Senior Pastor's Message

Dear Saint Mark Family,

God’s grace and peace be with you.

Next Monday, January 20th, our nation will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday. On this day, all Americans are encouraged to find ways to volunteer and improve their communities. Dr. King was the key spokesperson of the Civil Rights Movement, which changed the racial and socio-economic landscape of our country. He protested racial discrimination at all levels of our society, championing the cause of Blacks and other persons of color, and the poor and underserved. His work of justice and the Movement led to significant legislative changes in our country.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are also called to the work of justice and mercy. We are Christ’s ambassadors, called to shine His light in the dark places of our world. I encourage you to find a find a way to shine the light of Christ on Monday. Be it through a local nonprofit or a local group, find a way to volunteer even an hour of your time to enrich the life of your community. Let us continue the legacy of making our communities better by shining the light of Christ through the work we do.

Last week Sunday, Bishop Dease joined the young adults at their Theology on Tap. It was a great time together, with the young adults getting the opportunity to meet with her one on one. They had conversations with her about the meaning of Epiphany and discipleship, and heard her wisdom about the many aspects of life and ministry. We are thankful to Bishop Dease for making the time to share with our young adults.

As we continue to finalize our 2025 ministry year financial needs, I want to encourage you, if you have not done so as yet, to make your 2025 financial commitment now. Our Church Council will be meeting to approve the 2025 ministry budget, and we need to have all the commitments in to determine how we will continue doing the great ministries of our church. You can fill out a commitment card and give it to one of the ushers, or you can email or call Deana Hilton with your commitment. Thank you for supporting the great work of our church.

This Sunday, you will see a difference on the outside North Wall of our Sanctuary, facing 5th Street. With the completion of the re-roofing of our sanctuary, the scaffolding on the North Wall is being taken down, and should be completely removed by today. While we are thankful that we were able to get the equipment needed to replace the roof, we are also thankful that we will now be able to see fully again the beauty of our sanctuary and the light that shines through the beautiful stained-glass windows. If you are walking on 5th street to get into the sanctuary on Sunday, take a moment to look up.

This Sunday, we will continue our “A New Start” sermon series, and we will explore what it means to be equipped for the journey ahead. I encourage you to come out and worship, and to invite a friend. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

God’s peace and all that is good be yours,

Pastor Carolyn.

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