare for drought


Farmers across northern New South Wales are getting ready for life without regular rain as they look to the skies in hope of some relief. Many say they are better prepared for the return to dry conditions, with lessons learned and investment in new technologies.


Have a question? Need some advice? Ask a fellow grower!


The FOE team regularly hears from growers with questions about grove or production practices, or equipment, that they just can’t find the answers to. They’re things other producers are likely know about and/or experienced themselves. So we’ve set up a new Friday Olive Extracts feature, Grower to Grower, where you can send your questions and have them answered by your peers.

Just send the details to and we’ll put them out to the Friday Olive Extracts community - that’s thousands of readers across the globe.


Nutrien Harvesting the Future Scholarship program

Nutrien Ag Solutions has partnered with universities across Australia to encourage more people to consider a career in agriculture. The Nutrien Harvesting the Future Scholarship program will launch in 2024, offering four scholarships with a total investment of around $80,000. 

The focus is on taking a skills-based approach to building the future ag workforce, addressing the substantial gaps in Australia’s agriculture workforce. In addition to providing financial assistance, the Nutrien Harvesting the Future Scholarships also allows recipients to be mentored by the company’s business leaders for the duration of their studies..

The Nutrien Harvesting the Future Scholarship is open to students at four universities - University of Western Australia, Charles Sturt University, University of New England and Deakin University – with each university managing the recruitment and selection process.

Find out more here

OnFarm Connectivity funding now available

Register now for a free webinar to be held at 12 noon on Thursday, 23 November to learn how you can access rebates up to $30,000 to boost connectivity and digital tech on your farm.

The National Farmers’ Federation has launched an On-Farm Connectivity Information Service, delivered through the Regional Tech Hub, to help you navigate the Australian Government’s new On-Farm Connectivity Program (OFCP) – a $30 million initiative to support digital adoption in agriculture.

Find out more and register for the webinar here.


Agriculture Resilience and Mental Health Webinar

Coming off the back of a difficult few years on the farm and with an uncertain horticultural season forecast for many regions in Australia, mental health awareness and education are crucial. This webinar, hosted by AUSVEG, aims to provide a curated list of resources to improve your mental health on the farm, assist in where to reach out for support and how to help those around you.

Warren Davies, the Unbreakable Farmer, will emcee and share his personal experience with struggling with mental health. 

Four panellists - Stephanie Schmidt, Richard Shannon, Dr Alison Kennedy, and Ginny Stevens - will outline the current mental health situation among Australian farmers, help you identify the first signs that you are struggling, and most importantly, share realistic steps you can take to manage and improve your mental health, and that of those around you. 


Thursday, 30 November 2023

2:00-3:00pm (AEDT)

Register here.

New Zealand

The olive journey of Kerikeri’s Peter Crelinsten

Puketi Olive Farm's mascot and representative, Sky the border collie. By Leah Tebbutt of RNZ.


On the banks of the Kerikeri River rests Puketi Olive Farm. It’s here where retired doctor Peter Crelinsten is cultivating not only the oil from the olives, but the health benefits too.


Europe strengthens rules to protect PDO and PGI products

The European Parliament and the Council, the co-legislators of the European Union, have agreed to work on a new regulation that will review and reform the rules for registering and protecting geographical indications (GIs) for wines, spirits and agrifood products, including extra virgin olive oil and table olives.

Stretch that expensive olive oil by blending it with canola

Olive oil is indispensable in the kitchen; it can be used for cooking and as a finishing touch to savory and sweet dishes. But it can become even handier when the good stuff is partnered with canola oil. For starters, it's a trick to save money.

We’ve still got a way to go, it seems …

Researchers identify olive genes associated with fruit weight

The findings could help growers select the most productive olive varieties. Next, they plan to look for genes associated with polyphenol production.

Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news

The year is racing by and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) will continue to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.

And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Olive oil industry booms in Mallorca

In what has been a remarkable year for Mallorca, its olive oil industry is experiencing a significant boom.

A notable turnaround from the usual recent reports around European production.

Robust olive harvest expected in California North Coast counties

While European olive oil prices are going through the roof because extreme weather is affecting the tonnage harvested, North Bay producers of this liquid gold are bullish about what will be bottled this season.

Freshly squeezed: Coachella Valley residents take part in Sunnylands olive oil harvest

Volunteers sort olives from this year's bumper crop of the Annenberg estate's 600 olive trees at the Sunnylands Center and Gardens in Rancho Mirage, Calif., on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. Once milled, the signature Sunnylands Olive Oil will be available for purchase. Taya Gray/The Desert Sun.

Waking up early might feel like a chore sometimes, but when given an opportunity to pick olives on the historic Annenberg estate in Rancho Mirage, community members were eager to start the day.

Help with the harvest AND new brand fans … pretty good idea.

Olive oil production in Europe expected to reach 1.5M tons in 2023/24


Yields are expected to rebound after last year's historic lows. However, rising prices will hamper exports and consumption.


22 November

Olives SA AGM - RA&HS Showgrounds, Goodwood/Adelaide

15 December

AOA Office closure

29 January

AOA Office re-opens

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at

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 Olivegrower Communications:

Olivegrower & Processor 

September Issue

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