Newsletter, February 2023
New Video Highlights CCF Impact on Children, Parents, and Students
Ever wonder what CCF is really all about? Our new video highlights our research, training, and outreach mission, including parent, student, and faculty remarks about our impact. And of course, lots of bubbles! A huge thank you to CCF Advisory Council member Dan Foyt for putting this together!
2023-24 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Application Open
CCF is accepting applications for its 2023-24 Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, supported by the National Science Foundation. Students receive a $6,300 stipend over the course of the year for their participation in developmental science research, outreach, and professional education. UT Dallas and area community college students who are historically underrepresented in science are encouraged to apply. See here for more information about upcoming information sessions and to apply. Applications are due April 1st.
Bring on the Bubbles! Quenching Curiosity Event to Feature CCF Student Research
Join the Center for Children and Families and the UT Dallas Office of Research on Wednesday February 15th at 7pm at Northside Drafthouse for a presentation on how playful learning activities like song and dance, motor movement games, blowing bubbles, and even cleanup of toys build strong parent-child relationships and skills of self-regulation that are foundational for a child's healthy development and future outcomes. Details here.
Save the Date for Comets Giving Days in April
Join the Center for Children and Families for the University's 7th annual day of giving on April 19th-20th. CCF will be raising funds to support our outreach and training initiatives, including stipend support for the at-risk families who participate in our developmental research. Early giving is available now! Join us to #COMETogetherUTD!
From the Director
It has been a busy few weeks with the start of our Play With Me programs, faculty hiring in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, our professional development series for our REU students, and further planning for the spring. I hope you all can take a few minutes to view our new video outlining our work and to share it with others who may be interested in what we do. We are always happy to gather for a visit! And, please encourage students you know to apply for our REU program site in culturally responsive research in developmental science. The program has been a great success over the past two years and we are excited to be sharing the opportunity once again!